Wither Thou Goest
Wither Thou goest - I will go.
Wither Thou lodgest - I will lodge.
Thy people shall be - My people - own.
Wither Thou goest - I will go.
Wither Thou goest - I will go.
Wither Thou lodgest - I will lodge.
Thy people shall be - My people - own.
Wither Thou goest - I will go.
The Broken Lip
Improvisation during the Frankfurt concert of April 6th, 1972
when someone from the audience requested a non-existened song
I never had a broken lip myself
But I'm willing to try it out
So why don't you come right up here
And punch me in the mouth
I ain't got no broken lip, babe
And you can see my mouth is perfectly whole
There isn't even a trace of a cold sore
Let alone a broken lip
Come to think of it, I did have a broken lip
But that was a long time ago
When I was a lot younger and a lot thinner
And a lot more ambitious
And a lot more reverent
A lot more reverent
A whole lot more reverent
I think it was my sister
Who really had the broken lip
I remember her lip, not only was it broken
You could say it was entirely mutilated
She had a handicap
Oh little sister, you got no mouth at all
Oh little sister, you got no mouth at all
Do you find it hard to drink water?
Do you find it hard to drink wine?
You know I get down on my knees and I pray for you
Little lipless sister of mine.
Oh it wasn't my sister
No I think it was my best friend
That's why I liked him
He was very little competition
In those adolescent kissing games
Dont Know Why Im Scared Tonight
Improvisation during