She’s huge,” Kaylee said as she pointed at Lincoln.

Dirk’s eyes grew wide, and he walked over to Lincoln. “Wow. You look…”

“Like a whale.” Lincoln sighed.

Dirk laughed. “I was going to say like a stunningly beautiful woman who is ready to pop.”

She laughed. “I am. One month to go.”

“Don’t let me stop you gentlemen from your roping session,” Dirk called out as he turned and kissed me on the cheek. “Hey, sweetheart, how are you?”

“I’m good. I’m sorry about your injury.”

“It is what it is,” Dirk said with a wink, then walked over and started shaking hands with everyone.

Once Dirk made his rounds, things got back underway.

Tanner and Ty Senior were partners, while Ty and Brock had paired up. Ty nodded for Jimmy to open the gate, then took off.

“He almost broke the line early,” Tanner stated.

We all watched as Tanner roped the calf’s head and Brock got his back leg.

“Five seconds,” Jimmy shouted.

“Damn it all to hell, Brock!”

“Me! You took forever to rope the stupid thing.”

“Last time up, Tanner and Mr. Shaw!” Jimmy cried out.

Tanner looked back at me, and I smiled and blew him a kiss. He winked, and I suddenly couldn’t wait to get the man alone.

They got into position, and a calf was loaded in the shoot. “This is it, Dad. Let’s show him how it’s done.”

Ty Senior tipped his hat toward Tanner, and Trigger stomped around, anxious to be let loose. Tanner gave the nod, and they took off. It was a blur how fast Tanner and his father went.

“Jesus! Holy shit! Oh my gosh!” Jimmy shouted as he looked at the timer in his hand.

Ty groaned, then shouted, “For the love of God, Jimmy, what was their time?”

Jimmy looked at Tanner. “Three-point-two seconds.”

I let out a scream, as did Stella. Kaylee and Lincoln both cried out in celebration.

My father looked around. “What are we screaming for?”

“You broke the record! You broke the world record!” I yelled as I climbed over the fence and ran toward Tanner.

He laughed, as did Ty Senior.

“Damn, old man! Who knew you still had it in you?” Brock said as he rode up and shook his father’s hand.

Tanner leaned down and kissed me.

“You did it, Tanner. You did it and no one will know,” I said.

He winked. “I know I did it, that’s all that matters. And I did it with my dad, which makes it all the more special.”

My cheeks burned as I looked up at him and smiled. “I love you.”

“I love you more, darlin’.”

Ty rode over and shook Tanner’s hand as I stepped out of the way. I turned to walk over to Ty Senior, who was currently off his horse and kissing Stella, bent back in a dip. I laughed and went to say something, but I came to a stop when a rope went around me.

Laughing, I turned to look at Tanner.

“What in the world are you doing?” I asked.

“Do you remember when I told you I’d never roped a woman before because I hadn’t found one worth ropin’?”

“Yes!” I said with a giggle as I took the rope off of me and walked back toward him. He stopped right in front of me, then knelt down on one knee. I sucked in a breath and felt my stomach drop.

“Well, I found her, and I don’t ever intend on letting you go. You have made me the happiest I’ve ever been, Timber, and I cannot imagine my life without you in it. I want to be by your side as every dream you’ve ever dreamed comes true. I want the honor of calling you mine, and I want desperately for you to be my wife. Will you marry me?”

Tears streamed down my face as I dropped down onto the dirt in front of him. I opened my mouth to speak, but no words would come out. The only thing I managed to do was nod and sob like a fool.

“I believe that’s a yes, son!” my father called out.

I smiled and said, “Yes! Yes, I will marry you!

Tanner’s face erupted into the most beautiful smile as he picked up my left hand and slipped on the ring. I glanced down at it and stared. Then I looked up at my father and saw him wiping away his own tears.

“Daddy,” I whispered.

“She would have wanted you to have it, princess.”

Tanner leaned in and whispered, “Go to him, Timber.”

I turned back to Tanner, cupped his face with my hands and kissed him. “I love you so much, Tanner Shaw.”

He winked. “I know. I love you too.”

Tanner stood and helped me up. I hugged him tightly, then turned and ran to my father.

He held his arms open and caught me when I ran into them. “I love you, Timberlynn. So very much.”

“Oh, Daddy. I love you too.”

Ty walked up to Brock and slapped him on the back. “I won…pay up.”




I slowly lifted the saddle pad onto the two-and-a-half-year-old gelding I was training. He stood perfectly still and turned his head ever so slightly to watch me. “That’s a good boy, Romeo.”

He threw his head back slightly as I rubbed the pad over him gently, then let it sit on his back.

“He looks comfortable with it on,” Tanner said.

I glanced over my shoulder to see the love of my life—my fiancé—sitting on the fence. Lord, he looked so handsome with his dark cowboy hat on and that sexy smile and dimple.

“He’s a trooper.” I quickly lifted the saddle and placed it onto the pad and let it sit for a few minutes.

“Okay, buddy, let’s cinch the girth and see how you like it.” I got the saddle strap just snug enough to keep it in place, and Romeo didn’t flinch.

“I’m itching to get on that horse, you know,” Tanner said as he got off the fence and headed over to us.

“Patience, Tanner. You of all people know that,” I said as I tightened the girth a bit more.

“He seems to be okay with it. Jasper

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