as if he’d rather have his fingernails pulled out.

‘No!’ she said quickly. ‘No, you absolutely mustn’t change your plans because of us.’ How could she confess to Shayla that she’d been the cause of cancelling her first wedding at Firholme? The business really needed the revenue, and Keegan was clearly hoping to make it a lavish affair.

‘OK, I won’t then … and I am sorry.’ He touched her arm, leaving his fingers there long enough for her to feel a familiar tingle of pleasure at his touch, which she had missed so much in the early days. How could it still have the power to affect her?

Subtly, she moved away a little. ‘Let’s stick to the practicalities.’

‘OK. If you’re absolutely sure. Perhaps it would be less complicated if we didn’t get into the details of our past relationship? Maybe it would be easier to let Keegan think we were just friends?’ His voice lifted hopefully.

Even though Lottie had been thinking the exact same thing, it stung to hear him ask her to deny how close they’d been. Was that another sign that she still had feelings for him? She didn’t want to feel anything: she wanted to be numb – at least for this particular wedding. How would she summon up the joy and excitement she normally felt for her bridal couples?

‘Of course,’ she said, forcing herself into professional mode, even though her emotions were in turmoil. ‘There’s no reason for anyone to make the connection between us. I didn’t know anyone at Firholme before I started, though I can’t guarantee that no one will work out we were together … you know what it’s like in a small community.’

‘That’s a risk I’m prepared to take.’

‘What about your dad and your family and friends?’ she said. ‘Won’t you have to tell them the wedding is here?’

‘Yes, but we might keep the venue a secret as long as we can, even from my dad. I can’t trust him not to let something slip to Mum. He’s terrible at keeping secrets –’ he smiled briefly ‘– as you know.’

She nodded. Derrick Moran had once blurted out that Connor had arranged a trip to Paris for her birthday, spoiling the surprise. Connor had been far more annoyed than Lottie, who really hadn’t minded. Derrick could be opinionated but he loved his family and had always been kind to Lottie.

‘OK, but there’s a chance they might realise once you finally reveal the venue. Some of them might know I work here.’ Shayla had wanted photos of key team members on the website but the photographer hadn’t had time to take official photos yet, Lottie thought ruefully, otherwise Connor would have realised she worked at Firholme and would have put off Keegan.

‘I doubt it. Besides I’ve lost touch with most of the old crew while I’ve been in Australia. After we split up, I wanted to make a completely fresh start. Once the wedding is over, I’ll come clean if I have to, though Keegan still won’t need to know um … how close we were. That’s my problem to resolve,’ he said firmly, as if Keegan was a workplace issue to be tackled.

‘Well, if you’re sure Keegan won’t feel …’ Lottie paused to choose her words carefully. ‘That she’s been kept in the dark if the truth comes out eventually.’

‘I prefer to call it being diplomatic. I’d rather we didn’t have to deal with it at all.’ He clammed up, as voices could be heard in the corridor. It was Keegan, returning from the ladies’ restrooms, gushing over the elaborate Edwardian fixtures, presumably to one of the housekeeping staff.

‘Unfortunately, we’re going to have to, whether we like it or not,’ Connor said hastily.

‘It really isn’t a problem,’ she muttered, already regretting letting him get under her skin.

‘Con-nor!’ Keegan’s voice penetrated the walls.

‘Coming!’ He hurried to the door and Lottie followed him. She escorted them both out of the house and down to the office area, answering Keegan’s questions about catering, flowers and bedrooms for the bridal party. She’d already texted the café manager who had reserved a quiet seating area in the corner, and had coffee and home-made Cumbrian biscuits waiting.

An hour later, the plans for the wedding were already under way, if not quite ‘nailed down’. Lottie gave Keegan her due; she was nothing if not decisive, just as Connor had said. He sat by, agreeing with everything while scrolling through his phone. Lottie suspected that now he’d realised he couldn’t put off Keegan from having the wedding at Firholme, he’d decided to give in and hope for a quiet life – from his fiancée and his ex, she thought wryly.

Somehow, she managed to pretend that the wedding was like any other, although she had to avoid meeting Connor’s eye too often. She had a long ‘to-do’ list, but that was part of the job. It was, however, the fastest wedding she’d ever overseen, and she was also worried that Fiona would get wind of the surprise somehow.

She decided to send an email around to all the staff, warning them not to discuss it outside of work. Hopefully, if Fiona did find out, it wouldn’t be from anyone at Firholme and she’d have done her job. Privately, Lottie was also convinced Fiona might have preferred to be involved in all the excitement of the planning. She loved organising family ‘dos’ … but that wasn’t Lottie’s problem, so she’d have to go along with it.

She advised Connor and Keegan on the legal admin and saw them out of the café. They climbed into an SUV in the car park and drove out of the grounds.

Still in her dress and jacket, Lottie realised she was shivering. The sun had slipped behind the fells, and the house was now in shade. At this time of year, the sun set well before four and with the clear skies, they were in for a very chilly night. While the temperatures might plummet, it was too early in the

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