She gives me a spiteful look. “I just wanted to wish you the best before the wedding. Make sure you know what you're getting yourself into. I know how Nico can get, how he can lose himself in his own darkness, how rough and harsh he can be. I just wanted to warn you, make sure it was something you can handle. He needs someone who can take the dark side of him, and you just don't strike me as being able to do that. I was worried after the incident at their meeting. In fact I went to see him last week to make sure he didn’t need any help gaining control, he always used to come to me you know. After I left he seemed perfectly fine though.” She grins wide at her implications as anger surged through me at her words.
Nope I’m not falling for that shit. I know Nico wouldn’t do that to me. I try to convince myself, even as a nagging feeling takes root inside my mind.
Gianna coughs the word skank under her breath. Alice looks over to her clearly not having heard what she said. “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t realize you had made a friend.” Inspecting her further she continues. “I don’t believe we have met, my name is Alice Vitello, and you are?”
“Not interested in your fake tits and fake personality.” Laying back down not bothering to give Alice anymore attention she so desperately craves. Gasping at her words, Alice seethes as she just stands there, glaring daggers into Gianna’s back.
“You little bitch. How dare you talk to me like that. If Nicoli knew what you.-”
Gianna pushes herself off the ground moving in front of Alice interrupting her tantrum. “Said?” she finishes her sentence. “He would do what? Give a damn? I don’t think so hun. Considering Liliana here is the one marrying him in a couple days where you were always just a hole to stick his dick for a few months while he pined and waited for her. Now that she is in the picture you clearly mean nothing to him. Again pointing out that she is the one with the ring on her finger. Not you. So why don't you do yourself a favor and run along and find another piece of shit to call your own instead of standing here embarrassing yourself further. Advice from one girl to another? Maybe try finding one who actually wants you for your horrid personality instead of your ability to suck dick though. Ya?”
Trying my damn hardest to fight the grin pulling long on my face at watching her face fall and frustration rise towards Gianna’s words. Instead of responding she storms off, stomping away like a child throwing a tantrum. Gianna settles back down beside me watching her retreat. “What a fucking bitch.” She says casually. I can’t help but laugh at Gianna and her bold mouth.
That's definitely going to get her into trouble one day.
Later that night I waited for Nicoli to get home so I could ask him about what had been bothering me all day. Ever since she came and ruined our afternoon I haven’t been able to think of anything else. I think back on what she said about being able to handle his darkness. Recalling how he came home that night, I shudder. Is that something I can handle? My mind doubts itself.
Would it really be so bad? To accept the darker sides of him, to help bring him back? Could I handle it? My mind questions my resolve. You will have to if you love him. Another part of me pipes up. Love? Do I love him? My mind stops its internal assault as I hear him opening the door. Walking in he looks over noticing I am still awake.
"Liliana? What are you doing up still?” He questions walking over to me. Debating how to approach this I decide to be forward about it.
“I saw Alice today.”
“And?” I hear the curiosity in his voice. “Did she do something to upset you?” He asks, picking up on my tone.
“She mentioned that she went to see you last week.”
“She did.” He says cooly.
“And she insinuated you two did things.”
“Liliana.” His voice holds disappointment. “When I told you that was the last time I would touch her I was being sincere. She did come to my office but I was not expecting her. I sent her away just as quick as she came too.”
“Okay.” I say, looking down, embarrassed at having to ask him for reassurance. He pulls my chin up so he can see my face. “What else?”
I remain mute, pondering the weight of the words I am about to say. Needing to see for myself if what she said was true. “I want you to let go of some of your control with me.”
“What?” He drops my face, moving back a step from me.
“I want you to let go of some of your self control and do what you want with me.”
“Liliana.” He warns. His voice sounding unsure as it drops low at what I am asking.
“I need to see if I can handle you Nico… all of you.”
“And if you can't and I don’t stop? What then?”
“Then I accept what happens knowing what I am asking.”
Shaking his head as he moves further away from me. “No, I’m sorry Lil, but I can’t do that.”
Getting frustrated at his rejection, I climb off the bed. “Why?”
“Because we will be married in only a couple more days. You told me you had wanted to wait.” He throws out as an excuse.
“Well we have been living together for two months now, why do we need to wait for two more days. I am telling you now I don’t care,”
“And I am telling you no. Do you even realize what you