any further concern. “Ok. So, at this stage we are pretty much even. They’ve got two of ours and we’ve got two of theirs.” He said, summing up the situation succinctly.

“Sure.” Rosalie interjected angrily and pointed at Eric. “But this idiot is injured, and of absolutely no use going forward. So we’re three down, not two.”

“Right, but now we know the game Eva’s playing – traps and ambushes. She’s obviously keeping the five Terras back, protecting her flags, and I’m guessing that’s where she is too. So we’ll head back out in two teams, Rosalie and myself, Allyra and Jamie. Two objectives – the Elemental flag and Andy and Gemma.”

Rosalie was instantly placated by the idea of finally seeing some action and started cracking her knuckles systematically in preparation.

Still not trusting Jason despite him saving her from Audrey, Allyra was just relieved he hadn’t tried to pair up with her. The rest of the team fell in with Jason’s suggestions easily, allowing him to take the lead.


For the first time since the start of the Trials, she was alone with Jamie. They moved with easy synchronicity, aware that while the rest of the competitors were not present, a more dangerous spectator, in the form of Marcus and his cameras, were still watching.

They circled around the edge of the dome and quickly stumbled upon the Elemental flag high up in a tree, hidden amongst thick foliage. Following a short discussion, they agreed to secure the flag and take it back to the Gold base.

Jamie climbed the tree – graceful despite his large frame. In a matter of minutes they had the flag and were moving back towards their base.

They were nearly back when another scream rang across the Arena.

“Gemma.” Jamie whispered, his face pale.

Blood chilled within her veins. There was no knowing whether Rosalie had managed to restrain her lust for blood. They stood quietly for a few moments, trying to listen for any more sounds of battle. Hearing none, they reluctantly made their way back to base.

Lara quickly stowed the Elemental flag away with the other two flags and the team melted back into the foliage and settled down to wait for Jason and Rosalie.

It wasn’t long before the two Infernos arrived. Jason was carrying both Andy and Gemma, one over each of his shoulders. He tossed them down casually to the ground, then rubbed his shoulders carelessly – a beautiful, graceful action.

Jamie rushed to Gemma – she was unconscious, but she didn’t seem to have suffered any major injuries. Andy, however, was bleeding profusely from a wound in his shoulder. Allyra pressed her hand to the wound and felt the blood well up underneath her fingers, as thick and sticky as hot toffee.

“He needs help!” She said urgently.

Rosalie just rolled her eyes, while Jason didn’t bother sparing her a glance. Jamie dropped down beside her and winced when he saw the wound. He pushed his hands over hers and looked around desperately for something to tie the wound up with.

“Keep pressure on it.” He muttered to her. Cole hovered over them anxiously, but he turned into multiple shades of green the minute he saw the blood. Pierre walked over and silently picked Andy up.

“They’ll come for him if we put him at the edge of the dome. They won’t let him die unnecessarily.” He said calmly.

Jason had watched the proceedings with vague disinterest. “If you are finished wasting time…” He said shortly.

His nonchalant lack of concern ate at her, and she balled her fingers into a fist, fighting the urge to slam it into his perfect, arrogant face. Jamie’s fingers snaked around her wrist, holding her back.

Jason had survived the fight completely unscathed, but Rosalie’s lip was swelling up and she was bleeding from her nose. Allyra smiled covertly – obviously either Andy or Gemma had managed to get at least a couple of hits in before succumbing.

“Final phase.” Jason announced. “Eva and the five Terras will be guarding their flags. All we need to do is get past their defenses and we’ve won. Rosalie and I will attack from one side, Allyra and Jamie from the other. Lara, you’re going to hang back until we create the necessary distraction, once you see an opening you’re going to grab the flags.” He looked around at everyone, again taking time to meet everyone’s eyes. “Are we agreed?”

Pierre shook his head, “No.” He said quietly. He was a man of few words, but he managed to command the attention of everyone around him every time he spoke. “You should take the Elemental Flag with you.”

“You’re out of your mind!” Rosalie scoffed, her voice nasal and her words slightly slurred by her swollen lip and nose.

Pierre stared her down doggedly. “The other team will know that we’ve taken four of their team. They’re going to expect us to take the offensive. Their only course of action would be to make a last ditch effort to take our flags. The best time to do that is when we are mounting our own offensive, leaving our defenses weakened.”

Rosalie shook her head incredulously. “You’re crazy! She won’t do that. Defense is her best option now, she’d be mad to split her forces.”

“A stalemate isn’t going to get her anywhere.” Jamie said quietly, supporting Pierre. “We’re all playing for a win. Eva isn’t just going to wait for us to attack. Right now she still has a chance.”

Not waiting for Rosalie’s reply, Jamie took the Elemental flag from Lara and stuffed it into his pocket. “Let’s go, we’re wasting time.”

Rosalie turned angrily towards Jason, but he was nodding. “Fine, let’s go.”

The five of them moved swiftly towards the White team’s base. Allyra took the lead, ensuring they didn’t run into any other surprises. After an hour of careful trekking, she came upon the base and held up her hand, motioning the others to stop.

She swung lightly into a tree to get a better view and immediately saw that Pierre was right, there were only

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