“Get the fucking car now.” I hang up not waiting for a reply. Finally through the crowd, I run out the door. Coming to a halt as I watch a taxi driving off down the road. 056. I note the number on the back of the car. Pulling the phone back up to my ear, I call Ciro, demanding he send every available soldier to search for this damn taxi.
Not wanting to risk it I call one more number. “Nico didn’t I tell you not to call my number!”
“Elijah I need a favor and I don’t care what it will cost me.”
“I’m listening.”
“ I need you to hack into the street cameras and watch where a taxi number 056 is heading and stops.”
Curiosity etched in his voice at my odd request that I am willing to do anything for. “Why.”
“Just do it. Call me when you have a direction or location.” I hang up the phone as I wait for Daveon to bring the car around. An unnerving feeling of anxiety settling over me. I motion for the guard outside to come over to me.
“Yes boss?”
“Go downstairs, there is a blonde woman in lingerie in my office. I don’t want her to leave anytime soon, make sure she stays here. I don’t care what kind of force you have to use to keep her here.” Nodding without asking any questions he turns in search of her. I have a distinct feeling she has something to do with Liliana showing up and causing this mess.
Turning as Daveon pulls up, I get in. “Mind telling me what the hell is going on?” He drives in the direction the taxi took off as I give him a quick overview of tonight's shit show of events. “Wow okay, and you don’t think she is just going home?”
“I know she isn't going home and I won’t have her roaming the city alone at night. If someone were to recognize her you know what would happen. Plus with Alice's ominous, subtle threat I want to find her now.” We continue to drive without a heading as I wait for Elijah to call me back. My mind panicking thinking of everything that could happen to her if she isn’t careful. Fuck!
It doesn’t take long before he is calling me back, answering on the first ring. “Where are they?”
He doesn't immediately respond as he takes in a deep breath. “Did you find her?” I growl out impatiently.
“Yes, but I’m not the first one who did.” A sick hole opens in my stomach at his words.
“What do you mean?” My voice is low.
“I found the car as they came to a stop. An SUV pulled in front of them, cuttin ‘em off along with one behind them. A man walked to the car and shot someone inside.” He pauses for just a moment causing my world to spin at his words. Feeling the air suck out of me, making me unable to breath.
No. My mind denies what he says. In my silence he continues.
“I don’t know who they shot as I didn’t get a clear view, but they then dragged someone else out of the car before tying them up, shoving them into the back of a SUV and taking off. I’m following it on the cameras now.”
That son of a bitch. I suck in a breath at the relief that floods me, knowing she is most likely still alive. “Where are they heading now?” My phone pings as he speaks. I put him on speaker as I look down at the address.
“I just sent you the coordinates. They are heading east. Looks like they might be heading to the docks? I’ll keep you updated but head in that direction.
Daveon makes a sharp turn at his words, heading in the direction Elijah indicated. The city rushes by in a blur of lights as we speed down the road. Every second that passes is a tighter deep knot that forms in the pit of my stomach. I am slammed by a foreign feeling, something I myself have never felt before until now. Though having seen it many times before in others I recognize it instantly.
Fear over not knowing where she is, when I have known every step she has made since declaring her mine. Fear at not knowing who has her, what they want from me, and what they are willing to do to get it. Fear over losing her. I’m startled at the thoughts that settle in my mind. Lose her? My mind rears at the thought, as a vortex of anger swirls inside me. No one will take her from me. I cannot lose her. As the thought settles over me I know I will do anything to get her back. Will kill anyone who tries to stop me. The ringing of my phone pulls me back out of my head. I don’t bother with introductions as I answer the phone and wait for Elijah's instructions.
“They are at the docks. The last image I was able to see was of them pulling into the docks.”
“Ok we aren’t far from there now. Thank you.”
I have never thanked him for a favor or job he helped me with before now. He doesn’t respond immediately as if he too is unsettled by my words.
“Ya, no problem. Good luck with whatever this is. I’ll be in touch later for payment.” Hanging up the phone I send a text to Ciro, instructing him to round up a bunch of men and head to the docks. Not knowing what the hell we are about to walk into, I want to have back up and be prepared.
“Any idea who it is?” Daveon asks as we near the docks. Turning the lights off as we approach he stops behind some cargo crates. Not wanting to be seen yet.
“Not yet, but