He takes it back, looking extremely uncomfortable, and I’m not blaming him- not at all. All I know is that I was the love of his love, and now I’m a stranger to him- as well as he is to me. As if the realization of the situation just dawned upon me, I suddenly felt extremely guilty. Over the past couple of days, I was led to believe that he was grieving Evelyn, when, in fact, he was grieving me.
For how long, though?
Did he not see anyone else after the accident?
“It’s an abbreviation. Your idea actually.” He looks at the sky through the window and smiles a true genuine smile probably at the memory of the time I came up with the idea, while the guilt was eating me alive. In the end, it takes two for love to exist, and even though what happened to me wasn’t something I could’ve controlled, I blame myself for making him love Evelyn the way he so clearly does.
“I’m sorry,” I blurt out.
He looks at me probably not getting why I’m suddenly apologizing. “For what?”
“For what you went through? For grieving Evelyn yet getting to see me out there alive? For living a completely different life, oblivious to the one I had with you?” I shrug my shoulders as I voice my thoughts out in regret.
“It’s not your fault.” He exhales heavily as he shakes his head. “But since you’re now aware of our previous relationship, I think it’s time for me to tell you the truth about what happened on the day of the accident because I wasn’t honest about a certain part of it.”
“Why? What happened?” My eyes widen slightly at his statement.
“I wasn’t driving you home,” for some weird reason, he avoids eye contact as he states.
“What? Then where were we going?” I hop on my feet from the sudden rush of adrenaline that burst though me.
“Our parents weren’t exactly smiling on our engagement party and after a while the ‘not smiling part’ turned into something much worse.”
“Why what happened?” I press further more for the truth.
“T-they didn’t want us to get married; they were against us being engaged from the very start, thus they wanted us to end our relationship, but that wasn’t what—”
“Wait, why did my parents want us to end our engagement?” I ask, bewilderment taking over my emotions.
Why would my parents deny me from a love I was so obviously seeking?
“Let’s just say they weren’t a big fan of me, but it doesn’t matter. The thing is, we weren’t okay with not being together, so we decided to face them. We told them we were going on with the process whether they liked it or not, and when we put the plan in action, we had an accident.”
“We were running away?!” My jaw hit the floor because Evangeline- current me- would’ve never even defied her parents, let alone run away with a guy, but I’m not sure whether I would’ve defied my parents or not if it came down to love.
“God, no! You wouldn’t have been okay with it and neither would I. We were going to meet up with a judge in a court to officiate our marriage because both of us agreed that we didn’t want a religious wedding,” he demonstrates.
So, the accident happened when we were on our way to getting married? With what my parents have done so far, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone claimed they were the reason behind our accident.
I don’t know what to think; my thoughts are all irrational now so when Adam stated he’s heading out to give me time to rest some more, all I did was nod.
Just before he closes the door behind him, he turns around and says something that causes my heart to beat wildly in my chest. Heading out, he shuts the door behind him, while I, on the other hand, couldn’t stop thinking about what he just said. The words- they kept resonating in my ears and going on and on in my mind.
‘True Love Never Dies.’
“Hey there beautiful.” Lexi winks as she enters the room.
“Hey, Lex.” I greet her back.
She rushes quickly, jumps right next to me on the bed, and eyes me in silence that it was starting to make me anxious. “What?” I raise my eyebrows questioningly.
“Nothing. How are you feeling?”
“Lost?” I push my hair back in distraught because the truth is that I’m currently consumed by more than one emotion, but overall what I’m honestly feeling is that I’m at loss.
“I know.” Her mood looks dampened all of a sudden, hence she pulls me slowly for a comforting hug as she says, “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault- really; the only ones I’m putting the blame on are my parents. Well, my parents and Trevor.”
Just thinking about them makes me feel really down. It’s not easy to learn that the people you’re living with, who you sleep with under the same roof, eat with on the same dining table and trust more than anyone else, turn out to be the real traitors- the real backstabbers. At some point when Lexi was telling me what really happened, I thought ‘I’ll listen to both sides of the story’ because well, let’s not judge too fast, but then when I thought of how they so easily lied straight to my face while I was on the rode of discovering the reality of my situation, my mind couldn’t figure out a way by which they’ll successfully prove their innocence- by which they’ll successfully prove that they were doing this intentionally for my own ‘good’.
“So…” Lexi interrupts the silence, “Did you call your parents since you cancelled the wedding?”
Lexi’s question makes me freeze in spot because in the midst of