“Why were you told to meet with Falain? And by who?” He leaned forward on the table.
“I’d rather not get anyone killed today.” Sarcasm tinted my words.
“Fine.” He studied me for a moment before leaning back again. “I can work on finding a way to get you back. However, the portal you fell through won’t be there by now. Those are random. It’s a long over complicated story. Suffice it to say I’m not Falain. I am Kanedraven Rathmore.”
I studied him this time, a puzzled look blanketing my face. I listened as he spoke, taking in his words and processing. Finally, my lips parted. “So... Kanedr…” I stammered over his name.
After a few attempts, he corrected me, “Kanedraven Rathmore.”
“Kanedraven? Rathmore? That’s a mouthful.” But at least he wasn’t Falain. Kanedraven suited him. It was dark and mysterious. Honestly? It was kind of sexy.
He chuckled. “Some close to me call me Kane.”
“Kane,” I nodded, my lips pursing as I tried on the name. Oh yes. His name definitely fit him. I tried to steady my breathing, which was threatening to stop every time I looked at him. “Yup. That’s easier. Kane it is. So, Kane, you want me to skip finding this other guy I don’t know either and to trust you? You can help me get home? Why? Why are you interested in getting rid of me from your world?” I took another bite of my meal, attempting to look like I had a handle on the situation. But the way my heart beat erratically in my chest, I barely had a handle on myself.
“Well, you don’t belong here. It could cause a lot of chaos or a public panic. I’m happy to help you. I suppose I can assist you in finding that other person of yours if you feel more comfortable with that idea.” He watched me, taking me in, his eyes almost taunting me.
For a moment, I was puzzled. “The other...” realization dawned on me. “Oh! No. I don’t even know why that old man sent me to him or what he can do. I suppose I don’t trust him any more than I know I can trust you. But I probably don’t have much of a choice. Now do I? Besides, for all I know, sending me to that guy was a trap,” I joked. Well, at least I hoped it was a joke. “What do we need to do or where do we need to go? Promise me you’re not taking me somewhere to kill me or sell me off as a sex slave or something?” A corner of my mouth turned up into a smirk, but a hint of nervousness slipped its way into my expression as I fidgeted with my silverware.
Kane’s reaction showed that he was even more amused by me. His posture changed. He leaned in toward me as if to say that he could bed me and make me his right there. I would be lying if I said I didn’t kind of want him to.
He licked his lips, taking my scent in. "Well, what I need from you is a bit of patience I suppose. While slaves and a sex trade does exist, I think you would be better off in my personal care for the time being. I hope the food was enough to settle you. I forget my manners though. Does a face like yours carry a name?"
Something about him pulled me in, pulling out my deepest desires. Even the way he spoke was alluring with how commanding he was. I needed many things, but right now I needed to get my head in the game. “My name is Auriena Raulson. My face alone? No. It does not have its own name.” I attempted a little sarcastic humor. “Your personal care huh?” I liked the sound of that, but at the same time, I wasn’t sure if it was the wisest of moves on my part. Yet, I knew I didn’t have much choice. “Patience I’m usually low on, but I’ll work on that. But what for? Are you not anxious to be rid of me and off your planet?”
“Auriena Raulson…. Noted. Auri… That is a beautiful name.” His expression softened.
“Auriena…” I corrected him.
“Well Auri,” he continued as if I hadn’t said anything, “Initially, yes. I would typically just get rid of someone that didn’t belong here without a second thought. But there’s something about you. I wouldn't mind a longer stay if you are up to it. We can learn a lot from each other. Wouldn't you say?" He drank from his flask.
"A longer stay?" I crossed my arms, trying to figure him