the  man who attacked us last night. I was able to dig up a little information on him but I want to know everything about the fucker.”

Turning to glare at me huffs out. “Why can’t you call him and do it yourself. You know I don’t care for that arrogant prick.”

“Yes but you came here to offer help so it would be a shame to put that time to waste. Plus he seems more receptive when the requests come from you than me, so don’t be a pain in my ass and just do as I say.”

Flipping me off, she turns to leave not bothering to respond to my request. As she closes the door my attention is drawn back to the doctor in front of me as he puts the cold needle to my skin, I don't even feel when it breaks the flesh as he starts working to stitch it up. I turn back to Daveon, still not finished discussing things with him.

"I guess we'll just need to keep an eye on everyone from here on out. Be more discreet in who we divulge information too in case it is someone with our men." Daveon nods in agreement, finishing his drink he goes to stand up.

"Did you need me to stay longer?"

"No you are good to go though I do have a task I need you to do for me."

His face turning up in excitement over what I might say. "You know Lil's friend Gianna?"

He nods as he eyes me suspiciously. "Ya, why?"

"I need you to figure out how to get her here this week to be with Liliana before and through the wedding."

"You can't be serious? How in the hell am I supposed to do that?"

"I don't know, but I need you to figure it out. Get in contact with Antonio, see what he can do. I want her here in a week." Dismissing him he storms over to the door. Grabbing hold of the knob he twists it angrily. "Oh and one more thing, you will be her personal guard while she is here. I don't trust anyone else to watch her. I don't need to tell you she is quite the spitfire so you'll need to be on your toes. Nothing can happen to her while she is here, I will not start a war over something so ridiculous." He doesn't acknowledge me as he opens and slams the door shut behind him. Though I can't say I don't feel his reluctance at the idea. I myself don't know how I will get through a whole week having that woman in my house without wanting to strangle her.

This is for Liliana. You're doing it for her. I chant to remind myself.

"You should be all good to go now. Just try to take it easy for the next little bit. Should you tear the stitches you will need to give me another call. Just try to keep it clean in the meantime and it should heal up just fine."

"Will do, thanks doc." He packs up his things and leaves. That's one thing I like about him. No bullshit. He gets in and out and leaves it at that.

After he leaves closing the door behind him I open the file of information I have obtained on the man who had attacked us. Nothing looks out of place, he lives here in New York. Doesn't have any known ties to the mafia. So why attack us? He was clearly hired by someone but why and by whom. Flipping through some pictures I try to see if I can recognize anything about him. Nothing seems to jump out until I come to an image that couldn’t be purely coincidental.

The picture is a social media upload of him snapping a picture at a coffee shop I recognize from across the road at central park. He is in a green shirt, black pants with a Lakers cap on his head. That mother fucker. He was the one who was watching Liliana at the park that day, but why? A sudden need to hear her voice has me pulling out my phone dialing her number.

She answers on the third ring. "Hey you, how's your day going?" Her voice sings through the phone.

"It's been okay. Are you at home?"

"Ya, why?"

"Just making sure."

"And here I thought you always knew where I was at all times." Her light laughter carries through the phone causing my own lips to turn up slightly. A light knock taps on the other side of the door. My brows pull together wondering who it would be.

"Ya I do, I just wanted to make sure you were safe. Do me a favor and stay home today though, I don't want you going out.”

"Okay, I will. Is everything okay?” I can hear the slight concern in her voice.

“Ya everything is fine, just a little on edge after what happened at the meeting yesterday. I gotta go Lil but I'll be home soon. "

“Okay, just be safe. I'll see you later tonight." Hanging up the phone I grab my gun off the desk before walking back to the door.

I'm not expecting any other visitors right now.

Opening the door I'm surprised to see Alicestanding on the other side. Tucking my gun in the waistband of my pants I open the door farther.

"What do you want Alice?" Irritation thick in my voice as she slides past me brushing her way into the room, leaning herself against my desk.

She looks at me with a pout on her face. "Now is that anyway to greet an old flame?"

Not wanting to deal with her right now, I feel my jaw clench in irritation. Pushing off the desk she walks over to me getting closer than necessary but knowing damn well she is doing it on purpose. "Nico there is no reason you need to be so cold towards me. Besides I came to make sure you were okay. I had heard there was an incident last

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