“But now, since we have established of me being here, acknowledge me as the new ruler of Shimabellia: Demigod Valverno!” Then Valverno stood up and stomped both his feet and flapped his wings once.
This sent out a windy shockwave that shocked the entire room. The windows on the high walls broke into thousands of glassy shards and fell like snow. Valverno raised his hand and sent out a stroke of a strong wind blowing the snowing glass out the gaps the glass broke from. And behind him, the throne had shattered so suddenly.
Valverno looked upon the people standing in fear of him. No one was saying anything. He gave a strange, tilted glare at several people that briefly startled them, just by looking at them.
“All hail Demigod Valverno!” said a voice.
From the one voice in the crowd, few others began to join in. Their voices began to ring louder as other voices began to join.
Then the nobility started to say the same thing: “All hail Demigod Valverno!” In a matter of minutes, all the humans in the throne room shouted out Valverno’s name.
The demigod of the ancient world of Pangaea gave a small smile as the people in front of him were calling his name. Instead of sitting on the throne, he decided to remain standing and make sure the people he didn’t consider to be his allies were calling him by his name. With his power and his three White Knights, there was now no human force that could fight off against his might.
Valverno was now the new ruler of Shimabellia. He looked at the princess standing beside the throne and slowly backing away.
At that point, one of the White Knights jumped to Princess Stephanie. The Knight restrained the princess as if she was going to be held like a prisoner to Valverno. Valverno turned away from the captured princess and looked at the people calling out his name. He took a few steps back where now the throne had been destroyed.
Valverno was ready to take on the island and those who may still have their loyalty in the royal family. He looked upon the ceiling and saw the light of the sun shining down upon him.
Now it would be a matter of time of who would make the first mistake that could cost a certain person’s life and the future of the Living Life: Lusìvar, who will rule over the islands and life and bring Shadow or Valverno, who may win and bring peace to the islands and the future and bring Light into the future.
The final battle for the future has begun and only one will be the ultimate victor!
Ryan Johnson was born 1994 in California. He moved to Arizona in the year of 2000, and he has lived there ever since. His first word was “flower” which pronounced as “tlower.” His world of fantasy adventures started when he was eight years old, when he had an idea he was reincarnated to Earth from another dimension. And throughout his childhood, he felt like an outsider and a lone-wolf than a people person, living in the shadows of other people.
He was diagnosed with autism at a very young age, and he wouldn’t speak until he was five years old, speaking only a hundred words. Throughout his childhood, he underwent many doctors, therapies, medical treatments, etc. Doctors told his parents there was no hope for him of being able to think for himself and forever be a low functioning human boy.
However, throughout the years, Ryan managed to pull through and now he has grown intelligent enough to live on his own. He is now creating different worlds like the two islands of Shimabellia and Isla Maeli and creating the characters of the world of A Tale of a Human Dragon Hybrid. He currently lives in Arizona where he is currently to conclude his A Tale of a Human Dragon Hybrid Trilogy of which he started in 2014.