I clap my hands together. “Yes! I’m in charge of refreshments for the recital, but I haven’t had time to pick anything up. I’d love you forever if you’d do it for me.”
“Is that a promise?”
“Would that make you say yes?”
His green eyes sparkle, and a lightness fills me. Things are so easy with him. I’m sad we weren’t friends sooner.
He ties his hair into a bun and throws his hands up. “Okay, I’ll do it. Cookies for the kids and veggie trays for the old people. I’ll be back soon.” He winks, spinning his key ring around his finger as he walks out the door.
My phone rings a while later, Chase’s name flashing. My stomach flutters with excitement knowing that in a few short hours I’ll see him. He promised he’d make it home this time.
“Hi, Chase.”
“Hey. How you feeling today, Goldi?”
“Excited. Nervous. Mostly, I just can’t wait to see you, though.” I lean against the kitchen counter.
“I can’t wait to see you, either. Think I can steal you away after the show? I want to get us a hotel. I thought we could have some long overdue alone time. Would you like that?” His voice quiets, whispering low and raspy in my ear. “I need to fucking be inside you, baby. I can’t wait anymore.”
Arousal shoots through me.
My grip on the phone tightens as I squeeze my thighs, trying to ease the ache. “Yes,” I say on an exhale. I don’t know how I’ll explain it to Mama and Daddy, but I’ll think of something later.
“Thank fucking God… hey, hang on a second.”
He’s talking, his voice muffled like he’s covered the phone with his hand. A girl’s voice is in the background. Jealousy washes over me.
“I’m back. I’m gonna get off here though, run some errands and take a nap before I leave. Recital’s at five, right? I’ll be at your place by three-thirty. Damn, I can’t wait to see you.”
“Is Lindsay there?” The words are out before I can stop them.
“Uhh… yeah. She just showed up.”
“Oh.” All the anticipation I was feeling disappears. I can’t stand her and he knows it. But still, he keeps her in his life.
He chooses her when he should be choosing me.
Jax bursts through the door, hands filled with platters of cookies. “Just call me Sugar Daddy, sweetheart, because I’ve got all the sugar you need.” His eyebrows wag, and I snort out a giggle.
“Is that Jax?” Chase’s voice cuts through the line.
“Yeah, of course it is. He just got back with the refreshments for tonight.”
“How nice that you have him to help,” he says, dryly.
Irritation slams into me. “Yep. You have Lindsay, and I have Jax. Havin’ friends is the best, ain’t it?”
“That’s not fair.”
“What’s not fair is you bein’ glued to a girl that I’ve told you repeatedly makes me uncomfortable.”
“And I’ve told you there’s nothing for you to worry about.”
“You haven’t told me anything, other than she’s in a bad place and ‘needs’ you.”
“She does.”
“Well, so do I, Chase.” I rub my forehead. I’m so tired of having this same conversation. “Listen, I don’t wanna fight. I’ll just see you when you get here. I’m really lookin’ forward to our night together.”
“I don’t want to fight either, baby. All I want is to show you all the ways I can love you. And I do, you know? I fucking love you.”
I try to trust in what he says, but it’s no consolation. His words are just that. Words.
I push away my irritation and finish getting ready. Chase is supposed to meet me at my house so we can ride to the rec hall together. But when three-thirty comes and goes with no Chase in sight, I give up and hitch a ride with Jax.
I’m backstage with the director and my girls, trying to pump them up. It’s fifteen minutes until showtime, and still no word from Chase. I peek around the curtains and see Jax in the front row. I give him a small wave before scanning the empty seats around him. Still nothing. The disappointment settles into my bones. I don’t see my folks either, which is strange. I slip my phone out of my pocket one more time, checking for a call, a text, something. It rings in my hand.
I excuse myself from backstage quickly, hoping it’s Chase.
“Hi. Is this Alina Carson?”
“Yes. Who’s this?”
“Ms. Carson, my name is Judy Davis. I’m a nurse at CHI Memorial Hospital in Chattanooga.”
A foreboding tingle creeps up my spine, making me stand up straight. “Okay… how can I help you?”
“A Craig and Gail Carson were brought to us about an hour ago after being involved in a collision.”
“What?” I suck in a breath. “Those are my folks. Are they okay?”
“Mr. Carson escaped with minor injuries. Mrs. Carson suffered severe cranial trauma and was airlifted to our facility. I’m sorry to be blunt, but the sooner you can get here, the better.”
My vision goes blurry. The phone drops from my hand and clatters to the floor as I try to steady myself on the wall.
I can’t breathe.
“Alina?” I hear my name, but it’s distant, muddled.
Why can’t I breathe?
Jax’s face appears in front of me. “Sweetheart? What’s the matter? Your director sent me to find you. They’re ready to start.”
I look up at him. I’m trying to find the words, but I can’t talk because I. Can’t. Breathe.
My hands claw at my blouse, the silky fabric suddenly choking me. If I can just get it off maybe it will relieve the pressure pushing down on my chest.
“Whoa, Alina.” I feel hands grab mine, pulling them from my body. “Alina.” His voice is sharp and authoritative. It cuts through the fog and helps me focus. Worried forest-green eyes stare into mine.
“Mama... hospital… please,” I rasp out. It’s barely coherent, but it’s the best I can do. I collapse into Jax’s arms, tears staining his shirt.
His torso pushes against my cheek with