As soon as I step out of the building with my two holdalls, I‘m power stomping back to my room, everything passing in a blur. Unsure of how much time has passed since my emotions are causing havoc in my head.
I need to head for the gym, channel my emotions in the only way I know how.
Getting to my room, I hide the holdalls in the dresser area as quickly as I can, to get away from them as quickly as possible, they’re emotionally offending me and I can’t take anymore. I check the time, nearly lunch. I’ve got two hours until I’m due to meet Red. I quickly change into a sports bra and tight training shorts, grab my gym bag and my phone and head downstairs.
As I walk down the stairs I browse through the notifications on my phone, more calls and texts from Rafe, Jake and West. Out of the three, right now I’d probably speak to West the most, but we aren’t close enough for me to unload on him about all this.
Where do I even begin to explain the last 72 hours?
I can’t call Jake, he would take it the wrong way. I don’t need the emotional drain of him being overbearing or thinking he means more to me than he does. That just leaves Rafe and he can fuck all the way off, he’s on my shit list for the foreseeable.
Red? I guess but I can’t trust her yet, as much as my gut tells me she’s wholesome and different I just don’t know her enough.
Feeling a little more deflated I throw my phone in my bag, like it’s the phone's fault I’m dealing with all these issues at the moment. As I go to push the door open, it's opened from the other side.
My hand is raised inches from a solid chest, very nicely on display. Olive skin and ripped abs have me drawn to the sexiest ‘V’ I have ever laid my eyes on. I slowly lift my gaze, unable to stop myself from committing each groove of him to memory. Short brown hair, stunning blue eyes and a square jaw have me speechless. There’s a small beauty spot just below his left eye and I need to lick it.
Before I start to drool all over him, I shut my mouth and meet his gaze only to find fury looking back at me.
“Oh good, Princess finally shows her fucking face. Get in here, you’ve got questions to answer,” he says.
Who the hell is this guy?
Before I can even ask, “Did I fucking stutter? Move. Now.”
Oh honey, not today, really not today.
“Fuck you, asshole,” I bark, angry as hell.
Ready for him to start yelling, I throw my bag down and meet his stare. Damn, a face that good should not look so sinister when grinning, wait ...
Why the fuck is he grinning?
This girl definitely doesn’t know who I am or what I’m capable of. If she did, I wouldn't be listening to her smart mouth right now. She’d fall in line just like all the others and either bow at my feet or avoid me all together. I can’t help but grin with the thought of making her regret standing up to me. It rarely happens these days, seeing as no one has the balls.
Well, except my tight group of friends, they know the real me, not the me I have to be to the rest of the criminal world. This world is all about games and the roles we are expected to play on a daily basis, then comes the violence and the terror.
I spoke to Kai earlier this morning and he promised me this girls file by this evening, so we won’t walk into classes unprepared. When I first saw her walking in here, I couldn’t take my eyes off of her face, her green eyes captivating.
But I had to stay focused. I thought I would be able to grill her for answers and she’d give them to me out of fear. Seems I was wrong based on the scowl on her face. Although there is a touch of confusion there too, probably because of the wicked grin I can’t wipe from my face.
I’m glad I’ve caught her off guard a little.
“Well Princess, I’ve already fucked this morning but if you wanna jump on too I’m sure we can figure it out.”
The disgust on her face is instant, but better than that, she doesn’t know how to respond. I know she didn’t mean literal fucking, but I can’t seem to help myself.
I’m definitely making the situation worse. She closes her eyes for the briefest moment and just like that all the emotion is wiped from her face.
Like all of it.
She’s not mad, upset, angry, embarrassed or even irritated. How did she do that so quickly? Her green eyes are suddenly reflective pits of nothingness, like she just made it all go away. Fuck. We all mask our true feelings around here. It's an important part of our world, but I have never seen it shutter so quickly like that, never, and I’m familiar with many people.
If you found Ice Queen in the dictionary right now, this is what she would look like. I don’t know where to lead my questions now. I expected to rile her up a bit, not this, but before I can figure anything out she’s talking.
“You’re the guy from yesterday morning, right? The one I didn’t see in the crowd but who chimed in on the girl’s tirade?”
Her tone of voice is flat, no life to it. Where had the feisty girl from just moments ago gone? I want her back. I don’t know why, but it feels like it matters right now.
“Where have you gone?” I cautiously say, maintaining eye contact, but not even a blink from her.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, but it seems you have an issue with me being here like others