Three: Evelyn and Adam were extremely close, and if these pictures weren’t a good enough demonstration, then I don’t know what is. Some of these pictures were taken at the orphanage, which I then learned from Adam that we headed there a lot until it technically became my second home; some of them were taken at the beach where Lexi, Adam and I were playing beach volley; some of them were taken at high school, which for a moment made me think that maybe our families were close, but I wasn’t sure because my parents- of course- never even mentioned Adam to me let alone his parents.
Something I noticed was that the only two times I came here, there was only one car in the driveway, and there were no signs of any parents in the house, so it occurred to me that Adam might be living alone.
Where were his parents?
Several knocks on the door break down my train of thoughts bringing me back to reality. “Can I come in?”
I quickly attempt to wipe away the tears only to find them already dried and unwrap the blanket from my body, immediately missing the warmth it was providing, before sitting up hastily to cover my legs with the dress which is probably all ruined now.
“Come on in.” My voice comes out all raspy that I cringe.
His steps were slow and steady as he made his way through the door and into the room. As ashamed as I am to admit it, Adam was good-looking in a way that makes me think that I’ll never be able get used to how handsome he is. He was a good kind of fit, not too slim nor too muscular, and his skin was a light shade of a hot tan – the kind of one that you’d get from spending two days exposed to a fully bright sun. His oval-shaped face, thick black eyebrows, sharp tiny nose, raven-black waves were all too perfect, but none of them as hypnotizing as his dark grey doe eyes.
“I got you something for the headache.” He hands me out a pill and a glass of water.
“What is it?”
“Thank you.” I offer him a genuine smile- a one that reaches my eyes- as I take the pill from him and swallow it down my throat.
“I’ll leave you to rest then.” He rubs the back of his head awkwardly and slowly started to make his way towards the door.
“Wait!” He freezes in his spot at the sound of my voice.
He turns around so that he’s facing me as I voice out my thoughts. “Can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” comes his reply.
“Who are you?” I gaze at him curiously.
Who is he really? I don’t know why, but I need to know, probably so that my mind can finally be at ease knowing that I finally know everything now- even if it’s not everything ‘everything’.
His eyes widen slightly as if he just saw something horrifying. “Adam...did you hit your head or something?”
I roll my eyes at how stupid he’s making my question sound, and a light chuckle escapes from me. “I know your name; I mean really, though, who are you? Who were you to Evel— I mean me?”
While I take a few sips of water, he looks like he’s contemplating over something, but he ends up rubbing his forehead before retrieving his hand back to his side. “Your fiancé.”
Chapter 11
Within three seconds, the water in my mouth, which I drank from the glass after taking the pill to tone down my thirst, was kicked out of it. Within three seconds and because of the shocking news I received, I spat out all the water droplets in my mouth on the floor. I didn’t even have time to feel mortified by my unladylike action, for my mind was swirling around trying to pick on what he just admitted. Getting to know that you have a fiancé you forgot about isn’t something you learn every day.
“I’m sorry; what?!”
Never would it have occurred to me that I’ve been engaged in my past life. I’ve been expecting answers along the lines of ‘friends’, ‘best friends’ or as much as I was dreading it ‘girlfriend’, but ‘fiancé’?
How come?
If what Adam’s saying is true, that we were truly engaged, then it means that we were engaged when I was extremely young, and I don’t know about Evelyn’s thoughts on early relationships, but I loathed the idea of getting engaged before finishing my college years. At least that was the reason why Adrien and I have waited so long.
“Please tell me you’re joking! I was your fiancé?” I look at him trying to get any humor vibe; that he’s messing around with me- but no.
With all seriousness, he slowly approaches me, gently holds out my hand, places a cool circular metallic object in it, and clenches my hand in a fist as if he saw it coming. “Yes.”
As soon as he lets go of my hand, I unclench it, and there it was right on the center of my palm: the proof. My eyes set themselves on the circular, shimmering silver ring, which I’m now holding. Inspecting the ring, I place it in between my thumb and index fingers and raise it to my line of sight to find a name smoothly carved on it: ‘Evelyn’. Rotating the metal around, my eyebrows furrow in confusion at what I find imprinted from behind: ‘TLND’.
“What does it mean?” My eyes find his as I