his temper the best he could.

Clary was trying to think on his feet. He’d been in plenty of situations before and during the zombie apocalypse which had not gone the way with which he’d wanted it to. When he saw his hood coming up, he felt that was not a good sign. It wasn’t because they were prying it up from the body of the Humvee but because the two front tires were no longer on the ground. Shaun was getting seriously nervous as he watched the dead who weren’t helping to push the Humvee over were climbing up over the grill, ignoring their burning flesh as they made their way to the windshield, smashing their fists and faces into it.

The entire group fell to the back of the Humvee. They hit hard, stacking one on top of each other. All but Shaun, who seemed to be the only one smart enough to put his seatbelt on. His hair hung down and he could feel the blood rushing into his head as the belt dug into his skin. The Humvee was surrounded by The Turned seeming to materialize out of nowhere. The bright daylight was no longer coming through, the amount of legs surrounding them was enough to put them in near pitch black.

When Shaun saw the mess of bodies looking like a camo, scientist, redneck pretzel, he had to remember the dire absolute shit position that he was currently in...that all of them were in. The secondary thought of the other fact that he was bringing death to people again, something he’d told himself that he wouldn’t do. The dead never stopped smashing the glass. Shaun cut his seatbelt, holding on so he didn’t come down on his face. When he raced to the bag, he pulled out a handful of vials. Shaun looked to Scott and said, “This isn’t going to kill us is it?”

“No, we tested that at least. Earl’s gun isn’t working...it isn’t even within a half mile of here now!” Scott yelled as he felt multiple knees in his thigh, balls, and back as they tried to readjust themselves.

Greg said, “Earl, I will give you a tour when we get back. I don’t want any excuses for you smelling like this ever again.”

“Look, I go el naturalarino.”

Shaun ignored the bickering. The glass all around them was starting to spider web. Clary was thinking this wasn’t going to end well. He didn’t want to be one of these things, and sure as shit didn’t want to go out trapped. He watched Shaun, who seemed to be the only one with an idea of what he could do. Shaun was just praying he could do something...something that would right the wrongs that he felt responsible for. Clary said, “What are you doing, Shaun? Can I do anything to help you, anything at all?”

“No, I wish this was more complicated. I’d actually have a lot more confidence in this working if it was.”

“You aren’t filling me with a whole lot of confidence, Shaun,” Greg said.

“I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up...you know, about there being another day.”

“You’re fucking funny aren’t ya?” Greg replied.

Shaun pulled a fire extinguisher from next to his seat, which was now above him. He began pulling the tops of vials off with his teeth and spitting them out. He hoped that what he had was enough to accomplish what needed to be done. They righted themselves as they watched the teen pouring all the vials, he’d taken from Scott’s bag into the hose which he was keeping very steady to make sure not a grain of the powder was lost to the ground...or to the roof which was the ground now. Earl who like everyone else had figured it out but just hadn’t said anything couldn’t help himself. “You got any idea what you’re doing? You know how long it took me to make that zombie lung. I spent months working on that damn thing. You can’t just dump some powder down pull the pin and bam you got zombie lung 2.0.”

“Then we are screwed, aren’t we?”

Earl was going to say something else when the glass in front of Shaun finally couldn’t take any more stress and abuse. The glass broke and Shaun did the sign of the cross with his free hand as he pulled the pin on the fire extinguisher. Shaun screamed, “Everyone hold your breath!”

Chapter 9

The group rode in silence as they approached the gate. Joe asked, “You sure you know where you are going?”

Ellie said, “Yeah, we are going to go straight and then we are going to mix things up a little. You’re going to have to trust me. Given the fact you’ve probably never been to Des Moines I would have to guess you don’t know where you are going, so you shouldn’t have too much of a reason to doubt me.”

“Sure, teens are who I always want to ask how to get somewhere. So, where are we going?”

Ellie said, “Once we get out of the gate just hang a left.”

Henry came out from the guard gate when they got up to the exit. He saw Joe in the front and didn’t have a clue who he was, or why he was in one of the vehicles. He was holding a rifle and absolutely no one was scared of him. He was attempting to try his best to intimidate the group but there wasn’t any chance that was happening, considering the fact everyone outside of Joe knew he wasn’t going to do anything.

Ellie leaned over Joe screaming, “Put the poles down so we can get out.”

“Does Clary know you guys are leaving?”

“Absolutely,” Ellie lied through her teeth.

Joey said, “Of course he doesn’t know, he’s out doing something with Shaun and Greg and the new guys. We are doing the important

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