the sky was orange and purple. A warm breeze blew off the bay as I sat behind her, holding her in my arms.

“I never get tired of this view. It’s the best thing about my little bungalow.”

“Agreed. You have one of the best views. Tiny house, but big view.”

“No one’s here.”

“I know. That’s why I chose it.”

The sun hung so low it nearly touched the water as I poured her glass and watched the bright orange glow in her face and shoulders, the way her eyes sparkled, the way she smiled at me.

“To us, Shannon. I made this sunset for us.”

“To us.”

She touched her glass to mine, took a sip and watched the sun disappear.

I parted the towels and found some still-warm cheese biscuits and grouper bites, which were amazing. They’d put grapes and strawberries in there, along with cheeses and some crackers. She fed me and I sucked her fingers if she wasn’t quick enough.

It was beginning to chill with the sun having set, but the air was still streaked with color. The waves washed the beach clean as birds ran over the smooth sand foraging for food.

“Wanna try something with me?” I asked.

“Now you have me intrigued. I could sit here all night. It’s so beautiful.”

“You can see it a little better from the car, Shannon. And I can turn the heater on, if you like. And it will smell like roses.”

Her dancing eyes told me she was game.

We gathered everything up and walked the tiny dunes trail to the car. I removed one of the vases of roses and the holder that was keeping them balanced and placed it on the ground. I pushed the seat forward, spread two blankets on the floor and the seat and directed her to kneel so she could see the view.

I poured us each another glass of champagne and joined her. Bringing another blanket up to her shoulders, I whispered between nibbling kisses, “Take your panties off, Shannon.”

She set her finished glass on the floor and blew back to me, “I’m not wearing any, Marco.” I let her remove my glass and then work on my pants buckle, unbuttoning my shirt as she did so. Her cool fingers slipped down the front where she gently squeezed my package. Her eyes didn’t divert from mine. Her tongue touched my lips, then my extended tongue until the kiss deepened and that glorious rush of adrenaline came over me.

I palmed her bare ass, rubbing her up and down, then let one hand press between her thighs in front to touch her where she wanted to be touched.

I held her by the waist and sat her sweet little bottom on the folded canvas top and parted her knees. I could still see her lips, swollen, abused and about to be abused some more. Two fingers slipped inside her as she moaned and leaned back, resting her torso on the canvas. I removed her sandals one at a time, kissing her up the inside of her legs until my tongue found the warm, pulsing folds of succulent flesh. She pressed one foot against the headrest of the driver side and slid back further and spread her knees wider.

Her dress slipped off in my hands and then I slowly suckled, kissed and penetrated her with my tongue.

“Oh, God, Marco! I’m going to come in your mouth already.”

“Yes, Shannon. Give it to me.”

Her sweet juices covered my lips, my chin and my nose. I nipped her clit with my teeth and she went wild with need. I savored and watched her squeeze her breasts, then sit up and hold my fingers as I entered her over and over again until she drew my face up to hers and took from me a long, lingering kiss.

I carefully turned her over, her glowing ass making me hard just looking at it. Her elbows rested on the top. I rubbed her sex and then gave her space to think about what was coming next while I removed my shirt. I plucked one of the roses and let it tickle her from her neck to her anus. I crushed the flower and allowed the petals to fall all over her nude body now being illuminated by moonlight. My pants fell to my knees as I stood on the seat, kneeled slightly and pressed her body against the car. I positioned my cock so she could feel how engorged I was. I rubbed my tip over the crease in her ass, probing, sliding and then finally entering her fluttering labia. Holding her hips I pulled her back and onto me, rocked her with my thighs, allowing her to straddle my lap, and then rammed inside deep as if I could split her in two.

Our tongues played as we kissed from the side. I spread her cheeks and moved deeper still. Her behind pressed against me for full penetration, her feet at my sides as I pumped her, picking up the pace until her long rolling orgasm completely overtook her. I grabbed her hips, pulling her to me as I spilled. And then we paused, listening to the sounds of the ocean and the birds who came out to feed.

With the sky turning gray and the ocean chill invading the bluff, we gathered our things, put the top up, and returned to my motel.

I knew I was going to remember this night forever. I was hoping that she would too, when she turned her head and whispered, “Marco, I never want this to end.”

I was going to do everything I could to make sure it wouldn’t.

Chapter 16


I woke up with a headache and briefly calculated how much champagne I’d consumed—we’d consumed—and took in a deep breath. I was alone in the bed, covered in rose petals. Some of them were caught in the strands of my hair splayed all over the pillow.

I took stock of what the night had been like, both of us unable to sleep because just about

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