“Liliana, you don’t need to clean that up.” His deep voice startles me sending me forward. Having lost my balance, my hand lands against the floor with the shard of glass in my palm. I wince as I feel the sting as it slices open my hand.
“Shit.” Not bothering to glance down at my hand I whirl around to watch Nico. Not yet sure which one I am now greeted with, the dark or the light. Brows pinched at my reaction he looks down at my hand that I am now cradling in the other.
“Liliana, are you okay?” He takes a step forward, as I take one back. He stills at my instant retreat.
Holding his hands up at me in surender, he speaks calmly to me. With his voice more even and in control than upstairs and eyes not so dilated as he looks back at me. “I am sorry for what just happened. For what I did and tried to do.” Looking down. “I, we were attacked tonight. Someone had information on a meeting we were supposed to be having. They had killed my guards stationed out front before coming in and trying to unload on us, intending to kill every one of us. They succeeded in killing some of my men, one of my underbosses, and a couple of the younger just made men.” Still only watching him he continues.
“I was able to tackle one of them as they retreated. He pulled out a knife and slashed at my chest before knocking me off him. Before I could get back up to him he put the knife to his throat and ended his own life. Knowing what horrors awaited him should he be caught alive. My rage and darkness took over, it consumed me. When I got home and saw you laying in the bed waiting for me, I was drawn to you. Craving some of the innocence and light you held. I wanted to feed off it, rip it from your grasp and take it for my own.” Pausing he looks back up to me. Pain and regret etching in his face. “Liliana, that will never happen again. If I ever feel myself close to my breaking point I will not return home. I will not risk putting you in a situation like that again.” His eyes silently begged me to forgive him.
He looks back down at my hand when I don’t respond. Seeing blood pooling in my hand he goes to step forward again. This time I stay put as he closes the distance. Gently grabbing my hand he pulls it out to him to inspect it.
“Fuck Lil, I’m sorry. Let me get this cleaned up for you.” Sensing the change in him, I can tell that the Nico I know is back. The darkness pushed back from the surface for now. Allowing him to lead me to the bathroom he opens the door turning on the light. He clenches his jaw as he looks down and sees my abandoned blood soaked shirt on the floor. Turning on the water he adjusts the temperature to a lukewarm setting before putting my hand under the water. I hiss at the sharp sting that shoots through my hand as the water splashes onto the cut and glass. Upon rinsing it off he inspects it closer, seeing the glass still stuck in my palm.
“This is going to hurt a little sweetheart.” Turning away, not wanting to see when he is going to pull it out. I wince at the pain as it is pulled from my flesh. Reaching under the sink he pulls out a first aid kit and opens it up. Grabbing out some antibiotic cream and a wrap. “I don’t think it needs stitches, but I’m going to wrap it so it doesn't get infected.” He is careful as he puts the cream on before placing some gauze down to soak up the blood. Taking the wrap he winds it up and around my hand securing it in place.
"Thank you." I say back, looking up at him. "How are you?" I say looking down to his shirt covered chest where he was bleeding earlier.
"It's fine. I was able to bandage and stop the bleeding for tonight. I'll have the doctor come over tomorrow and stitch it up for me though." Nodding despite the small bit of concern I have over leaving it. It looked really bad. "Do you want to come up to bed now?"
I look back up at him, not fully calmed down from earlier. “It’s okay Lil, I promise. I am fully in control now.”
"Okay.” I allow him to lead me back upstairs cautiously checking his expression. As we head upstairs as I think about how the bed probably looks. Cringing thinking we may have to change the sheets tonight before I will be able to sleep in it. Coming into the room I see it has already been changed. Nicoli must have done it after his shower before coming down.
Laying down onto the bed, I try to fall asleep despite seeing the cold darkness I saw in Nico's eyes earlier.
Liliana sleeps soundly beside me as I lay awake. Not able to get over what happened earlier. Guilt eating at me over what I had done. I should have known better than to come home like that. She isn't just one of those desperate women I used to fuck to get it out of my system. I made sure to pick the women that could handle the darkness, Liliana can't. Not yet at least.
Feeling her shift beside me as she moves her body into mine as if searching for comfort and safety. Sweetheart I am anything but. Pulling her close wanting to draw her in, I allow her to snuggle into me. Relishing having the intoxicating innocent light she