They quickly went around the side of the exterior of Preor Tower and jumped into a waiting car. Sasha noticed Dave drove and assumed her mother had the other mercenaries stationed around the building. Jenna liked to be prepared for anything.
“Thank God I got you out of there. You look good, for a change. I’ve got a spot for you on that gossip show tonight so we better get moving.”
“No.” Sasha ignored the insults and prepared herself to stand her ground.
“No?” her mother echoed.
“No.” Sasha reiterated firmly. “You can’t force me onto any new programs. You can’t make me say what you want me to say. I’ve had enough.”
Her mother shook her head. “You’re simply brainwashed, sweetie!” Her tone was so thick and condescending it made Sasha ill. “You need to get right in the head and then we can talk.”
“No, Mother. I’m not going to change my mind.”
Jenna stared out the window, muttering to herself. She reached over and absently patted Sasha’s knee. “Yes, dear. Of course.”
Shaking her head, Sasha realized her mother wasn’t even listening to her. With a sinking heart, she realized Jenna never would listen to what she had to say. She had been waiting for this moment—the day she could declare Sasha incompetent and take full control of her career and her life.
There would be more fights tonight as she refused to do whatever press conferences or interviews her mother had scheduled. All she wanted was to run back to Whelon and the ship, but if she abandoned Earth now, the Preor were finished. It really would look like programming if she returned to him so quickly.
She might have to give up everything she had built if she decided to be with Whelon. Sasha truly enjoyed her work and loved being a trusted figure in the media—even when she was only testing out the latest bikini trends.
She didn’t agree with moving into “serious” news. She felt like a fake after her years of fashion advice and soap operas. Now that it was obvious Jenna was using her to push her own agenda, Sasha knew she had to get out of news all together.
Two choices loomed before her—Whelon or her work here on Earth. Right then, that was all her future contained. When her mother glanced over, the curve of Jenna’s mouth self-satisfied and triumphant, Sasha realized she would do anything to get away from the woman. And her heart broke in that moment.
Now I see her for what she truly is, Sasha thought. Thank God for Whelon. Mother may have broken my heart, but Whelon will put the pieces back together again.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Several hours later, Whelon woke in the ship’s med bay, groggy and delirious from the sedative Yazen had given him. He did not need an explanation of what happened. It was quite obvious his dragon had lost all control and he was sedated before he could tear apart the ship in the fury of his change.
He blinked into the med bay’s bright lights, slowly bending at the waist as he sat upright. He felt as if his skull had been pounded by hammers, but other than those sensations, he felt fine.
More than fine. Ready to tear apart the universe until nothing stood between him and his mate.
Stars, he cursed. This is worse than torture! I never knew the dragon could ride my heart and disrupt life in such a way!
For most of his life, he had been in harmony with his other shape. It was one of the things that made him an excellent healer. The dragon was him and he was the dragon. He could not imagine fighting for control over the other half of himself.
But all he had to do was think about his mate—his Sasha—and his mind was taken over by a wild, raging fury. He could barely fight the beast and some part of him did not want to bother with the battle. His every cell screamed to give in to the power that would make her his. How could he argue? It was all he desired in the world.
“Easy,” Yazen murmured from nearby. Soon his friend’s hand came to rest on his shoulder. “Sit up slowly.”
“That is what I am doing,” he growled low.
“You will feel much better once you’ve claimed your mate fully. Until then, the primal urges are going to make you more dragon than male.”
Whelon shook his head, at a loss. His chest ached, deeper than blood and bone. Almost like a wound to his very soul.
“Are you returning to Preor Tower? Chashan has asked that you return. The females there need your support.”
He nodded weakly, though he only agreed because it would bring him closer to Sasha.
Yazen gave him another pat on the shoulder and then moved away, further into the med bay. Whelon took a moment to compose himself and then rose and headed out of med bay, his destination—the shuttle bay.
It was like living within a murky, dark night. The edges of his vision were clouded. Fighting that hot, fiery part of himself took all of his strength. When he reached the dock, a few Preor warriors were already climbing into a shuttle so he joined them, striding onto the smallcraft with a dazed expression.
“Are you well, Whelon?” someone spoke nearby, and it took him a moment to discern where the voice had come from.
“Oh, Amryn,” he murmured. “You are returning to Earth again?”
“Yes, but you did not answer my question.” Amryn smiled, but Whelon spied the concern in his fellow warrior’s gaze.
“I am fine.”
“Good to hear. You’re always so calm, so easy going. It does not sit well to see you like this. The Knowing sickness packs a punch, yes?”
Whelon felt as if he drifted far away and didn’t even hear the question. Everything was