He tilted his head. “What is a Conan the Barbarian? A hero from your world?”
I clamped my lips shut and leaned back, surprised at my own words. “Oh my gods. I’m sorry.” I got up and started pacing. “What the hell has come over me?”
"That’s a lot of conditions.” He stood and walked to me, placing his hands on my shoulders and turned me to look at him. “I can get you clothes and jewels and all of that. I will let us figure out what this is for sure since you perplex me, and I adore your rants. The whole life plan after that we can figure out. I hope this reply satisfies you." He hesitated before letting me go.
"I didn't mean to have a life plan. I just mean, that I had been aiming to go home right away. But if we are going to see what this is, I'll surely be here a lot longer. And if you can get a portal working, I'd like to pop home to check on things if that's possible. But you didn't agree to keep me safe." I chewed on my lip.
“Of course you may go home as soon as we find out how if you wish.” A sadness clouded his eyes as he looked down, pushing my hair back over my shoulder. “And I will always keep you safe. I am starting to think I would risk everything for your safety.” His voice trailed off as he spoke.
I warmed at his words. The way he spoke was genuine, deep. I could tell that he, himself, was just realizing how he felt as he said the words, and it made me want to wrap up in his arms and stay there.
Gathering myself, I took a breath and kissed his cheek gingerly. "I like you more and more Mr. Rathmore." My fingers skimmed through his long locks before stopping at their ends, wrapping several strands around my fingers. "You are a mystery to me, sir."
"I mean, I've been inside you so not much of one anymore," he joked, sighing happily. "Tell me. Have you ever been married, Auriena?”
He had moved so close when he asked that my body shivered in anticipation. "Married? Me? No. I've never been married and have no children. I have been close but no." My voice betraying my sadness behind my reply. "You? I know you said you're not married and no kids, but have you ever been married?"
He shook his head no. "Close once as well, but no."
I wanted to ask him about his 'close'... to learn all about him, but feeling his lips so close to mine, I also wanted to skip talking altogether.
I placed several soft kisses along his neck and shoulders. "Are you opposed? Would you ever consider it if you found someone?"
A low growl rumbled from deep in his chest. "I am not opposed… I guess. Besides the safety factor of course. Plus, I am used to doing things my way. It would take either a very strong or a very compliant woman."
My lips trailed kisses back up to his jaw. "Used to doing things your way, huh? I do not doubt that in the least.”
He tugged on the shirt I was wearing, his shirt that I had on, and slipped his hands up under it, roaming across my body. "I love your body, but I love your mind as well. The sass is alluring as well, even if you are confusing sometimes."
I didn’t stop him. "Love huh? You love my body and mind?" I teased him with a flirty tone. "Love is confusing."
He took that as the final hint and picked me up, leaning me back onto the bed, pushing the shirt up and over my head. Like stalking his prey, he climbed up over me. "Are you picking on me?"
"Picking on you? No. Just noticing your choice of phrasing... the word you used… love." I let my leg slide up his thigh and back down.
"I was paying you a compliment." Straddling over me, his hair fell over me as he looked down. “I could stop if you wish.”
I lifted my arms, clasping my hands behind my head cockily. "Do you always use the word love to compliment women?"
"Sometimes, admittedly. Yet, I truly mean it with you." He pressed into me.
I used my free hand to push back his hair so I could see his face. "You mean it with me? What do you mean, Kanedraven? What do you mean with me?"
“This…” He entered me fast, deeply. Without holding back, then stopped. A sinister expression almost changing his features for a split second before he pulled back. There was a growl in his voice, an animalistic undertone as he gripped my legs and yanked me onto him. “I love this.”
Screams of pleasure echoed through the vast room and down the hallway. "Yes, Mr. Rathmore. I most certainly do like you as well.” My typical confident tone cracked between gasps.
He leaned in softly and kisses my lips, clearly savoring the moment. “Good. Then you will stay.”
Where I had previously been more eager in bed, this time, I hadn't tried to pull him in. This time, I flinched ever so slightly as he pushed all the way in. However, I was not immune to his effects on me either, and I let out a long, low moan that vibrated against his lips. "Sorry."
"Why are you sorry?"
"Mmm…" I breathed in sharply. "For teasing you about using the word love in regard to aspects of me... for insinuating..." I bit, moaning as my teeth pressed into the softness of my lower lip.
The coolness of his touch radiated through my heated flesh as