I stared at the evidence, and fury boiled in my gut. I hated that this person was getting to her so easily and wouldn’t quit—he was finding her through every electronic device she had. He was smart—I’d give him that—but in the end, I’d win. There was no other option. Caroline’s safety was paramount. I sent the pictures to my phone and to my work computer.
“I’ll swing by your office in the morning and pick up the security tapes.” I swallowed and gritted my teeth before continuing my thought. “So far this guy has been thorough, and I’m not sure I will find much on the tapes, but it will help to know how he blocked them.”
Caroline nodded. “The police made a copy and reviewed it and said that the technical team would review the tapes as well. I’m ready for this to be over and forget about it.”
“I can help with that,” Daphne said and grinned.
Caroline looked over at her friend and smiled softly. “How?”
Daphne winked at Caroline and turned to me. “I’m a photographer. Mostly crime scene photography, since it pays the bills, but I’m trying to break into the book cover market. Kiernan, you’d be the perfect romance hero.”
“Oh, no,” Caroline said. “I said no!”
Daphne patted Caroline’s arm without looking at her. “I’m helping you forget. Kiernan, will you pose for photos?”
I raised my eyebrows and glanced at Caroline. Her cheeks were red, and she was shaking her head while glaring at her best friend. I wanted to laugh. “What kind of photos?”
“Shirtless. Please tell me what you got going on underneath that shirt is as good as I’m hoping.”
“Kill me now,” Caroline whispered and turned to me. “I told her not to ask you about this.”
I turned back to Daphne and patted my stomach. “It’s better. I’ll do it. Sounds fun. Only on one condition though.”
“What’s that?”
“Caroline has to be there.”
“What?” Caroline shrieked. “Why would I need to be there?”
“I’m sure Daphne needs an assistant,” I said, shrugging, and turned to Daphne.
She nodded. Her expression was completely serious. “I do. I do need an assistant. Please, Caro. He’s so perfect for a book cover. This could change my business! That’s our goal for this year!”
“You’re playing dirty,” Caroline hissed, and Daphne’s serious expression morphed into a puppy look.
“I’m only trying to help you forget this situation by bringing some levity into the mix, and what better way to forget than watch this guy without his shirt on for the afternoon?”
I held back my chuckle as Caroline’s face turned even redder. She glanced at me and her eyes swept down my body. I grinned. “I’ll go,” she muttered under her breath.
“Excellent.” Daphne grinned at me. I wasn’t sure what I was getting myself into, but it was time with Caroline away from our jobs. And being able to see her gorgeous face flushed while staring at me was only going to be a bonus.
14 Kiernan
Caroline’s front porch was stacked with boxes, and Emilio and Isaac sat in her rocking chairs. Isaac’s head tilted back as he slowly rocked back and forth and snored loudly. Emilio was watching a baseball game on his phone. I leaned against the pillar and kept a hold on Pepper Jack’s leash. He was lying on his side on the step below me with his back legs spread out. His eyes were closed, and he looked absolutely content to be lying in the sun and waiting for Caroline.
Tonight would be her first night back home. There were only a few final touches to put on her system before it would be ready to go, making it safe for her to be here. Or as safe as I could make it. Worry churned in my stomach. As I had known, the security cameras had been severed with a jammer. There were a few minutes of static before they reappeared online like nothing had happened, but there wasn’t a glimpse of anything from the seconds before or the seconds after.
Caroline pulled into her driveway and got out of her car. “I’m so sorry I’m late. Work was hectic today.” She popped open the back door of her car and grabbed an animal carrier. She strode up the walkway toward me, and I admired the swing of her hips in her scrubs. “I’m so sorry y’all had to wait. I hope it wasn’t long.”
Isaac’s snore cut through the air, and Caroline glanced at the men sitting in her rocking chairs. She frowned.
“No worries,” I said. “It wasn’t long.”
“Long enough for him to fall asleep,” she said frowning. “I feel so bad y’all had to wait out here.”
“That’s Isaac, and he can fall asleep anywhere, any time. Really, it’s been a few minutes and it’s a nice day. Ready to be home?”
“I think so.” She lifted the carrier. “Harmonica is ready to be here. She’s been grumpy without her window swing and clawing tower.”
I bent down and peered inside the carrier, sticking my finger through the hole. “Hi, Harmonica.”
“Be careful. She’s not very nice. She barely even likes me.”
Harmonica purred softly and I scratched under her chin. “Seems like a sweetheart to me.” I grinned and looked up at Caroline’s shocked face.
“Of course,” she muttered under her breath and strode past me to the front door to let us inside. I kicked Isaac’s leg. He startled awake and Emilio closed down the game on his phone and followed me in. Isaac trailed behind him. Pepper Jack trotted next to me. “You can unleash him.”
I bent and unleashed Pepper Jack. Since Caroline’s training classes he’d been better, but I was still worried that he would cause some destruction. He’d been by himself for too long today, and I’d had no other choice but to bring him. I’d need to watch him, and if he started anything, I would have to send him to the backyard or my truck with the A/C running. I