I wrapped my arm around his a little tighter, looking around us at the people that were out and about. Most were going about their business, but some were glancing at us as we passed by. "What do you think your people think of you allowing me to walk with you dressed like this?" I was curious. “Will they think of you as toying with your meal?”
"I think some are envious.” He motioned to a woman leaned against a brick building nearby. She glared at me until she saw Kane, who glared right back. The scantily clad woman quickly straightened her back, bowed and walked briskly inside, nearly bumping into a man that was exiting the same door. “I am sure some are fine with it, though. It will be of no consequence to them unless I crown you.”
We walked several blocks, his hand on mine as it rested on his arm. Similar to the halls of the castle, Kane explained the history of the city and many of the buildings. Most of the archetecture was brick and sculpted rock with wood trim. Surely a strong fortress should war come their way again. It wasn’t hard for me to see why Kane had chosen that location. The cold and the builds would detour most from even wanting to attempt to gain the lands. And knowing its history, it had proven itself to be a city not fond of being taken. The layout and materials it was built from being its own element to thwart invaders.
Another thing he spoke of was a number of the people we passed. I knew that he was a vampire. And yes. I knew there were more of his kind in Everwinter. But I found myself surprised to learn that so many were like him. Two thirds of the city’s population was vampire at least. And as they mingled with humans and their own alike, it was hard to pick who was which.
Back on earth, I knew this wasn’t a foreign concept… vampires, werewolves, witches and more all walking around in society unnoticed. But that was the thing. They were unnoticed. In Everwinter… on Naelyra… people were well aware of the fact that other races existed. And they coincided. To me, it was beautiful. A part of me fought back tears as this ran through my mind.
He slowed. “Have I upset you, little one?”
I wrapped my free hand around his arm with my other, pulling myself into him. “No. Just happy.”
He reached out, his thumb gliding down my cheek to my jaw, pulling my face up to look at him. “Good.” His lips pressed to mine with a gentleness that warmed me thoroughly. His eyes searched mine as he pulled back. “Are you sure that you are alright?”
My hand softly went to his cheek. "Mmm... No. I am not upset. Just... you know... on a strange planet with an alien vampire king in his breathtaking kingdom as I fall in love while wearing jeweled gowns and am waited on by servants while people fear our presence yet strive to see us." I smiled at a small group of people passing us, their gaze locked on him as they passed by. "Sorry if I am flailing a bit with it all. And thank you for being patient with me."
He held me closer, kissing my forehead. "I love that you are here. I don't care what anyone thinks when you are with me. You are doing remarkably well for all that you have been through." He kissed me again.
I pulled away and turned in a circle, taking in the scenery around us, allowing myself to take a couple, measured breaths. Coming back around, I looked up at his beautifully sculptured face. “Falling, Kane. I’m falling. Don’t hurt me.”
He reached for me, puzzled. “You did not appear to be falling. I am sorry if I did not…”
I laughed. “No.” I cut him off, giggling. “I wasn’t falling physically. I’m falling for you. Don’t break my heart.”
Something stirred in his eyes, deep. “I would kill anyone who hurt you. Therefore, I have no intentions of it myself.”
I wrapped my arm around his again and started walking, him moving with me easily. “I’ll be honest, I love the idea of people seeing me of importance. Not just in general but in regard to you. It may be trivial to you, but I’ve lived my life as hidden as possible in many ways. Hell, I even work my own bookstores myself and don’t always admit I’m the owner. But with you? I don’t know. I just want to mean something. For the first time, I want to be seen.”
“I will never hide you." He nodded his head to a rather well-dressed man as he approached. “Wulfgar.”
“Kane.” The man returned the nod. “Beautiful night for a battle or a woman, as I see you’ve clearly chosen.”
“I see you are finely dressed compared to your usual war covered rags.” Kane raised an eyebrow.
“As I said… a battle or a woman. Clearly, I am not in battle, no?” His rough voice was full of humor.
“Clearly.” Kane pulled me in under his arm. “Wulfgar, I’d like you to meet Auriena Raulson. Auriena is visiting as my personal guest.”
“An introduction? Interesting.” He tipped his hat to me. “The name’s Wulfgar. It is a pleasure meeting you.”
I bowed. Unsure if that was the correct response, I looked to Kane.
He smiled at me