of what they could possibly look like rushed through my mind.

I knew I was still rattling off question after question, but honestly? They were only a few of what I wanted to ask. I wanted to know everything… learn everything. But that was me. I had always been a sponge, soaking in every little bit of knowledge I could. I guess that’s why my ability to absorb information from books by touch as well as my ability to feel the feelings and emotions off others were so fitting for me.

“You are such a curious creature.” He walked over to a small box that resembled a mini chest freezer. Pulling out a bottle, he poured some of the contents into a red-tinted glass he had retrieved from a side panel on the chest. I could see that it was not so cold as to freeze the liquid solid but kept it sufficiently cooled in order for the contents of the decanter not to spoil.

In examining what I decided was a version of a refrigerator, I spotted a tube running from its rear into the floor beneath it. I was curious about it. Yes. Another thing to spike my rampant curiosity. But I couldn’t help but thinking how odd Naelyra was in its combination of modern comforts yet ancient styles and contraptions.

He replaced the bottle and closed the lid, taking a healthy drink. “So many questions. Maybe you’ll learn the answers in time.”

“Okay. Well? What about California? What did you do for a week there?” I turned and leaned against the marble table, facing him.

“How about I tell you more of that short week over a dinner some evening. But for now, if you really want to learn about the races before you get to see them, I think I have a few books scattered throughout this room that might be of some interest.” He reached out and offered me his hand. Of course, I took it, my eyes widening at the prospect of being given access to books to learn more.

He pulled me to a row of books across the room. Giddy, I took in the spines, reading them as we passed. "Books. Yes. Please."

Figuring this was the perfect time to not only test it out how strong my abilities were but also to see his reaction if all still worked well, I lifted a book from the shelf. Grinning wide, I kissed his cheek, almost missing it with how I not only had to go up on my tiptoes but also hop slightly with how much taller he was than me. Typically, he leaned forward slightly when we kissed. But he was standing upright, proudly, this time. The process made me giggle as I lowered back down, letting my feet rest flat on the floor.

Returning to the book, I closed my eyes and ran my hand over the cover. I took several slow, steady breaths, my eyes darting behind my eyelids. My expression faded into sadness and worry as more of the text flooded into me. "Warriors and militant? Why is your world full of such anger and fear?"

No. I hadn't thought about what I could find, really. I had been expecting to learn about a beautiful, gentle tree species or something equally exciting and alluring. But instead, I read, in detail, about a violent and cruel time.

He tilted his head and looked down to me. "You learned all that from a touch?” He studied my hands.

I was slightly surprised he didn't snatch me up or worse. His reaction garnering him a little more trust. "It's one of my born gifts. One of the things I have been able to do since birth. Or at least once I figured out I could do it.”

“What is it that you can do?”

“I can just... well... here..."

I reached for the nearest shelf and pulled another book out, closed my eyes, held it in my left hand. Running over the cover with my right, I started to smile again. It wasn’t but a moment later when I held the book out to him so he could see which one I was working with. He read the cover and nodded.

I smiled. "Emalne. Humanoid in shape, which is not what I thought. I thought you meant something small and cute and covered in bark or branches or something. But still, by the pics… ethereal and beautiful. They are super curious, not unlike me.” I trailed off for a moment, processing the information. “They what?" I squinted and then relaxed. "Something about wanting to restore some beauty on Naelyra. Very majestic in their way of life. Regal almost. Not unlike the fabled elves from my world mixed with woodland fairy aspects. And I love their village approach to raising their young.” Seeing him looking at me with awe, I giggled. "I absorb information from books I touch. Saves time from reading, even if I do enjoy the actual acts of reading."

Pursing his lips, he nodded in approval. "That is right, and damn impressive. What other secrets are you hiding, Miss Auriena?"

I bowed my head, grateful for the compliment. Reaching over and replacing the book into its spot, I pulled out another one. But before I read it, I looked up at him. "Thank you.”

“You are welcome. Thank you for sharing your gift with me.” He pressed his finger under my chin and lifted my face to his. "I enjoy that you love learning about the races.”

“Well yes. I would say I demand to know everything.” I held the book to my chest.

With an unusual softness for him, he pressed his lips to mine. My breath caught as I stifled a moan.

He pulled back and smirked. "Just like you own the place." He tapped on the book’s cover. "Would you like to see what this one contains?"

I looked at him, curiously. "Like I own the

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