“God! You look like you’re going to faint.” Lexi grins as she bumps my arm playfully. “Loosen up; I already called them.”
“You did?” I tilt my head up in confusion. “But didn’t you say they threatened you? What did you tell them?”
“Don’t get me wrong,” Lexi states confidently, “Your family might be frightening at times, but the only person I gave a damn about was you, so fuck them and their threats. I told them you got your memory back.”
“What?!” I can’t help but let out a light chuckle as I stare horrifyingly at the crazy woman lying on bed next to me. “Lexi, you can’t do that! Wait, how did they react?”
“You should’ve listened to the conversation; it was hilarious hearing your family lose their minds on the phone, but don’t worry. After satisfying my inner crave by watching them panic, I told them the truth: Evangeline knows she’s Evelyn, and she doesn’t love Adrien, so she cancelled off the wedding. If the girl doesn’t want to marry the guy, she does whatever the hell she wants- end of story.”
“What did they say about me cancelling it off?” I ask with a voice laced in panic now.
“Your parents screamed, literally, kept calling me names for ‘destroying their lives’, and promised that they’ll destroy mine.” Lexi shrugged as if it no longer affects her.
“What does my choice of who I love have to do with ‘destroying their lives’?” My eyes find Lexi’s as I voice out my question.
Lexi huffs out a breath as she looks me back in the eyes with her honest hazel ones. “Honestly?” I nod, pleading her with my eyes. “Honestly, Evangeline, Adam and I thought it would be better if you get to know the entire truth, but not all of it at once. What we told you was already overwhelming, so let’s break it down into stages, okay? When you completely process what we’ve told you today, I’ll give you something that’ll help you discover the whole truth yourself. Does this sound good?”
I think about her offer and decide that maybe, just maybe, it’ll be for the best, so I end up nodding.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Ask away.” She sits up from her sleeping position and crosses her legs. Lucky for her, she left in the middle of the day; she went to change her clothes into simple jeans and a shirt and came right back here to keep me company.
“How come I don’t remember something as personal as my own name? I get how I may have lost my teenage memories- memories right before the accident but my name? That I don’t get.”
“Evie.” Lexi avoids eye contact and looks down on her lap as she explains, “You suffered different types of amnesia. The accident- your injury- triggered your suffering of retrograde and global psychogenic amnesia- at least that’s what the doctors claimed at first.” She hesitantly looks up to my face before carrying on with her explanation, “Global psychogenic amnesia is where you lose your personal identity for a few hours, days or month depending on the brain trauma.” She averts her gaze again. “Your brain trauma was the kind of trauma the doctors claimed to have never seen before so when you woke up in alert not remembering who you are and what happened, the doctors thought it was global amnesia, and you’d get your memory back in a couple of days, but you didn’t. When you didn’t know who Adam was, though, the doctors claimed that it’s retrograde amnesia. It’s where you lose memory of everything that happened before the incident. When your body started recovering and by the time you got home, new memories were imprinting in your mind, and you quickly accepted yourself as Evangeline. You were accustoming to changes real quick- accustoming to having a new identity. Some of your past memories, your childhood ones, made a slow faded recovery.”
“That explains a lot actually.” I find Lexi eyeing me nervously, so I try to lighten the mood for a change. “But that was one hell of an explanation; what are you a doctor now? How did you remember all of this?”
“Researches.” She shrugs her shoulders. “After your accident, I kept trying to understand the symptoms you’ll show once you wake up so that I’d prepare myself to what I’d see. Plus, I was trying to see if there was a way that would help bring your memory back.” She wipes a few tears as her chest vibrates with a sad kind of laugh. “I’m such a failure; I didn’t find anything.”
“No you’re not; you’re not a doctor, Lexi. If the doctors themselves didn’t find a recovery road for my memories, how did you expect to find them yourself?” I pull her into my arms before whispering into her ears, “You’re a good friend, Lex.”
As if suddenly remembering something she forgot to mention to me, Lexi sits up again and wipes away the few drying tears before looking at me seriously. “There’s something I forgot to tell you. I knew that you wouldn’t want to return right this moment to your parent’s house, right?”
I nod slightly, not sure where this conversation is heading before Lexi continues, looking unsure of how I’ll respond, “I would’ve told you to stay at my house, but your parents will know right away where you’re at, so I thought it might not be such a bad idea if you stay here.”
“Lexi wha—”
“Wait.” She covers my mouth with her hand so that I’ll let her talk. “Before you get the wrong idea, Adam was already offering his entire top two floors for rent, since he almost never goes up there. Literally, his entire life is on this floor. He told me how he’s even going to build a door at the