tease the spot between Royal’s legs that was still wet and swollen. Lovey didn’t really know what she was doing except following her instincts. She wanted to be inside Royal. She wanted to claim that place that she now felt was hers. Lovey shifted her body on top of Royal’s, keeping her hand between them as she continued to slowly stroke.

Royal moaned and pulled Lovey into a kiss. “God, Lovey, what you do to me.” She was breathing hard and the words came out in a rushed whisper against Lovey’s mouth as she climaxed.

The room was dark except for the moonlight sifting through a broadleaf hardwood near the window. Lovey thought Royal was asleep. Her breathing seemed deep and even. Lovey smoothed the ever-unruly clump of blond hair off Royal’s forehead and tenderly caressed her cheek with her fingertips. The sheet was gathered around Royal’s waist, which gave Lovey an exquisite view of her torso. She swept her open palm lightly across Royal’s stomach and then up to the slight indention in the center of her chest.

In the blissful afterglow of lovemaking, a wave of sadness washed over her. What was she going to do with her feelings for Royal? What could either of them do? What could come of any of this? Reality was slowly smothering the light in her heart.

She moved on top of Royal and began to kiss her, until Royal began to stir beneath her. As Royal’s eyes fluttered, Lovey pulled her hand to her mouth and sucked two of her fingers between her lips.

“Hey.” Royal’s voice was raspy with sleep.

“Hey,” said Lovey. She was straddling Royal’s waist, leaning over her.

“Couldn’t sleep?”

“No, I need a little more of you.” She wanted Royal’s strong fingers to push inside and chase away the dark reality that was circling her before it pulled her under.

Lovey directed Royal’s hand beneath her, between them. As Royal moved inside Lovey, she pressed against Royal’s hand. Royal pulled Lovey’s face close to hers and kissed her deeply. Even barely awake, Royal was a tender and attentive lover. Lovey buried her face in Royal’s neck as the orgasm claimed her.

After the spasms subsided, she settled against Royal’s shoulder and Royal pulled her close.

Chapter Twenty-four

Lovey was home and had food prepared for her father by the time he arrived on Saturday. As she’d anticipated, he was exhausted from his long night. When she was younger she sometimes attended these events in neighboring counties, but as she’d gotten older the allure of an all-night revival had worn off and her father no longer insisted she attend.

While he ate, she got a full accounting of the happening, scored as if it were some otherworldly sporting event: God fourteen, Satan zero.

He’d slept most of the afternoon, which left Lovey alone to enjoy flashbacks of her time with Royal. She sat in one of the upholstered chairs in the study. A Gershwin melody emanated softly from the oak casing of the radio.

Lovey leaned back and closed her eyes. There were many love songs, but none for her. She tried to imagine a different time, a different place, where the love she wanted might be possible.

Maybe it was possible and she just couldn’t see clear of her own conservative upbringing. If she didn’t believe in her heart that this was an unfit love, then why was she acting as if it was, expecting to have to end it? Was she so terrified of scandal that she would act against her own heart?

She was lost in her own thoughts when Joe surprised her with a visit. He’d been stopping by more and more recently for a friendly chat, or an evening stroll. This time he’d brought a two-passenger buggy and invited her for a ride. She tried to politely refuse, saying she was just about to cook dinner. Her father goaded her to accept, saying he wasn’t hungry and could certainly wait for her to return.

Lovey did her best to graciously accept, but she worried that Joe was getting too attached too quickly. She did enjoy his company and she wasn’t intentionally trying to lead him on, but having now spent another night with Royal, she was feeling very conflicted. If she were asked to pick between them at this moment, her heart would have swiftly and without reservation chosen Royal. But her head knew that she might be forced to make a different choice. A choice she wasn’t ready to make. If pressured to do so, then Joe would not be the worst candidate. He was good-looking, polite, well mannered, and kind. He was also just the slightest bit full of himself, but in Lovey’s experience, almost every man suffered under those same delusions of grandeur.

It was a gorgeous summer evening. The perfect night for a carriage ride. Joe definitely knew how to court a young woman.

“I’ve been thinking about us.” Joe propped a foot at the side of the seat opening and let the reins droop. His horse seemed content to keep an even, slow pace without prodding.

“You have?” Lovey’s stomach clenched. She didn’t know what he was going to say next, and she was afraid to guess.

“Yeah, I think we’re a good match, don’t you?”

Okay, so he wasn’t the most romantic guy. At least he was straightforward.

“I do like you, Joe. I enjoy our outings together.”

“I don’t want to rush you. I know that you may still need some time after losing your husband, but I was thinking…I was thinking that we might get married.”

Lovey held the arm railing next to her with a white-knuckled grip. Oh, God, I’m not ready for this.

“I’m sorry. Did I take you by surprise?” He turned a little in the seat so he could see her face. “I know we haven’t been spending time together for very long, Lovey. But, well, I’m crazy about you. You’re smart, you’re pretty, and I know we’re probably both ready to start a family of our own.”

“Joe, you’re very sweet to ask. And

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