There small mutters of the people talking in the crowd.
“Then you know all about the Titan King: the Leviathan, but here is something any of you don’t know: the Leviathan is the father of Lusìvar.”
The people started muttering to each other of this surprise Valverno gave them, revealing to them the ancient tales of ancient beasts had been true. And an addition to the revealing they had learned their biggest threat is a Titan.
“And the rest of the imprisoned Titans are buried in an underwater prison that will only be revealed when the solar eclipse comes on the Summer Solstice three years from now. By that time, it will be too late to fight back. Even I and the Four White Knights combined won’t be enough power to kill the Titans, and there are seven of them. Uragiru and his witch friend may have been dealt with, but they were only tools for Lusìvar to use. And once he had no more needed of them, he would have killed them.
“There is only a limited time before the Titans are released. By then, Lusìvar will use what is left of his living tools to kill all military might: Banshees, Basilisks, Black Dogs, Chimeras, Cyclopes, Harpies, Manticores, and Minotaurs. These monsters still exists and Lusìvar will use those monsters to destroy every human soldier who might stand up against him.
“And I have yet to restore my full divinity to the fullest: one more artifact had been ripped from my half-divine body and I need to find that. As I know, Lusìvar still has me outmatched. And I would be able to overcome him, if I do find that artifact.
“So we are gathered here to discuss new leadership of the islands. As I have shown you all, in my previous form, Uragiru confessed Stephanie is not a member of his bloodline and Uragiru was the last. It would make since for someone of a different bloodline to tak—”
“Isn’t it obvious it should be me?” said Teutates’s voice. The man stood up from his seat and so everybody would look at him. “It must be me! I am a distant relative of the false king. And the throne is mine by blood-rights. I am the true ruler of Shimabellia.”
There were many nods.
“I won’t deny it, you are of royal blood. But as I recall, you hate the creatures standing here and you want to—”
“You playing games with me?” said Teutates. “The throne is mine by blood-right. As a matter of fact, none of us should me here. We should be in the capital city watching me ascending my throne.”
“Show some respect to this one!” shouted Kelda’s voice. The woman warrior got up and stood from the table she was at. “This one had did something none of us mortals have done,” said Kelda. “He summoned forth Origenes, the God of Shadows. This one managed to summon forth a god from the Realm of the Gods and bring that god to the Mortal Realm!”
The people muttered loudly.
“That is right!” said a man standing up. “My army from the Southern Swamps saw everything. We saw the god for ourselves, and it is known the gods made sacred laws that prohibit them from stepping into the Mortal Realm. This one… specimen managed to bend the law to his will.”
“So what is so special about a failed science experiment that should have been long dead? There is nothing special about him!”
“You’re wrong!” said Flavius. Flavius got out of his chair and stood in dead center of the seated people. “He journeyed to the Northern Region where he freed the people from Lusìvar’s grasp of fear. He reclaimed the Northern Region as part of Shimabellia. He fought against the witches who kidnapped many daughters, including one of my sisters.
“But he managed to save several girls and kill the witches. Valverno fought with us against the witch and the king on the front lines. And it my father, who raised him the day Valverno was brought to my father’s doorstep, died believing Valverno can lead the two islands altogether.”
Flavius drew out his sword and pointed it at Valverno. “No can lead us the better of the best than him. And I’d say he is the Chosen One and the rightful ruler: the true King… no… the Demigod of the Islands.” Flavius walked closer to Valverno and knelt before the hybrid.
“I reckon that as well: he summoned worth a god and no one else has the power to do so,” said Kelda. She drew out a long axe-spear and knelt beside Flavius. “The Demigod of the Moral Real!”
Then the two clan leaders got up, walked over to Kelda, drew out their weapons, and knelt beside her. “We agree: the Demigod of the Moral Real.”
Then the Dragon King, the Unicorn King, the Centaur King, and the remaining rulers stood up from their sitting potions and looked at several more people getting up. The Dragon King walked away from his distant position and walked several yards to stand closer to Valverno.
The Dragon King gave a loud roar as did his dragon bodyguards. The Centaurs, Unicorns, and the Pegasi stomped their hooves. The Sea Serpents and the Merpeople, which were floating from nearby waterholes gave small shouts. All the creatures gave cheerful shouts.
Then Valverno raised his hand and a shockwave was sent; silence filled the air.
“You are right: I am not special, Teutates, I’m like Lusìvar, an ancient being from ancient times. But he and I are alive and living on Shimabellia. And believe me; you will need me like everyone here. In the future, evil will be lurking everywhere. As an island whole, we need to stand as a united people, not divided people. United as one nation, one kingdom, one banner.
“And as one united army, one nation united under one banner led by one person, we will ride forth. We will succeed. We will march forward against Lusìvar. We will cleanse the islands of Lusìvar’s evilness and bring