LeBron was pulling Yue up onto her feet. She looked dazed and confused. Trying to catch her breath she gamely started stumbling around the house towards their detached garage. LeBron had his rifle up and was surveilling for crawlerz. They appeared to have lost them for the moment at least. Drew bent down and scooped up both the packs he’d thrown down from the roof. He waited for a pissed off looking Bart to crawl out of the broken hedges. Then they both started hobbling towards the garage behind LeBron and Yue. All of them shifting their packs around to make sure they had loaded weapons in their hands.
LeBron and Yue ran around the corner straight into a crawler who was in the process of climbing out of one of their broken windows. They both opened fire on the things back. It collapsed dead inside the window frame. The gunfire attracted others though. Including a couple who came around the corner screaming their heads off. Yue assumed those two must still be in surge mode since they were making so much noise. She shot the one on the right seeing his nose replaced by a big bloody hole. LeBron was out of ammunition so fell back to let Drew shoot the other one.
Drew shot it three times in the body and the large surger kept coming at them. Yue swung her rifle to aim and put two shots in the side of the monsters head. It collapsed to the ground with its body flopping around like a fish out of water. More movement from the front door as LeBron struggled to get the garage door unlocked. Yue and Bart just started shooting everything they had into the house while Drew frantically tried looking in every other direction at once to cover them.
“It’s open! It’s open!” LeBron was screaming behind them.
Drew yanked Yue and Bart backwards into the garage with him. LeBron slammed the door shut. They’d barely gotten over to the Traverse when they heard the door being slammed into. Yue had the keys in her bag. They all tossed their bags in the backseat while Drew scrambled to find the rope to pop up the garage door. Yue got in the driver’s seat. Bart was laid out across the back seat trying not to black out from all the pain. Pain that had to be seriously significant to cut through the fog of the pain killers Yue had been feeding him.
Drew found the rope and pulled it. The garage door popped up a foot. Drew ran over and pushed it up high enough for Yue to get out of. LeBron walked beside the Traverse on the same side as Drew shooting at anything in the darkness that moved and wasn’t Drew shaped. His night vision thrown completely off by the lights from the car. The garage door slammed into the top of the Traverse as Drew let go of it thinking it’d stay up. Sparks flew as Yue just powered through it. LeBron and Drew jumped in the car to join her. A fist smashed into the back window shattering it into approximately a zillion pieces.
Yue screamed and put the car in drive. Drew and LeBron both started shooting out the back window. Nothing clawed its way through the window to try to rip their heads off so at least one of their bullets must’ve found a home. They were both thrown across Bart when Yue accelerated way too fast down the narrow alley. She’d flicked the high beams on hoping to screw up any of the crawlerz coming at them. She could clearly see they were going to be running over corpses. Much more concerning to her was that there were at least a few of the psychos running straight for them.
Yue had no idea how they made it out of the alley. She’d never admit it, but her eyes had been closed tight about half of the time. She’d stomped her foot down hard on the accelerator and tried to keep the wheel straight as they bounced over bloated bodies and got slammed into by crawlerz. The windshield was a cracking mess of safety glass with a head shaped indent on the passenger side. Shocked to have survived running that gauntlet Yue eased up on the accelerator and turned sharply for the main road. Over her own ragged breathing she clearly heard Drew teasing LeBron.
“That would’ve been so much easier if we just had some fireworks to shoot off to distract them, right?”
Chapter 18: Are We There Yet?
“Hurry up!” LeBron hissed. He was staring at the subdivision across the street where a house was engulfed in flames. He thought he’d heard someone screaming off in the distance as well. Both excellent reasons for Drew to hurry up and get the tire changed. Yue had driven them straight through an intersection full of broken glass and twisted metal. Judging by the multiple burnt out husks of vehicles there’d been at least a couple a couple of accidents there. Everything had been fine until she’d mentioned she hoped they didn’t get a flat tire. Five seconds later the Traverse had tilted forward slightly followed by the ‘whomp whomp’ noise of a flat tire.
“So, you’re saying I shouldn’t take my time?” Drew snapped back through clenched teeth. He’d ripped half the skin off two of his knuckles trying to rush the tire change. If LeBron would just squat down and help him instead of standing there telling him to hurry, they’d be on their