file a report against them?” The question has been on my mind ever since we saw the car and as much as it worries me now that he might because -after all- they’re still my parents, it’s completely his right.

“No, it’ll just create more problems. Plus, we have no clear evidence that they’re the ones who did it.” He sounds defeated.

“The note?” I point towards the paper in his hand.

“What? The one I’m holding? It has our fingerprints on it now. It’s okay, Evangeline, really. Let’s just head inside.” He starts walking towards his house with me trailing behind him.

    He’s right- my father wouldn’t have done something like that without making sure he left no evidence that traces back to him. It’s sad, really, because now it leaves me doubting my parents. Since I’ve seen it with my own eyes- seen what they’re capable of, my mind won’t stop thinking about the possibility that they’re the ones responsible for my accident.

“But how did my parents find out that I’m staying at your house anyways?” I furrow my eyebrows.

Angling my face towards Adam’s, the ‘lost in thought’ look on his face suddenly transforms into a disappointed one, and his eyes –oh God- darken with a burning rage swimming in them as he states with no ounce of doubt, “Adrien.”

   My heart beats angrily in my chest at the sudden feeling that irked up my body. Right now, I understand Evelyn’s words when she said ‘I feel like I’m grateful for having one and ungrateful for knowing the other’ because I am. I’m cursing the day Adrien Sanderson walked into my life- for the second time.

“How could you do this? Have you lost your mind?” I yell through the phone, my voice laced in fury, as I speed walk forwards and backwards several times in my room.

      Once Adam left the house on his feet, I couldn’t control myself. I rushed up the stairs, made sure to lock the door separating our floors and closed the door of my bedroom shut just in case he comes back at any instant, for I wouldn’t want him eavesdropping on my conversation with my parents because I have a lot to say to them.

“How could we do what?” My father dares to play innocent as if he has no idea what I’m talking about.

“You know what, dad? You wanted to talk. You left me missed calls, messages, and voice notes begging me to call you, and I called. Isn’t that what we’re doing now? So let me say this once and in a very clear voice: if you will keep up your facade of innocence just like you oh-so-well did about my memory loss, I will end this phone call right now, and you won’t even touch Adam or his house or anything he owns because if you do, I’ll be the one pressing charges against you.” I let out a breath after claiming what I have to say, and even though I’m feeling a little bit guilty of how I’m choosing to handle things with my parents, I’m beyond livid right now.

“You’ll file a report against your own parents?” The accusation in his voice causes blood to rush to my cheeks.

“Have it your way then. Goodbye—”

“Wait!” He interrupts with a sudden desperate sound.

“What?” My frustration is crystal clear as my voice echoes around the room.

“Fine.” He breathes out before admitting the truth. “I wrecked up his car, so what?”

“So what?! Can you even hear yourself? I don’t recognise you anymore, dad. Do you know what Adam has done for me up till now? Instead of having someone renting up his entire two floors while constantly loading his pockets with worthy cash, he allowed me to stay up here for free- without paying a single dollar. He’s just helping me by giving me time to think, process and see what the hell I want to do with my life now! He’s being there for me right now by doing absolutely nothing. He is a decent man, dad. You offer me your acceptance to marry someone as manipulative as Adrien- a guy who gave me a black eye- instead of a gentleman like Adam- the guy who helped my healing process. For God’s sake, the man won’t even tell me what happened between me and you because he doesn’t want to be the reason I end up cutting attachments! What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Adrien punched you?” I roll my eyes at his question, although his surprise isn’t something I was awaiting since Trevor saw it, so I assumed he must’ve told them.

“He did, and Adam gave me ointments and ice packs to treat my wounds. Right now, he’s offering me food and a roof above my head until I sort things out, and that’s all I care about right now. He cares about me, dad, even when I’m not Evelyn. Is this how you repay the man?” My tone is now much calmer and gentle, barely above a whisper as I try knocking some sense into him.

Silence follows my speech for a few seconds, and I’m guessing my words are still sinking before my dad actually comes back to his senses. “I’m sorry, Evangeline.”

“It’s not me you should apologize to,” I reply sternly, “Listen, dad, I still don’t know the reason why Evelyn wasn’t happy with you guys, but I’ll find out soon- I promise you that. Right now, I’m already furious with your actions. Are you happy now that I’m ashamed of my own parents? I can’t believe mom actually applauded you to doing this instead of objecting. As I’m saying, though, I’m already mad at you even before finding out your big secret, so if you- in anyway- want me to forgive you, you’ll buy Adam another black Porsche, and if it’s not there in front of his house

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