even though Tag couldn’t see him. “My head is exactly where I want it to be. Look, I got her out. I’m staying with her and protecting her. We’re fine.”

“I seriously doubt she’s fine. She understands that you hate her on an intellectual level, but living in close quarters with a man who despises you is another story.”

“I don’t despise her.” He’d had to come to that conclusion weeks ago. It was easy to hate her when she wasn’t sitting in front of him. He could shove out all the good memories they’d made together when she wasn’t smiling and lighting up the room. Somehow when she walked in, the world seemed more vibrant than it had been before.

“You put on a good front.”

He sighed. “Yeah, and the second she’s in danger I toss out my whole life to rescue her.”

“Ah, see, your brain does work. And what does that mean?” Tag asked.

“It means I have complex feelings when it comes to her.”

Tag chuckled. “Excellent. Explore those feelings, especially the ones concerning your dick. Now I know I talk a lot about how dicks are dumb, but sometimes dicks are so dumb they’re smart. Dicks don’t let the past get in the way of something they really want.”

“Tag, I’m not one of your projects.” The last thing he wanted was for Tag to treat him like one of the Lost Boys.

“I don’t have projects, brother,” Tag shot back. “I merely impart knowledge, and if anyone understands your position, it’s me.”

He’d heard this lecture before. Charlotte had done Big Tag wrong by faking her own death and blowing up Tag’s life. She’d cost him his career with the Agency, and he’d mourned her for years before she’d shown back up in his life. To hear Big Tag tell it, he’d been a saint, welcoming his wife back with loving arms. To hear Charlotte tell it was a whole other story.

It wasn’t the same. Charlotte had been trying to save her sister. She hadn’t sent Sean Taggart on a mission that got him killed—after Big Tag begged her not to do it.

It wasn’t the same.

“Do you have anything else you need from me? I’d like to read that report.”

Big Tag was quiet for a moment. “I’ve got a printout and Chelsea’s got a report for you, too. We’ll be landing in Paris early in the morning. My package is being delivered in the afternoon, and then we’ll be heading back to the States if everything is in order. You should know Levi’s still in London. He demanded to be let into The Garden, and Damon gave him a tour.”

So their plan was already in motion. “You expect he’ll show up in Paris.”

“Oh, I think he’ll come sometime tomorrow, and I’ll be there waiting for him,” Tag promised. “You will stay in that hidey-hole of Rene’s. I know the bed looks small, but you can actually do some pretty nasty stuff on it. See, there was this time Charlie and I had to hide from a whole bunch of groups because she’d assassinated the head of a syndicate. Got stuck there for five days. Best days of my life, man.”

He did not want to hear about how the man got his nasty on for five days. “We will definitely stay inside. Rene explained the way the place is set up. I might go downstairs for a while. Hopefully they have a hamster wheel like Sanctum. I could use a run.”

“Unless he’s gotten all modern and shit, I wouldn’t look for that in Rene’s club. He’s pretty old school,” Tag replied. “Have you thought about the fact that Solo is very likely sexually submissive?”

Only every minute of every day since he’d understood what D/s was really about. He’d sat in the classes at Sanctum and a couple at The Garden and finally realized what had been missing from most of his sexual encounters.

He’d finally realized why sex was so much better with Kim.

“Somehow I don’t think she’s going to be up for a session.”

“I think after the day she’s had, a good long session ending with a screaming orgasm would be exactly what the doctor ordered,” Tag suggested. “But what do I know? Anyway, you might think about it. It could do you both good. Unless you’re willing to let me take her back to Dallas when it’s safe and have you go your own way.”

He didn’t like the sound of that. “I’m not leaving her until I know she’s safe.”

“That could be a while.”

“It’s not like I’m doing anything else with my time.” When he thought about it, he’d been drifting since the divorce. He’d blamed it on his brother’s death, but pushing Kim away had been a big part of him losing his direction. He hadn’t thought about the future in anything more than a vague way in years. Not since he and Kim had sat up in bed and talked about having a couple of kids, eventually moving into the private sector so they could have a normal family life.

“All right, then you should think about calling a truce since you’re going to be together for at least a few weeks, maybe longer. Better to spend that time working out your shit than fighting. See you tomorrow. And do I have to say it?”

Ezra hung up because he didn’t need Big Tag to tell him to wear a freaking condom. Like he was fifteen and couldn’t control himself. Besides, he hadn’t had sex in a very long time, and Kim was on birth control. All operatives with working ovaries were.

He wasn’t going to have sex with his ex. Not that she would. Except she’d spent the last several months saving his ass as often as she could. He could tell himself it was guilt, but she was as alone as he was. Neither of them had been able to move forward with their lives.

Maybe it was time to figure out why.

He dragged on a pair of flannel pajama bottoms and a

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