you’re not wooing me because I can do that?” I pulled an arm out from under the blanket and played with his hair.

"Because I don't want to woo other women. I have stated this. Your powers do not detour me. If anything, they encourage me. Besides, I am pretty sure I could take you in a fight… I think.” He eyed me. “But why would I want to?"

I tugged on a lock his hair very lightly and playfully. “How long was I out anyways? I slept so sound. That’s unusual for me. And definitely a welcome change.”

"A welcome change, huh?” Giving me a light pat on my behind, he moved to sit on the edge of the bed. “Well, you slept for nearly a day’s rotation. I do believe our activities are taking a toll on your physical body. Shall we get you some food and perhaps go walking around the village today? I believe that is what you were asking to do several days ago before we found our way back in here."

Lifting up and sitting next to him, I placed a series of small, gentle kisses on his shoulder, replying almost a little too enthusiastically when he brought up going out into the village. “Yes! Please! Food and exploration. Perfect!” But my joy quickly faded from my face.

Noticing the shift in my mood, he turned toward me. "What's wrong? You look concerned about something."

 “I ummm...” I chewed on the inside of my lip, thinking. “Are the clothes you got me in Nirevale appropriate? And if so, where are the not ripped ones? But if not, how do I get clothes and accessories or whatever to fit in? The women I’ve seen here mostly wear dresses and such. That’s a bit different from the leather pants and cotton tops we picked up.”

He leaned over and pulled the rope besides the bed. Moments later a woman walked in again. The same one that had been quietly bringing in food, water and other provisions over the days I had been there. She blushed and kept her eyes down.

Kane motioned to the woman as if presenting her to me. "This is Sarah, my best servant. It is about time that you know her name so you can address her yourself should you need anything. She will take your measurements and make sure you have proper clothes from now on. Tailor made for you.”

Sarah stood at attention with her hands behind her back as she waited for me to speak.

I stood, taking the sheet off the bed with me, draping it around my body as I walked. Looking back at Kane, who had sprawled himself out on the bed, I grinned. “Yup... a king. You even lay around like one.” I walked over by Sarah, shaking my head at him before addressing the young woman. “Hello. I’m Auriena. It is nice to meet you. Just tell me what you need me to do.”

Sarah pulled out a measuring tape and motioned with a nod what she was about to do. She lifted my arms, letting me drop the sheet, and started taking my measurements, one segment at a time.

As the she measured me, I asked, “How long will it take to get clothes? And would you mind having someone bring me some food and water please once we are finished?”

Sarah moved to my lower half, running the measuring tape down the length of my thigh. The quiet woman nodded at my request and continued, still not speaking.

Looking back at Kane, I shrugged. “I don’t know what all I should ask her for or how many of what. Can you let her know what we would like?” Feeling like I was in a fairytale after all, I wanted to live it up. However, I was also realistic and didn’t want to take advantage of his generosity.

Seeing the servant pause for direction, he smiled and waved for Sarah to carry on. “Get her anything her heart desires and spare no cost. She is my guest and should appear as such.”

Only stopping her task for a moment to give him a quick bow of her head, she then went right back to measuring.

I leaned in toward the woman and shyly asked, “Maybe a few dresses, undergarments, shoes to match each and some jewelry? You know him pretty well I’d imagine. So, whatever he would approve of.” I left it at that so as not to ask for too much. Or at least I’d hoped. Standing back upright, I smiled at Kane, adding to him, “If you have anything in particular you want me to get, speak up now! Oh!” I turned back to Sarah. “Some lounge clothes for while I’m here in the castle. A couple sets. And a couple nice nightgowns, please. And if there’s something available here shortly so Mr. Rathmore and I can go into the city, that would be perfect!” I felt picky and demanding, but the smile on his face made me feel slightly less greedy… slightly.

Sarah, adding the requests to the small, leather, bound notebook she’d been writing in, smiled at me. She nodded and turned to l Kane as if awaiting his direction, closing the notebook and bringing it to her chest.

He cleared his throat. "Yes. Fine jewelry for her and everything else she requested. Before you start sewing, go to the South wing in the upper chamber there. You should find something in there that would be suitable for today. Quickly make alterations if needed. But before that, food. She needs to eat.” He winked in my direction. “I hope all of this will be suitable for you.”

“Don’t give more than you wish just to make me happy. I don’t want to take advantage of you.” I let Sarah finish up and smiled as the woman rushed out of the room.

"I always do what makes me happy, so

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