back to me. The momentum of the turn causes us to lose balance. Tucking her in my embrace I twist as we fall, rolling off the edge of the couch before we thump in a heap on the floor.

Now caged beneath my body I look down at her. She fights holding back a smile until laughter bursts from her lips as she struggles for breath. A smile tugs at my own lips melting away the predatory need, finding it hard to ignore her infectious joy. Reaching up her hand she brushes my cheek lightly before stretching up and placing a soft kiss against my lips. Pulling away she lays back on the floor.

As I gaze down at her something stirs inside me. A fierce need to protect her claws at my chest. Knowing she is the only person with the power to bring out the happiness that remains otherwise buried when she is not around. The realization that I need her in my life both excites and terrifies me. I lean down joining her soft lips against my own as I kiss the one thing that has the power to resurrect and destroy me at the same time.

Pushing myself up I reach down pulling her to her feet. I stand there in the living room watching her walk back to the kitchen as a dread slowly settles over me. Realizing I care for her makes her an even bigger target to my enemies because she is now my weakness. One that I would stop at nothing to keep safe.



As I am pinned against the floor looking at the serious expression on Nico’s face I can’t help but find humor in the moment. Like a dam bursting my laughter rushes out, gasping for air the longer I go. A smile breaks over his face looking down at me. Something that I can’t quite place passes over his expression. It’s one I haven’t seen on his face before. Affection maybe? No it couldn't be that. He looks deep in though, as he stares at me before his face bunches up with concern. I’m not sure what is going on in his head when he leans down taking my lips in a soft wistful kiss. Climbing off me he reaches down helping me to my feet after him. Stepping out of the way he allows me to walk past him to make my way to the kitchen.

I bring myself back to the food that is cooking on the stove, now slightly burnt at my lack of attention. Glancing back I notice Nico is still seemingly lost in his thoughts where I left him. “Is everything okay?”

Shaking off whatever thoughts were dwelling in his head he nods. “Yes, I actually have a surprise for you.”

“You do?” Curiosity starts to bubble up at his words. He doesn’t divulge any information as he stands there. “Well? What's the surprise?”

“You will have to see tomorrow.”

Really? Frustration eats at me knowing I will have to try to sleep with this knowledge. The rest of the night is spent in a constant battle of wills as I nag and try to pry information from him about what it could be. Stubborn as he is, he remains tight lipped and doesn’t give me any idea as to what it is.

The next morning couldn't come soon enough as I woke with the same bubbling excitement as I finally fell asleep with. What in the world could it be? Rolling over I begin my nagging right where I left off last night.

“So are you going to tell me what it is now?” Groaning at me he places a pillow over his face.

“Woman.” He scolds, “just go get dressed. You will find out shortly.” Jumping out of bed, I hear Nico’s phone ping. He glances down at the screen as I rush to get dressed for the day. Pulling on my shorts and walking out into the room ready for whatever he has coming. Raising my brows at him still laying in bed, completely unconcerned that I am about to burst at the seams.

“Well?” I draw out the question. Before he gets a chance to respond I hear it. Voices drift upstairs, though muffled from the walls I can make out who it is.

“If I wasn’t here for Lil and trying to be on my best behavior, I would tell you to go fuck yourself Hercules.”

Gianna? My eyes dart to Nico as my heart swells knowing he did this for me. Running to the bed I jump on wrapping my arms around him in gratitude.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I can feel him chuckle underneath me at my enthusiasm and excitement. Lifting my head up, I place my lips over his, putting as much enthusiasm into the kiss as I can. Moving my lips along with his, wanting him to feel my appreciation in it. He slides his hands over my waist down to my ass gripping me tight while pushing my body slightly into his. Flexing his hands into my skin just before he releases his hold, parting our kiss along with his grip. He speaks in a tone that clearly objects with what he says as he grinds out.

“Go see her.” Eyeing him, at the clear opposition in his tone. “Sweetheart, you have about five seconds to get your ass out of this room before I tie you to the bed, having my way with you till you're writhing around in agony before you cum, screaming out loud enough for your friend to hear downstairs.” Knowing damn well he isn't bluffing I place one last quick kiss to his lips before jumping off and fleeing out the door.

Heading down the stairs I no longer hear Daveon or Gianna speaking. Rounding the hallway I see Gianna sitting on the couch, phone in hand, while Daveon has retreated outside smoking. Lifting her eyes

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