They quickly found a defensible position, up against the edge of the dome as she’d suggested. Lara scaled up a tree swiftly, taking the flags up with her, Rosalie followed with a little less alacrity – requiring some undignified pushing from below – almost completely ruining the cool, haughty look she tried to maintain. It took a couple of minutes, combined with a couple of firm shoves from Pierre below, but eventually Rosalie too disappeared into the thick canopy.
Cole and Pierre took up their positions on the ground, well hidden in the thick vegetation.
Once they were sure that the defensive team was thoroughly hidden, the two scouting teams then moved forward. The Oceanics swung and leapt through the trees with the skill and ease of a monkey or flying squirrel, while she, Jamie and Jason made their way forward with significantly more care on the ground.
There was a thick layer of decaying leaves on the ground, which helped with masking their footsteps – nonetheless, Jamie and Jason allowed her to take the lead, silently acknowledging that as an Atmospheric with her supernatural stealth made her the most efficient scout.
Allyra allowed her senses to reach out to the threads that made up the inside of the Arena. She might not be allowed to actually use her Gift to manipulate the Elements, but she could still use it to look for any dangers that might be lurking. She tried to concentrate on the path ahead, but she focused some of her attention back at Jason in case he was planning something nasty.
They’d been moving for about an hour with little to show for their efforts, which probably made for very poor entertainment. She hoped for the audience’s sake that the White team was planning something exciting. Not long after, Allyra became aware of movement up ahead. She held up her hand, bringing Jason and Jamie to an abrupt stop. Conveying silently the message for them to stay – she scouted on ahead. She moved lightly and silently, weaving between the trees and dancing amongst the vines.
She found Audrey and Sonya putting together an intricate trap using sharpened stakes and vines as rope. Eva’s plan became all too clear – to incapacitate the other team, using hidden traps and ambushes. It was a good plan, and because they’d been conservative with their own strategy, it had given Eva plenty of time to put together some nasty traps.
Allyra started to make her way back to Jamie and Jason, but pulled up abruptly when a scream echoed through the dome. She still didn’t know any of the other competitors very well, so she couldn’t be sure, but it had sounded like Lin. It suggested that at least one of Eva’s traps had done its intended job and the other scouting team may have been compromised.
Jason and Jamie were still where she’d left them. Jason still looked cool and unconcerned, but Jamie’s eyes were wild with worry until she appeared silently out of the dappled light. She silently reminded herself to have a talk with him regarding keeping his emotions under wraps.
“They’re setting up traps. I think they got Lin, and perhaps the rest of the other scouting group.” She whispered.
“Who did you see?” Jamie asked quickly, his eyes darting around the silent vegetation, seemingly believing that someone might jump out at any moment.
“Sonya and Audrey.”
“We should take them.” Jason said, his dark eyes brightening at the prospect of a fight.
“That’s not what we agreed upon.” Jamie interjected; his voice was quiet, but intense. “We agreed to scout ahead and then regroup. If we make a mistake now, we may be dead in the water, especially if they’ve already disabled our other scouting team.”
“We need to take them now. We might not get another opportunity to separate them from the group. Overcoming the entire White team is going to be nearly impossible, especially with the five Terras.” Jason replied calmly.
Both Jamie and Jason turned to her. Somehow she’d landed in the uncomfortable position of having to play tiebreaker.
She took her time, turning both proposals in her head, trying to see the best move. She knew that Jamie didn’t want to expose her to actual combat – as far as he knew she was an untrained novice. Ultimately, it was the idea of having to fight five Terras simultaneously that made her side with Jason – as unpalatable as that was. Risking combat now would at least give them a chance at winning.
“Let’s take them now.” She said, glancing up at Jamie apologetically. “But my way. I’ll go first, you two hang back. If this is a trap then they’ll only get me. Then you guys can go back and regroup. If not, move in to help me.”
“No.” Jamie said at the same time that Jason started speaking.
“That’s ridiculous, you don’t stand a chance. Audrey is an Inferno, she’s going to make mincemeat of you.” Jason said scornfully. He started moving, but Allyra reached up and grabbed his arm tightly.
“Stop. You’re forgetting these.” She said, pointing to their iron bracelets. “I agree that with Fire she would make mincemeat of me, but in a purely physical fight – I have the advantage of stealth. We need to weigh up what we stand to gain versus the risk we are willing to take. If the other scouting team is lost, are we really willing to risk all three of us as well?” She paused dramatically and shrugged at Jason. “Look, it’s up to you, but acceptable risk is all I’m willing to stake here.”
Jamie still looked as if he was trying to come up with an argument against her going, but before he could Jason interjected indifferently. “Fine – it’s your funeral.” He said with a wicked grin.
It was all she needed.
She got up and moved swiftly away. Jamie followed her, putting some distance between them and Jason. He took her hand and pulled her closer.
“This seems like a really