will you please consider it?”

My throat feels tight, the love and support pouring off of Evie too much for me to handle. So I just nod, letting her pull me into a hug, offering more comfort than I thought I needed.

“So, are you having fun on your night off?” Em asks, shoving a fresh glass of wine in front of me. The lads are all together having a drink at the bar before they go on in five. Saint Street is packed with the hustle and bustle of locals, something I’ve slightly forgotten as it’s been so long since I’ve been here at night—nearly five months, to be exact.

“Em, I don’t think it’s considered a night off, but yes, I’m having a great time.” I laugh, looking at my first glass that is still very full. “But I’ve still got to be a mum in the morning and from what I’ve heard, having a baby with a hangover is hell.”

“Oh God.” Stana grimaces. “Sounds like it.”

I nod. “You’ll both understand soon enough.”

Stana tries to hide it, but I see her smile.

“You thinking about babies, Augustana Prescott?” I dare ask. Her face goes beet red at my question.

“No, uh,” she sputters, reaching for her drink. “I don’t know.”

I laugh. “You’ve got a man who adores you, a place together. A ring and a baby are the next steps for you two. Am I wrong, Em?”

Em shakes her head, her bun full of curls dancing as she moves. “She is not wrong,” she chimes in.

“I guess so. I mean, I’m so young—I’m only just about to be twenty-four—but yeah, I would be lying if I said it hasn’t been on my mind,” Stana admits.

“Wanting those things doesn’t mean it has to happen now,” I reassure her. “But it’s good to know it’s Ali who you want them with.”

She smiles at his name. “It’s definitely Ali I want them with.”

I wink. “Thought so.” Turning to Em, I give her a look. “What about you, Ronan? Babies in the future?”

“I think Reeve and I would have to move in together before babies and marriage come up, but sure, in a few years it’s definitely something we want. But for now, I think we’re just happy being us two.”

“We’re all young. We don’t need marriage and babies now.” I pause. “Well, I mean, I’m clearly not following the latter, but no marriage for Lottie anytime soon.”

They both burst into laughter right as some cheers ring out, the guys heading to the stage. Owen takes his place behind the drums while Ali picks up the guitar and Reeve stands up front.

All three of us lean forward as Reeve starts to sing, probably looking like some lovesick puppies, but we don’t give a shit. Those are our lads up there, and I’m going to enjoy every single second of it.

And enjoy every second I did. I got to stare at Owen in his element for thirty minutes before we socialized with all our mates for another two hours after that. By the time we were finished it was ten p.m., my body thankful I’d stopped at two drinks.

Everyone wanted to kick on, so Owen and I slipped out as Saint Street was really heating up. Despite their set usually being around nine, I know they played early for me, which honestly means the world.

Through all of the past few months, this group of humans has only continued to solidify the fact that they’re my makeshift family, being there for me through everything.

It’s late when we finally get to Evie’s, Owen and I sneaking upstairs like a couple of kids and tiptoeing into Owen’s old bedroom while Rosie sleeps peacefully in the corner.

I can’t help it, so I hover over her crib, her body wrapped up tight in her sleeping bag while her curls glisten in the moonlight that peeks through the window.

I feel Owen come up beside me, his hands going around my waist.

“She really is perfect,” he whispers ever so quietly in my ear.

“She really is,” I confirm.

Eventually my fatigue gets the best of me, so Owen takes my hand and leads me into his double bed. It’s definitely smaller than my queen that we’re used to, but it does fine.

I snuggle into his warm chest, trying not to laugh at the situation. Owen is nearly twenty-nine and I’m twenty-six, both of us sleeping in his mum’s house with my little girl next to me. Yet despite it all, I manage to drift off into a deep sleep, thankful to have Owen’s arms wrapped around me.


“Are you sure you’re okay leaving her for the night?” Owen asks me, panic on his face. I’m starting to think he’s the one who isn’t ready. I’ve just told him about his birthday surprise and he’s hesitant, to say the least.

“Owen, we’re literally one room down from her. This doesn’t even count as leaving for the night. Stana and Em are in the hotel room next to us. I promise it’s okay.”

He nods, but I see his uncertainty. To be completely honest, it scares the shit out of me not having her sleep next to me, but it’s been nonstop since she was born, and Owen and I deserve a break. No mum guilt allowed today. Okay, maybe a little, but I’m trying to ignore it.

“So, are you going to tell me the plan for this afternoon?” he asks, his hand laced in mine while we walk down the hotel corridor.

“The plan is to have a movie marathon with room service and a comfy hotel bed.”

He perks up. “Really?”

“I know it’s nothing crazy, but I figured it might be better to just spend time together and relax. Work’s been busy for you lately, and it’s hard to get that one-on-one time with Rosie always at my side. Don’t get me wrong, she’s my entire world, but sometimes I feel like you and I need some time together.”

He gives my hand a squeeze. “Honestly, Lottie,

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