A brief moment later, Sarah returned with a variety of breakfast foods and native juices. She sat the platter down on the table nearest where I had been standing, bowed and left, nodding to her king on her way out.
After a quick test of a couple of the meats, I went into the washroom and cleaned myself up. Standing in front of a large mirror, I looked over my body, amazed that I wasn’t battered and broken. I couldn’t feel the same thing I felt with his blood in me, but something felt different. Something in my core felt stronger.
I washed up in the sink and returned, not wanting to make him wait. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I reached for his hand. “Thank you.”
“The clothing, food, all of it.”
“It is a little thing.” He rubbed my back.
“Such a gentle…”
Sarah came back in. Her entrance causing me to stop speaking before I got too sappy once again. The servant returned carrying a lavish, royal blue gown for me. She laid it out on the back of one of the chairs near the fireplace. On the table next to it, she placed a sapphire necklace and bracelet set, a pair of matching earrings and jewel studded shoes with a slight heal.
Looking at us for approval once again, she waited near the door.
I stood and went to the articles. “Wow.”
Kane waved off the servant and sat up. "Go ahead; eat and relax while you dress. I know you are anxious to go and explore, but the city isn't going anywhere… I hope." He laughed.
Almost choking on my bite when I saw the details on the dress, I then snatched up one of the shoes, looking at it then holding him out for him to see. “This? All this? It’s what you’d want for me?” It seemed a lot more ornate than the other women, going from one extreme to another.
He shrugged, looking over the shoe I was holding up. "I will never really tell you how to dress, but you did leave it up to Sarah to bring you something I would want for you. I see that she did as instructed. Is it too much? Are you not happy with her choice?" He held an apple-like fruit slice as if he was going to bite it but never did.
I, still holding the shoe, climbed onto the bed with him, taking the fruit from his fingers. I popped it into my mouth, its juices staining my lips. “It’s gorgeous. I’m asking you if it’s the kind of thing you want people to see me in, knowing what they might think. Do you think it suits me? My role here.”
He pulled me in for a kiss, rolling on top of me, just the blanket separating his body from mine. "I think it would look nice on you. Yes. I do believe it would be a suitable outfit for you to be seen by my side. Do you not like nice things?"
“I do. It’s gorgeous. All of it. But won’t it make a statement to everyone? Won’t they talk about the woman you brought home in expedition clothes only to bring out in jewels? Won’t they make some sort of assumption?” I dropped the shoe down on the mattress and ran my hands up and down his arms.
"They will think that you are special to me and my guest. They will know that you have my favor. Yes. It will make a statement. I am not crowning you or anything, but I am letting you be seen in royal jewels. Is this something you would rather not do?" His hair brushed my cheek as he leaned down and pressed his lips to my shoulder.
“I don’t know. I mean… yes. It’s just…” I took a couple steadied breaths, pushing on his chest so I could get up.
He complied, rolling over onto the bed. He handed me the shoe, a huff in his tone. “Fast.”
“Yes!” I ripped the shoe form his grip and shot up off the bed, pulling the sheet back up around myself. “Don’t you think so? Don’t you ever wonder what this thing is between us?”
“Why?” His muscles tensing slightly as he lifted himself up, going and pulling on the pair of pants that hung from the footboard of the bed. “I do not wonder such things I suppose. Have I tried to slow down my mind, recognizing that my pull to you was deeper and faster than I’ve felt before? Yes. But is it real? Yes. At least from everything I can assess.”
The shoe lay in my two, petite hands, cradled in front of me. My eyes fixed on it. Yet, my mind was obviously elsewhere for a moment. “Yes.”
He walked over to me, his much larger hands engulfing my arms. “Yes?”
I pulled the shoe into my chest. “Yes. It’s real.”
“Yes.” He kisses my forehead. “Now, eat. Get dressed. I have a kingdom to show you.” The sound of his footfalls echoed through the room as he made his way to his boots. "Do you like being here with me so far?"
“Yes.” I stated bluntly chewing on a grape. “I’m a gypsy. I’m not sure you know what that is. But I yearn to travel. And in my travels, I’ve never felt like I belonged anywhere. Which I know is cliché. But here? With you? I don’t know. Something feels familiar. I’m sure it is a factor in how I just know this is real.” I popped another bite of something in my mouth to avoid saying anything further.
He chuckled. "Well perhaps we should see more than just Everwinter? Who knows? I travel often."
“I would love to travel with you!” My eyes went wide