spending what remaining time I have left with Gianna. Even though I have been planning it for two months it still seems surreal, now sitting in front of a vanity as everyone moves around me. Butterflies flutter inside my stomach as my multiple stylists are rushing around in a hurry to get me ready. My hair is curled and swept up into a strategically messy updo, leaving a few wisps of hair to frame my face. After having rejected the idea of a thick layer of makeup like I had adorned to the engagement party, they work on a more subtle look that highlights my natural features.

Feeling satisfied as I look in the mirror at my appearance. My red hair is a stark contrast to the white of my dress. Once everyone is done with their work, they pack up, leaving me and Gianna alone in the room. “Lil.” Adoration in her eyes, “you look so beautiful.”

“So do you." I gush at her midnight blue dress. She looks gorgeous as usual. I smile at her before turning back to the mirror. "Everything looks perfect.”

“Well almost perfect.” She says making her way to me holding onto my mother's blue hair pin. “Something old.-”

“Something blue.” I finish for her as she reaches out, placing it in my hair. “Now it's perfect.” She reaches down for my hand giving me an encouraging squeeze. “Your mother would be so happy right now Lil, seeing you like this, knowing you're happy.” My eyes water at her words. We only get a few more moments alone before a knock on the door indicates it is time. Linking my arm in hers, she pulls me out of the room.

We wait as we are standing in front of the large wooden doors as I hear muffled voices floating through the cracks. My stomach tightens with apprehension as I prepare myself to have to walk through, just as my heart hammers inside my chest at my rising nerves. Knowing there are a ton of people here, that all their eyes will be on me, knowing that not everyone agrees with our union.

“Hey, relax, you've got this. You look absolutely stunning and though he can be an outright ass, even I can see how much he cares for you, Lil.” I give her my best attempt at a smile, though it feels forced on my lips. I hear music begin to play as everyone becomes silent. Someone pulls open the doors from the inside as all eyes land on me and Gianna. Giving me a supportive squeeze with her arm linked around mine she steps forward, pulling me in with her. My eyes flicker around the room at all of the people packed into the church. Anxiety at all the attention steadily grows until my eyes land on one man. I catch sight of the look Nico is giving me upon finally seeing me walking down the aisle towards him. Something in his eyes pulls at my heart, melting away some of the anxiety. His eyes shine with a boyish excitement, a rare expression  to see on him. Meeting his gaze, his eyes remain unwavering as he stares at me.

Forcing myself to focus on only him, my panic slowly slips away as I begin to relax again. As we come up to stand in front of Nico, Gianna slips her arm away as Nicoli takes hold of my hand bringing me up closer to face him. Everything becomes silent around us as the music stops, giving us a brief moment just before the priest begins. Clearing his throat our attention is pulled off each other and onto him.

During his speech I try my best to focus on his words even though it's a failed attempt. I glance sideways at Nico as he trains his attention on the priest. Through my distraction I am only able to pick up on a few words here and there.

Bound together.

Obey and Respect.

Geez why are mafia marriages so cynical. It's not until he picks up a sharp kila dagger, holding his hand out to us, that I begin to focus on what is happening. Placing my hand in his he pushes the tip of the knife against the pad of skin on the finger baring my ring. My face pinches slightly as it breaks the skin, and a bead of red blood wells up to the surface. Moving my finger over the flame of a candle I watch as the droplet of blood falls into the flames. “Repeat after me. As burns this blood, should I stray so will my soul. I enter this union alive and willing and will only leave dead.” Repeating the phrase, sealing the ceremonial ritual with the binding words. Turning to Nico he repeats the same process, though he doesn’t seem to acknowledge the knife as it cuts into his flesh. The priest doesn’t move his hand over the flame like he had mine. Instead Nico moves it over the candle himself, allowing his blood to drip over the candle flame. As it drips down he looks directly to me instead of to the priest, as if speaking the oath directly to me instead of God. His voice is strong, never wavering as he promises himself to me. I am a little thrown by the intensity of his declaration, not able to look away from him.

The priest has to clear his throat, trying to regain our attention once again. Pulling from each other we both look back to him. Now finished with the ceremony, he instructs Nicoli to seal our bond. Feeling everyone's eyes on us he steps forward, slipping his arm around my waist as he pulls me to meet him. His arm brushing over the bare flesh on my back leaving goosebumps in his wake. Dipping his head low to bridge our distance his lips land over mine. Gentle but demanding as he pours passion and his soul into me while staking a claim and declaring

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