up but added with a grin, “That’s what she said.”

Clary was very much wondering if he really did care if these people stayed if that meant having to deal with this dumbass for the time being. Greg did a quick perimeter check before exiting the safety, or what they thought was safety, the inside provided them. When he saw it was clear, he flipped the roof hatch open, popping up and setting a canister of ammo next to him then feeding it into the gun.

The Turned were practically running in leaps and bounds, trying to get there just as fast as they could. They were growling and screaming at the same time and were slowing down for no one. They seemed to have materialized from nowhere all at once, which was haunting to think about, Greg thought.

Greg pulled back, making sure he had a fresh round in his machine gun and started unleashing hell on the Turned. He didn’t even attempt to go for headshots. He knew a zombie without knees or legs would be just as useless as one shot through the skull when dealing with a Humvee coming barreling towards you like a bat out of hell.

He smiled, watching as they began to fall. He was thankful for the tracer rounds because with as hard as the vehicle was bouncing, he was having a helluva a time keeping the heavy gun still on its swivel mount. He wasn’t going to complain though...not for one second, because the last thing he wanted Clary to do was to let off the gas and slow down. He wanted out of here and wanted out now. So long as they survived, Greg wouldn’t give him a hard time about picking a spot in the middle of nowhere, but he was already thinking of ways you could shoot a powder with any sort of distance to it and still have it break on something, or what options there were.

Clary had nothing but confidence in Greg’s ability...at least when it came to killing the Turned. He had gotten quite proficient with the gun over the time he had spent under his watchful eye. Greg was one of the few people who he’d trust with his life, when it came down to it, so long as he hadn’t made any sort of stupid decision prior to being needed because he was still a teen with raging hormones which at times left him a bit susceptible to making ignorant choices. But right now, he was the son he’d never had.

When he thought he had the space needed to get through, he showed Shaun a cut it sign and he tapped Greg on the thigh letting him know that was enough. The last thing you ever wanted to do at a time like this was to go and get wasteful with your bullets. Greg let off the trigger and came back down, pulling the hatch shut and locking it. Greg leaned up in between the seats watching the front view. When they got up to the dead, Clary pushed down even harder on the gas, feeling satisfaction as he drove over the fallen Turned. Clary didn’t care how many of these things they killed, each one always felt like a little slice of heaven.

Earl yelled, “Christ, I hope this thing can take some damage. You’re beating it up like a red-headed step child.”

Shaun knew it was just a saying and this wasn’t the time to mention not being a prick to the man. When they made it to the road, none of them felt much better. The dead came out of the ditches and woods lining the highway. All of them saw the Humvee as the golden ticket with a creamy nougat center. Clary felt a temporary relief, knowing he was on solid ground, but it ended as quickly as he’d felt it. The dead seemed to be multiplying by the second. Clary was wondering if these things could starve or if they just grew hungrier the longer they went without food. He figured there were still people out there and they, like he and the others, had learned how to survive. They had probably taken a more peaceful approach, trying not to die as the dead made their way around the country, making the living the minority.

As they got closer, the Turned looked like they were becoming one as they swarmed in all at once. They met the Humvee with enough force to stop it from continuing forward. He could feel the tires spinning but the giant Humvee didn’t budge an inch forward. Clary went to put it in reverse but the dead were already climbing up the sides of the Humvee, engulfing it. The first thing they did was tear the zombie lung gun off the side of the vehicle. Earl’s lip quivered and he said, “I can’t believe they took that, damn it.”

Chapter 7

Joey looked around when he went outside. He thought of who should go with them and immediately thought that if he had to have someone a little crazy who was good at what they did that maybe, just maybe, having Mr. Yassa going with might be smart. Joey thought if there was some kind of lock needed picked, he’d heard Mr. Clary say a million times how Yassa probably had been a thief in his pre-zombie days. If they needed to bust into somewhere then he might be good, and he liked to fight and knew how to if things hit the fan.

Yassa was looking at the giant plane, dreaming of everyone just flying until they found somewhere...somewhere where there weren’t any of the Turned, where life could just be normal. He saw Joey coming and nodded to him. Yassa asked, “How are you doing today, Joey? Did you come to get a flying lesson from Bob the pilot? You are going to have to wait

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