the purple nasty bruise on his cheek, so I blurt, “What happened?”

He clenches his jaw and sets his raging green eyes on Adam as he answers through gritted teeth, “Nothing.”

“Okay then, what the hell do you want?” I cross my arms over my chest with a burning urge for him to get the hell out of here.

“I came here to make sure you’re okay after the thing with your eyes and all.” His apologetic jade eyes plead silently as if asking for my forgiveness.

The thing with my eyes?

Adam snorts in a disbelieving manner, and I have to say: I was fighting the urge to do so myself.

“You came here to check on me?” He nods, while I just try to wrap my head around how his brain works.

I’m so glad I left him- honestly.

“Adrien, let me get this straight: you came here to check on my already healed eye that you were responsible for damaging three weeks ago? Couldn’t you come any later?” I raise my eyebrows in disbelief.

“I know: I’m a douchebag.” He brushes his hand through his hair in frustration. “I’m sorry, Evangeline- I really am.”

“Can you leave my property now? Seriously, Adrien, you’re no longer welcomed in this house," Adam says seriously as he fixes his stern gaze on Adrien.

“Not before saying this.” Adrien turns around to face Adam as he says, “I hate you. Do you know what it feels like to watch her run back into your arms? She always does. She always ends up coming back to you. Somehow, she always finds her way back.”

My heart starts beating faster as I listen to Adrien’s words, taking them in. I feel a sudden need to defend myself- to tell him ‘no Adrien, I don’t’ and ‘no Adrien, it isn’t like that’- but I don’t say a word. I simply listen to what he has to say.

“When it comes down to me and you, it’s always you.” He lets out a furious disbelieving chuckle. “Hell even after she lost her memory, she left me for you.”

What the hell is he talking about? That’s not true. I left Adrien because I couldn’t make a life-changing decision while I was living a big lie that is my life. I didn’t do this for Adam, Lexi, Adrien or my parents; I did it for me.

“Adrien, I di—”

“Save it, Evelyn.” He spits my old name out like a venom before heading towards the door. “Have a nice life.”

    Just before he slams the door shut behind him, his eyes avert to Adam’s and a sinister smirk makes its way to his lips before he mutters the one word that changes everything. One of the secrets I haven’t yet unravelled from Evelyn’s diary was now being released from Adrien himself.

Adrien looked Adam in the eyes, threw me an evil-coated smirk and in a very evident voice, he said, “Goodbye, brother.”



Dear diary,


    Today I’ve discovered something interesting about myself: I absolutely hate jealousy. It’s the one feeling that is capable of corrupting minds, hearts and even friendships- maybe even relationships. I was grateful for having both Adam and Adrien in my life – other than Lexi of course, but now I feel like I’m only grateful for having one and ungrateful for knowing the other.

    In spite of acknowledging it deep down in my heart that my feelings for Adam were escalating the more I got to see him, I never stated it out loud- at least not until now. I was aware of the danger me falling for Adam would both impact on Adrien and I’s friendship and Adam and Adrien’s relationship. It’s not like I ordered my heart to fall for one of them; it just happened. Today, when Adrien decked Adam in the face out of nowhere, claiming that he’s stealing me away from him, my heart was shattered like glass into miniscule pieces. I couldn’t help but think that it wasn’t Adam’s fault because even though I started getting the hints that Adam was actually on a road to my heart as well, I felt like I’m the one who was stealing Adam from Adrien.

    It’s bad enough that they were too close- closer to each other than they were ever to me- before I crashed into their lives, or they crashed into mine. ‘Bad’ isn’t even a good word anymore. Not only am I starting to hate myself for feeling like I’m the reason that their friendship is slowly dissipating, but I’m also loathing my soul for getting in between two brothers. I feel like I’m Elena Gilbert in The Vampire Diaries. I feel like I’m a selfish bitch for doing that- even if I never meant for it to happen. I always made sure that I let them celebrate alone whenever they’d hang out with each other every weekend; I made sure I gave them time, and I made sure I’m not stealing one brother from the other, but I failed. I didn’t fail with my plan itself; I failed in reaching my goal. Now the guilt is eating me alive because I have no clue about what I should do to mend Adrien’s broken heart.

    I shut the diary immediately, for I was no longer able to take it. It’s one thing to read someone’s words, and it’s completely another thing to relate to it because I was. In this instant, I am feeling exactly what Evelyn felt, but it’s even worse. Evelyn loved Adam, but me? I had to really get in between brothers, didn’t I? I had to be engaged to Adam when I was Evelyn, and be Adrien’s fiancé as Evangeline.

God, what have I done?

   I feel like throwing up. Although I’m just staying here as a residence, I can’t help but feel disgusted with myself. I have no intention of getting back

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