"The closet has everything. It contained dresses, shoes, undergarments, jewelry, nightgowns-" She stopped talking when she heard my muffled sob.
My mind, my thoughts run’s off to Leo as I cry softly. How I've abandoned him, left him without a note. I could feel his emotions like they were my own, and from the burning sensation in my chest, reminding me, I'd hurt him deeply. I guess it's too late for regrets now.
"I'll leave you alone," Gutru excused herself, closing the door behind her.
I didn't bother to get dressed. I decided I won't be attending the formal dinner with Simon. Gutru was getting beyond impatient and nervous. I've told her to leave me alone, but she just won't go away, besides it was already very late by the expected time.
"It's just dinner, Miss. Aries, please don't ignore him, you don't know his anger as we do. You are just going to upset him very much." Gutru gulped and gave me a worried glance.
"I'm not going," I said firmly, and I was not afraid of him or his anger.
Just then, the bedroom door burst open, literally flying off hinges. The wooden barrier fell and skidded across the marble floor. Simon was in his suit and a bowtie, and he strides inside, looking livid with anger. Gutru's head snapped my way, and immediately her eyes were filled with panic, quivering in fear.
"Why didn't you come?" He growled, his chest rising and falling as he panted from boiling anger. His eyes were hard and intense with rage. If I were to say one wrong word, it could have serious consequences—but did I care—absolutely not.
"I didn't come here to celebrate. You brought me here basically to die, which eventually I'll without my mate, so no, I don't feel like celebrating." My words only fueled his rage. His eyes glowed in murderous red. He charged forward to grab me.
"Stop!" I shouted. "Touch me, and I'll turn into a stone," I state further.
He came to a standstill on the spot, as his eyebrows furrowed, his forehead showed the depression lines, as he prods with his mind—thinking. He took a moment, and then his whole face became smooth when he realized why he couldn't do that?
I'd cast a spell of 'Stone Graven' to remain untouched by evil. It will become practical on my command if anyone tries to touch me against my will.
This spell may have made Simon rethink his actions dealing with me, but that didn't stop him from harming others. Angry Simon lunged forward and grabbed Gutru and heaved her across the room, sending her sliding into the bed-side table.
The tragic scene of violence, blood and gore—set my anger on fire, "Why the hell did you do that for?" I yelled at Simon and ran to see Gutru.
"Take your fucking anger somewhere else." I fired at him. I usually don't use curse words, at least not out loud, but I felt a need to throw one at him. I had a feeling something terrible was going to happen but never thought a poor soul would get punished.
I touched Gutru's neck to check her pulse, and she was alive but unconscious. She hit her head hard and was severely injured, and her disoriented form now covered in blood. I raised my palm to heal her, but then I remembered I couldn't because Simon had disabled my powers.
"Please let me heal her, unleash my power so I can treat her." I looked at Simon and made an urgent request.
Simon only stood there, silently watching, showing no sign of mercy. Gutru was losing blood fast, and her heartbeat was slowing down. I didn't even get to know her, and now because of me, she was in this state. My blood boiled, and my temper flared.
"Simon!" I yelled his name loudly.
"No. What if you use your power to run away?" He questioned, it'd filled with doubts but mostly feeling insecure.
"I won't, Simon. I came here with you, willing. I won't run away, I promise, please let me help her." I pleaded.
Simon thought for another few seconds, but time was running out.
"Worthless thing, her life doesn't matter to me. Somebody else will get assigned to your service." He turned to leave the room.
"Ruthless." I insulted, "a man of such violence. You don't have a heart, do you? You don't even give a tiny bit of appreciation for anyone's life." I said, looking down at Gutru's pale body.
"I'm a man of power, and I don't care about petty things." He said that very proudly.
"Just because you have powers that don't make you powerful. Powers come with responsibility, and that's the difference between you and my Leo. He is a man of strong character and integrity, whereas you," I looked him up and down. "You only take lives, and this cruel activity tells a lot about the moral integrity about a person," I replied rudely. My blue eyes were shooting daggers at my enemy while he gawked at me.
I took a couple of deep breaths to calm myself. Gutru started to pant heavily.
"Gutru... please s-stay with me." I could feel she was giving up. She might die.
I looked at Simon, "Please help." He looked away, but then he waved his fingers in the air.
And suddenly, my body became alive with a release of galvanic tides and ominous sensation. The energy restored to their original state, inside and out, making me aware of my powers' full vibrancy. All functions now turned on. Without wasting a valuable second, I placed my open palm over her heart, a small yellow glow slowly seeping into her body. Within minutes she began to heal, then slowly, her brown eyes flickered open.
"You'll be fine Gutru," I told her with a calm voice, she looked at me sympathetically. However, her fear was easily detectable on her face. Then I looked at Simon, "I'm all done."
He waved his fingers in the air again. I felt insubstantial. It reflected the sense of loss, loss of my powers.
Before walking out of the