I take my time as I am getting ready to go out to dinner for the first time under the pretenses of a date. As stupid as it may be I am beyond excited. I was never allowed to before so the fact that Nicoli is making a point to do it causes my heart to flutter a little. Maybe I could get used to being with him. He really isn't that bad. He may say he doesn’t do love but he is good at making me feel wanted and cared for.
Climbing out of the shower, I put on some light makeup before doing my hair, pulling it up in a high pony and curling the ends. After putting in some earrings I glance back in the mirror, satisfied with what I see. Hurrying to the closet, I slipped on one of my new dresses I got today. It is bright red and hangs off my shoulders, hugging my body tight, and stops mid thigh in length. After slipping on my heels, I finish it off by applying some red lipstick to my lips to match.
Feeling sexy and confident, I head downstairs to find Nico so we can go. As I descend down the stairs I can hear him talking on the phone with someone.
“Yes I will be there tomorrow. Set the meeting up and noti-” His words stop short at my arrival. Eyes grazing over me, he hangs up on his conversation setting his phone down onto the counter next to him.
“Holy fuck.” He gapes at me, “You look beautiful, like the sweetest sin I have ever had the pleasure to commit.”
I blush at his comment, not able to stop the rush of happiness at his words. Reaching down under my chin he tilts my head to him. Leaning down he kisses me. It is soft but holds need and passion as he moves against my lips. He doesn't linger long before pulling away, straightening himself up he holds out his hand to me.
"You ready?" Grinning ear to ear he takes my hand in his as he leads me out to dinner.
The evening seemed to go by too quickly and before I knew it we were back home. As I am inside the bathroom getting ready to lie down, I can't help but admire the man waiting just outside the door. While he has the capability to be kind and gentle he hides it away well beyond his cold hard exterior.
Peeling out of my dress, I think back to today. The whole day was wonderful and I couldn't be more happy as I stand here now. Nicoli had gone out of his way, and done everything just for me.
Sliding up my shorts, my thoughts are pulled to an even earlier time today as I notice bruises forming against my skin on my thighs. Blushing at the memory, I recall the look on his face this afternoon with his finger in my mouth. Hmmm, maybe I should do something for him. My nerves jump at the thought before trying to convince myself it would be no big deal. Just do it. Just go out there and do it, you won’t know till you try.
What if you are bad? You have no idea what you are doing.
No, I’m sure he will love it no matter what, how hard can it be. Making up my mind I hurry and throw on my shirt. Deciding to leave my hair up before I walk out into the room.
Nicoli is sitting on his bed watching me as I pad lightly over to the bed. Moving to his side instead of my own I climbed on top of him straddling his hips. He eyes me curiously, interested in what I am doing. Grabbing hold of his hand, I lift it up to my face.
“Liliana, what are.-” His trails off as I take one of his fingers into my mouth as I had earlier at the park. Sucking lightly as I swirl my tongue around it before pulling it out with an audible pop. His eyes bugle at the action, and not having expected it. I feel his cock come to life underneath me at my tease with his finger. Moving my hands down his chest I take my time to appreciate all the defined lines and contours of his abs as they make their way to his waist. Taking a finger I swipe my nail slowly just under his waistband, pushing hard into him as I go. A sharp hiss escapes his lips causing my eyes to dart up to his. Desire thick as his eyes dilate further as he gazes down at me.
“I don’t know what your doing but don’t fucking stop sweetheart.”
Feeling more confidence in his words I reach back down placing a finger under the elastic of his shorts. Pushing up slightly before letting it slap back against his skin. “I need these off.” Not hesitating for a minute he lifts his hips underneath me sliding them down off his body. His hard length springing up no longer constricted by the fabric. Settling his hips back into the bed, I shift off to the side of him. Taking him in my hand as I begin to stroke him in long slow pulls as I refamilar myself with him. Becoming more sure in my touches, I bend down to his body placing a kiss under his navel moving farther down with each one. Getting down to his waist I flick my tongue out wetting the skin above his waist.
He draws in a deep breath as he feels the wet caress of my tongue. Positioning