clip. I really didn’t want to think about Rebecca, anyway. I hadn’t brought my license so Paul, the young salesman, accompanied me on the test run.

When I pushed the button, the thing growled and idled like the racehorse she was. I commanded her with both hands on the steering wheel, released the brake, and away we went. The car’s pedal was going to take some getting used to, feathery light and so sensitive. I was getting turned on by how little I had to do to get such a complete monster reaction out of her. We drove down Gulf Blvd., turning heads everywhere. She wanted the freeway, but I wanted to treat her to a nice tree-lined pasture for her maiden voyage. She cornered perfectly.

She was going to be my second love.

I couldn’t wait to show her off at sunset.

I left the keys with the concierge, who squealed with delight. “I want roses tucked in two bouquets on the rear seat floor, the champagne in the middle.”

“Oh, and I’ve found some to-die-for grouper bites too, and some blackened shrimp. I’ll put some grapes in there as well. I didn’t have time to get the flutes monogrammed, sorry to say.”

I kissed her on her cute little forehead. “Go make me proud Corrine!”

“What time will you arrive?”

I checked my cell. She is supposed to meet me at six. I’ve got the right spot picked out for our little picnic.”

“Leave it to me, Mr. Gambini. And you’ll want roses in the suite as well? Some midnight snacks in the refrigerator? More champagne chilled in a bucket?”

“Perfect. I’m hiring a car to go pick her up, so you can get the red-head ready. We should be here no later than six thirty, but I’ll text you.”

“Oh, Mr. Gambini,” she said, her hand clasped under her chin, “You are such a romantic. She’s a lucky girl.”

“I’m the lucky one.”

I was at her house when she arrived home. I’d taken the time to study every piece of her artwork carefully. I didn’t want to pry, but something about this woman was a mystery, as if we’d been connected in another life.

And I never believed in such things.

“Is that your car outside?” she asked as she ran to me.

“Of course it is. He’s waiting to take you to your surprise.” We kissed. She smelled so good, and with the good news I had with the sultan, I felt free to just enjoy her lovely body, her happy spirit. It was one of the things I did need from her. And I’d always been a man who didn’t need anything from anyone.

“So, how did it go?”

“You didn’t watch?” She wrinkled her forehead, disappointed.

“I’m sorry, but I had something that I had to do. But you’ll get a copy of it, won’t you?”

“Yes. I just hope that you’re not upset when you watch it.”

“Why would that be?” I said as she folded into my arms.

“At first, I thought she was just going after this project because it was something you felt strongly about. Now? I actually think she wants to do it. She’s hard to figure out. Could you ever see your way to letting her take it over?”


“But, if she left you alone?”

“I don’t know what it would take to have her leave me alone.”

She laced a forefinger over my lips. “I think she needs a job in life. Maybe she just wants to prove to you that she can do big projects.”

“She can’t.” I separated us, walking over toward the kitchen, rubbing the back of my neck. “And I’m done talking about her.”

My words must have been too strong because Shannon looked like she was about to burst into tears. I crossed the room like a flash, took her into my arms and rocked her. “I’m sorry. That came out wrong.”

She broke away from me this time. “Give her a chance, Marco.”

“Maybe I better see the video before I answer that.”

“Fair enough. I can live with that.”

She quickly showered and changed into a very low-cut black cocktail dress and some sparkly sandals that highlighted her slender ankles and beautiful, long legs. She wore a brightly colored scarf for a wrap, and as the car drove up the ten miles of beach homes, I could see that we were nearly out of time to watch the sunset, but we’d make it.

When we pulled into the Oceanis entrance, we scattered a flock of flamingos who were crossing the approach. We stopped just behind the beautiful cherry red Bentley convertible. I pulled her from the back seat and sent the driver off. The bellman came running, bringing me the keys.

“Sir, we were afraid you weren’t coming. You didn’t text.”

“I was so happy seeing my girl, I completely forgot.” Shannon smiled back at both of us.

“Ready to take her for a spin?”

“This? This is yours?”

“Yes ma’am and you’re going to drive us. Can you do that?”

Shannon curled down her lower lip. “Is it a stick shift?”

“Nope. Automatic. Twelve cylinders of pure cherry flavored pussy.”

I loved seeing her blush. I helped her into the driver’s seat and strapped her in.

“Marco, it has champagne. I don’t want to spill it, and flowers, OMG there are dozens of roses here. Did—”

I stopped her with a kiss. “Yes, I sent them. Did you like them?”

She didn’t answer.

We headed up Gulf Blvd. until I found the beach access road I was looking for. She carefully drove the lush green jungle trail until we came to the clearing on a vacant lot I owned. I instructed her to face the car toward the street and aim the rear at the beach and ocean.

“Come on,” I said, running to her side. I unlocked the trunk and pulled out the blankets, handing them to her, then brought the wicker basket with the treats and the champagne. I pulled her up, over the dunes and we lay the blankets on the white sand, sat and watched the orange globe of the sun begin to set. Everywhere we looked

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