Dragon Warror

Dragon Wars – Book One

By Shéa MacLeod

Dragon Warrior

COPYRIGHT © 2011 by Shéa MacLeod

Published 2011 by Sunwalker Press

The right of Shéa MacLeod to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without prior written permission of the author.

This is a work of fiction. All characters in this book are fictitious and any resemblance to actual persons either living or dead is entirely coincidental.

Cover Art: Amanda Kelsey

Edited by: Tamra Westberry and M. Edward McNally

Also by Shéa MacLeod

Cupcake Goddess

Be Careful What You Wish For

Nothing Tastes As Good

Soulfully Sweet

A Stitch In Time (A Cupcake Goddess Novelette)

Dragon Wars

Dragon Warrior

Dragon Lord

Dragon Goddess

Green Witch

Dragon Corps

Dragon Mage

Dragon's Angel

Dragon Wars Boxed Sets

Dragon Wars - Three Complete Novels Boxed Set

Dragon Wars 2: Three Complete Novels Boxed Set

Intergalactic Investigations

Infinite Justice

A Rage of Angels

Lady Rample Mysteries

Lady Rample Steps Out

Lady Rample Spies A Clue

Lady Rample and the Silver Screen

Lady Rample Sits In

Lady Rample and the Ghost of Christmas Past

Lady Rample and Cupid's Kiss

Lady Rample and the Mysterious Mr. Singh

Lady Rample and the Haunted Manor

Lady Rample Box Set One

Notting Hill Diaries

To Kiss A Prince

Kissing Frogs

Kiss Me, Chloe

Kiss Me, Stupid

Kissing Mr. Darcy

Sunwalker Saga

Kissed by Blood

Kissed by Moonlight

Kissed by Ice

Kissed by Eternity

Kissed by Destiny

Sunwalker Saga: Soulshifter Trilogy




Sunwalker Saga: Witchblood


Viola Roberts Cozy Mysteries

The Corpse in the Cabana

The Stiff in the Study

The Poison in the Pudding

The Body in the Bathtub

The Venom in the Valentine

The Remains in the Rectory

Write Novels Fast

Write Novels Fast: Writing Faster With Art Journaling

Write Novels Fast: Down and Dirty Draft


Ride the Dragon: A Paranormal/Science Fiction Boxed Set

Angel's Fall

Watch for more at Shéa MacLeod’s site.

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

Dragon Warrior (Dragon Wars, #1)








Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Note from the Author

About Shéa MacLeod

Other books by Shéa MacLeod

They say it takes a village to raise a child.

Apparently the same is true for writers.

This one’s for my village.

Your support and friendship mean the world to me.


“IT’S COMING AROUND for another pass!”

Lieutenant Micah Caine’s voice bellowed through the bunker. Even with his dark hair covered in dust, fatigues bloodied and torn, eyes bloodshot and circled with exhaustion, his charisma was undiminished. It gave them hope, and they needed all the hope they could get. This was the fourth pass and out of sixteen people, there were only three of them left.

The Lieutenant stood in front of the narrow window of the bunker, peering through his night vision binoculars. “All right, ready now.” He raised his arm for a moment then dropped it. “Give ‘em hell Harriet!”

Audrey Harrison had been a civilian back when things were normal. Her only experience with guns had been target shooting with her dad’s hunting rifles. Now she sat behind an enormous rail gun that shot bullets the size of thermos bottles, her pale blonde hair scraped back in a tail, her fingernails chewed to stubs from the stress.

Nothing was normal anymore. Not since the day all hell had broken loose.

Audrey focused through the night scope, trying to ignore the zing of happy hormones thrumming through her system every time Micah got within five feet of her. It just wasn’t going to happen. Not unless they won this war. Maybe not even then. She was pretty sure the attraction was completely one-sided.

The monster came into view. It was a big one. Its wingspan, barely visible against the night sky, must have been thirty-five feet, at least. Fire shot from its mouth, strafing the walls of the bunker. Concrete cracked under the intense heat.

Audrey swiped damp palms against her jeans before wrapping her hands carefully around the grips of the rail gun and squinting through the sights. Her blood ran cold as the creature hovered into view: Dragon. It was a horror beyond belief, a living nightmare. Ever so gently she squeezed the trigger.

Her shot ripped through the air, slamming into the winged creature. The thing screamed as it dipped slightly in the sky, but it was a scream of rage, not pain. The shell hadn’t done a damn thing. She swore slightly and fired again.

Shell after shell tore through the night and shell after shell pulverized to dust against the monster’s impenetrable hide. The lieutenant waved at her to stop.

“Foster! Grenade.”

Foster scrambled toward the lieutenant, grenade launcher cradled against his chest. Audrey wasn’t sure what Foster’s first name was. Like the lieutenant, he was army. Unlike the Lieutenant, Foster had never seen action until the day the monsters got loose. He’d never even graduated from boot camp and now he was fighting for his life against creatures that shouldn’t exist outside a horror film. Audrey would have felt sorry for him, but she had no time to feel sorry for anyone, not even herself.

Foster stumbled over fallen rubble, face pale under streaks of dust and soot. When he nearly dropped the launcher, Micah grabbed it out of his hands and hefted it onto his own shoulder. For just a minute he paused, silhouetted against the night. Then he fired.

The world exploded.

A chunk of concrete slammed into Audrey’s shoulder, knocking her out of her seat. She hit the floor so hard it knocked the breath out of her. When she could breathe again, she almost wished she couldn’t. Her entire body throbbed with pain. She touched her right temple and her hand came away covered in blood.

She turned her head carefully. Foster was gone, buried under a pile of rubble, a single pale hand poking from the debris, clutching at nothing. The ceiling above where he’d stood was now a gaping hole.


She barely recognized the hoarse whisper. “I’m here Micah. I can’t ... I can’t move.”

“Sorry, Audrey.” His voice was slurred. “I thought ... safe. Got the bastard. Got him ... dead ...” Micah’s voice trailed to a whisper.


She could hear his breathing, a harsh rattle in the stillness. “Micah? Micah, can you hear me?” She managed to pull herself up, arm clamped tightly

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