he ran his hand across my cheek. "I feel a connection to you. I do not understand it. But it is there… and it is strong."

I leaned my cheek into his hand. "Connection? Yeah. Pull? Definitely. But no. I don’t understand it either. But wow."

He let out a deep moan, allowing himself to start keeping a rhythm. "Words mean a lot in your world, huh? Words and titles. Just as they do here?”

My warmth begged for more of him. "Yes. Words mean a lot to me.”

His body shifted as he looked me in the eyes. "I could love you. That I see would be an easy thing."

My words stuttered. "I do believe I said I am falling for you, Kane. So, yeah. I suppose I could see loving you would be easy as well."

A small part of me grumbled in defiance. I was not only accustomed to staying as emotionally distant as I could, but I was also never one to encourage that sort of thing. Yet, here I was, not only unlocking the door but cracking it open and beckoning him in… almost inviting him openly.

"Is your blood still protecting me?” A small, veil of a wall came up, and my look changed to one of lust. “If so, then I want to feel how you would take me if you did not fear my mortality." I always could tell a lot about the men I had been with by how they were with me sexually. And thus far, I had started forming an opinion of Kane. One that told me that he was guarded. I wanted to see how he was without those guards in place. "Please..."

A darkness washed over his eyes, making them turn almost red as he gripped my legs, his nails growing and digging into my thighs. "My blood should still keep you safe," he said, his voice dark, gravely, “Are you sure?”

Something about the way he responded scared me, yet drove me on. "Yes. Let me in." I noticed his nails, wincing with the pain they inflicted. My hands gripped his shoulders, bracing myself.

He let go, and when he did, my ability to keep up was completely gone. At first, I wrapped myself up against him, but it wasn't long before I was screaming from a mix of sensations. Passion, ecstasy, pain. Everything collided, and I was unable to grasp one over the other.

His strong hands pulled on my hair gently exposing my neck. He waited, watching me closely as I spiraled further and further out of control. When I was fully overloaded, my body shaking and every one of my moans had fully transformed into screams, he sank his fangs deep into my neck, making sure I felt nothing but pleasure from the bite.

When he let go of my neck, blood trailed down his chin. He arched up and roared loudly, getting lost in the frenzy. The power behind his orgasm, I knew, had ravaged my body even more than the sex itself, but he was the most dangerously gorgeous thing I’d ever seen.

Every touch, every kiss… I cherished it all… wanted more. While I craved him still, my body started to go slack.

He wiped the back of his hand across his mouth, but a small amount of my blood stained his lips as he lifted me into his lap. "Don't you pass out on me yet. I can go a lot longer."

“I bet you can.” My voice was weak as I rested against his chest.

He cradled me against him. “Forever... with you, Auriena.”

“Love me,” I whispered, half conscious.

He kissed my shoulder, his hands rubbing my back gently, holding me against him. “Just like it seems I am meant to. That is becoming clear.”

Once again, he bit his lip and kissed me, wanting to be sure his blood would heal any wounds he might have inflicted. Carefully, he lowered me down and let me rest. I curled into him as he stretched out next to me. I saw a mix of curiosity and affection fill his eyes as he watched me fall asleep.




My eyes fluttered open, the backs of my hands wiping away the residue of a sleep like I have not ever had that I could recall. The kind of sleep where you wake and forget where you are for a moment. Restful and relaxing with no nightmares, something that I’d grown accustomed to.

I stirred in bed, searching for both the comforter and for Kane, a series of sleepy moans escaping me. We had spent the previous few days primarily in bed. Sharing stories and getting to know each other in more ways than one.

Kane, not having left the bed just as he hadn’t each night, lay next to me. He reached out, pulling the blanket over me further.

Still half asleep, I gripped the fabric and chanted a single word three times with my eyes closed. “Ignis… Ignis… Ignis.” The fire responded by growing in intensely. Already snuggled into him, I smiled, not thinking about my action. “Good morning... or night. Whatever time of day. I’m surprised you’re still here, not off waging wars or wooing women,” I teased him.

He smirked and watched the fire grow. "Not when the woman I’m next to can burn me alive apparently."

His mention of what I had done shook the sleep from me completely, and my eyes flew open. “I umm… I didn’t know I could do that.”

“You didn’t?” He looked at me curiously.

I shook my head. “At home, I could make flames shrink or grow slightly or change direction. But my abilities were never to that degree.”

“Well,” He removed a lock of hair from her forehead. “Seems Naelyra is good for your powers.”

“Seems so.” I chuckled. “Wait. You’re not out wooing women because of me? Or

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