I had used the form of communication with.

Sarah shook her head yes eagerly as she moved around to the back of me and pulling my hair up, braiding and pinning as she went.

I took Sarah by the hands, making sure she had my full attention as I turned to face her. “Okay. We will work on that soon then. But for now, what are you trying to say about him and other women and me?”

With a genuine smile, Sarah pulled her hands back. She motioned to the door again.

I tried to follow. “Kane.”

Sarah nods yes. Her hands go to her heart. Her expression dropped, her smiling turning into a frown, and her shoulders drooped.

“He’s not happy?”

Again, Sarah nodded yes. She then pointed at me then back to the door before bringing her hands back in, her expression changing once again. This time, to a full, beaming smile.

“Oh!” My eyebrows rose. “You mean I make him happy. I’m gathering that this isn’t something that others have done?”

The servant’s arms shot out, and she grips my wrists as her nod becomes an excited ‘yes’. She pulled back suddenly and clasped her hands behind her back, taking a couple steps away and bowing her head as if she thought she would be in trouble.

Before she could respond, Kane popped his head in the room. "You two getting along?”

“Yes. Thank you.” I turned back to the woman and squeezed Sarah’s hands. “You may go. I believe we are all set.” I waited a moment for the woman to leave before fanning the skirts of the gown out and doing a twirl, showing off the look for Kane. “I think I’m finished.”

Kane lit up as he came into the room, watching me as I twirled, his reaction contrary to his usual stoic expression. "You look beautiful.” He closed the gap between us, bowing and kissing my hand.

I smiled at both his words and gesture. “Thank you, Kane. I wasn’t sure if I look dumb or out of place.” I adjusted the bodice nervously.

Seeing a large mirror in the room, I walked over to it. Turning to the right, then the left, taking in the floor length gown and my updo that was ornate with braids, curls and gemstones, I lifted the skirt to see the shoes, kicking a foot out for a better view. Setting it back down, I brushed out my skirts again and did an overall check.

“Like a fairytale,” I whispered.

He furrowed his brow and looks at his elegantly dressed lover. "You have tales of fairies? Not sure I know what a fairy is honestly. I would like to learn about these things."

I chuckled at his reaction. “Fairytales are... you know? I’ll explain later.”

“Fine by me.” He offered me his hand and spun me around for a better look. "You look like you belong in that."

I came around to face him again, looking up into his blue eyes. “Thank you.”

He dropped my hands and crossed back across the room, opening the door, walking down with me to the main floor of the castle holding my hand on his arm. Along the way, he told me of the history of the paintings that were hung along the walls and the carved busts and other artifacts and artwork on display, giving me a more detailed history but also an insight into him with the chosen collection he had out. I soaked in the information, my admiration for him growing the more he spoke.

It was amazing to learn about what was beautiful to him. The kinds of things he’d collected and the items he had held onto, feeling they were worthy of being put on display. And it was endearing to listen to him speak of those that had influenced him.

We descended one last flight of stairs to the foyer of the castle. A group of aristocratic vampires in lavish clothes eyed us as we entered the room. They parted, allowing us to pass by, bowing and addressing Kane, “Your highness.” “My liege.” “My king.”

Most eyes did not return to either of us once the men were lowered in greeting. But I watched, taking note of which ones did look up at Kane… and which ones looked up at me.

I squeezed his arm. "They respect you."

"They fear me." He was quick to correct me.

“Fear, huh?”

“Yes.” He nodded as two guards rush to open the front doors. "They are not used to me parading you around as I am doing either. I am sure this is causing and will cause some confusion."

"Well, they're not used to me at all." I laughed. "Or do you mean parading any woman? Do you not usually parade your conquests in and out of here? Aren't they used to seeing you with new flavors of interest?"

"They don't know you. No. But no as well that I do not usually have a woman on my arm of any flavor, as you call it. I normally just have the women around here if I want something. And those women are brought up to my room when I am ready for them and leave when I am done. They have no business being seen with me otherwise." He walked with me, guiding me to the outside. "That won't be happening with you here. I am very content."

I wasn't sure how to react to his blunt statements of having the women and his regimented way of speaking at times. But there was something in his confidence… his blatant admittance to his ways that stirred desire in me. "Are you stopping just to make me happy? Or..." I bit my lip. I had started to slouch but caught myself and stood upright, not wanting to tarnish the appearance of the outfit.

"I am stopping because you are one of the most enjoyable companions I have ever had.

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