“My father didn’t have a choice in the matter. Dante owes them and he wanted me, specifically me.” Her shoulders slump forward.
“Gianna, you’re freaking me out, who is he?”
“Enzo Vastili.”
“No fucking way, that is not happening. Your father can’t. Do they not know what that man does to women? His reputation?”
“They know but they can’t do anything. Dante doesn’t want a war with them. He doesn't have the support against them. He wouldn’t risk angering them just because of one girl. We are just pawns to them all.” My own eyes start to water. This cannot be happening. Enzo has a reputation, a bad one among women. He is known for his crude behavior towards them, he has beat and raped so many women but has never been punished for it.
This can’t happen.
“G, I, I don’t know what to say. We will figure something out.”
“There isn't anything to figure out Lil. It’s happening there is nothing we can do to stop it.” Sympathy shines in my eyes as I worry over my best friend. Mistaking it for pity she straightens, as I know she doesn’t like to feel like a victim. “I decided to take what's mine. I may have no say in the matter of marriage but I won’t allow him to force my virginity from me.”
Confused at her words I stare at her. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, I will decide where and who I lose my virginity to, he might get to take me but he won’t get what he wants. I don’t care what happens because of it I won’t give him the satisfaction of stealing it.”
Gaping at her bold words, a worry settles deep in my stomach. This is going to end badly. I will talk with Nico, there has to be something we can do.
Narrowing her eyes at me knowing what I am thinking. “Don’t try to get involved Lil, I won’t have you dragging yourself into this mess.”
“I wasn’t.-” She lifts up her hands stopping me.
“Seriously, don’t. I will be fine, just be there for me like I was for you.” Not able to do anything but nod at her wishes, even though I know I won’t listen to her request.
“Anyway,” she says waving her hand dismissing the topic. “I know Nico hasn’t kept his hands off you, no flipping way. So spill it. I wanna hear all of it.” She grins eager to hear all about my experience.
A while later Nico had texted me letting me know he would be quite late tonight. So I stay up with Gianna until we are both struggling to stay awake. Once she is out I slip back into my room and into our bed where I fall asleep waiting for Nico to come home.
Waking the next morning to an argument downstairs. Nico groans beside me rolling over on the bed. “Do they not know how to shut the fuck up?” Placing a kiss on his cheek I slide out of bed to see what the commotion is downstairs. Slipping out the door, I close it behind me trying to let Nico get a little more rest.
“Oh excuse me, I didn’t realize you knew everything about me?”
“Do you always have to be so bitchy all the time, good hell woman.” I hear a soft thud as something light hits the wall in the living room.
Oh no. I walk in to Gianna holding a throw pillow off the couch in her hand. Another sitting on the floor by Daveon. Tension thick in the air as they glare at each other.
“Hey guys, how did you both sleep?” I ask trying to divert their attention off each other. Both looking as if they want to rip each other's throats out.
“Fine.” They both get out at the same time. Daveon mumbles something under his breath. “I’m gonna go smoke.” Grumbling he moves towards the balcony pulling out a cigarette as he walks out the door. Turning my attention back to Gianna I narrow my eyes at her. She looks over at me sensing my gaze.
“What?” She asks defensively. I only raise a brow at her, knowing she knows damn well what. “Ugh, I’m sorry okay. He is just so...infuriating and arrogant.” I steal her with a look.
“Be nice he is actually really easy to get along with if you give him a chance. Just try okay?”
She scowls at me before replying. “Fine, but only for you.” Nico comes down as she finishes talking, he looks out at Daveon before glancing back at us.
"Gianna," he nods her way. "It's so lovely hearing your voice first thing in the mornings." He quips out sarcastically.
"Hades," she acknowledges him back. Nico's eyes light with amusement at her nickname. Shaking his head he goes to speak with Daveon outside. "So what should we do today. There really isn't anything left to do for the wedding, so we should be fine to do whatever."
"Why don't we go check out one of the beaches here?"
“Okay that sounds good. I actually haven’t been to one since I left L.A.”
“Really? Well it’s settled then, let's go to the beach.”
With our eyes closed, we lay out on the beach listening to the waves crash against the sand, soaking up the sun. Enjoying being back on the beach, reminding me of L.A. and my mother. Feeling content and happy having Gianna at my side as we lay blissfully unaware of the rest of the world. That is until a figure stands over us shrouding our bodies in shade. I look up at the person towering over us as Gianna pushes up from her stomach turning around.
Oh fucking joy. Alice…
“Liliana! How are you doing?”
“Alice.” I force out in as nice a voice I can muster. “I am doing fine, and you?”
“Oh I am doing wonderful. How is the wedding coming along?”
“It’s going great.”