Queen of Reflections

Kingdom of Fairytales: Snow White book 1

Laura Greenwood J A Armitage


1. 7th October

2. 8th October

3. 9th October

4. 10th October

5. 11th October

6. 12th October

7. 13th October

After the Happily Ever After…


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A note from the author

The Kingdom of Fairytales Team

About J.A. Armitage

About Zara Quentin

Kingdom of Fairytales

You all know the fairytales, the stories that always have the happy ending. But what happens after all those storybook characters get what they wanted? Is it really a happily ever after?

Kingdom of Fairytales is a new way of reading with one chapter a day and one book a week throughout the year beginning January 1st

Lighting-fast reads you won’t be able to put down

Read in real time as each chapter follows a day in the life of a character throughout the entire year, with each bite-sized episode representing a week in the life of our hero.

Each character’s story wrapped up at the end of every season with a brand new character and story featured in each season.

Fantasy has never been so epic!

7th October

The sun streaming through the window warmed my face, waking me from a dream so dark my heart was still thundering minutes later, even though the memory of it had already faded, like a déjà-vu unremembered. I shivered as though the room was cold, even though it was still cozy from the fire that had been lit the night before. The feeling that something was wrong was intense, but without anything to tether it to, I brushed it aside.

I swung my legs around, planting them on the floor, and heaved myself out of bed. Frightening dreams had been plaguing me for a while now, but the very second I opened my eyes, they would drift away, leaving me with a sense of unease and no recollection of what I was dreaming.

I pulled out a pair of leather leggings, tunic, and lace shirt—all in black—and dressed quickly, trying to rid myself of the lingering restlessness I felt at the forgotten dream. With only my hair left to do, I readied myself for the latest stand-off with my grandmother's mirror, an enchanted artifact that almost brought down the whole kingdom over eighteen years ago.

"What are you wearing?" The mirror huffed a sigh as though my very existence annoyed it...which it probably did. "It might as well be a hessian bag."

"At least, I don't look the same every day," I threw back, giving myself a wink in the mirror. It looked like an ordinary mirror, though with an ornately decorated frame, but I swear it had the soul of a demon trapped inside it.

"There's no need to look different when one's existence makes one perfect," it snapped back, always taking everything so personally. I gave a grin and picked up my wand to spell my unruly black curls into submission. I'd never really gotten into spellcasting like everyone else in Enchantia, but I liked this spell. Then again, I liked anything which made it easier to deal with my hair. The wand vibrated in my hand, recognizing me as its owner.

As an Enchantian, I was supposed to know magic inside and out, but the truth was, my hair spell was one of the few I’d mastered, and that was only because it was easier than working a brush through the tangles.

"Even with your hair spelled, you're barely passable," the mirror sniffed.

"Thanks for the barely," I muttered.


Ignoring it, I strapped my holster around my waist and slid my wand into it, giving my hair a flick for good measure.

A knock sounded at the door taking my concentration away from my hair

"Come in," I called.

The door didn't make a sound as it opened.

"How are you, Kelis? Sleep well?" Mother asked as she swept into the room, her dark hair and red lips a striking contrast to the white suit and cape she was wearing.

“My dear queen, how glorious and regal you look today,” the mirror spewed, with obvious delight. “You truly are the most magnificent woman in all the kingdoms. Might I even say you are the fairest of them all,” it continued. Hopefully, this would be one of it's shorter tirades. I wasn't sure I could stomach more this morning. Once, it hadn't stopped praising her for over an hour. She'd ended up walking out of the room without telling me what she'd come for.

"Here we go," mother muttered, rolling her eyes.

I suppressed a smirk as she gave it the side-eye.

“You look more and more enchanting every day,” it continued. “There is no doubt you are the most beautiful woman in all the land.”

I snorted, unable to help myself.

"It's not funny, Kelis," she warned me. “You know I detest that thing. It’s not natural.”

"It kind of is funny," I responded, knowing we were going to have the same conversation as always about this but not being able to stop it.

“I don't know why you keep that old thing,” she muttered. “It’s a terrible nuisance.”

“It was grandmother's.” I replied as though that was the reason it still hung on my bedroom wall after all these years. The truth was the thing was hilarious. Plus, throwing away an enchanted object seemed to be asking for trouble. She should know, all of her troubles started with this same enchanted mirror too. Well, and a wicked step-mother who wanted to kill her. But that was beside the point.

"Look at all the trouble it caused." Mother sighed and dropped herself onto one of the many chairs I had dotted around.

"Only because someone else wanted to be the most beautiful woman in the land," I pointed out. "I know, I'm not. So it hardly matters; besides, it’s funny."

She sighed again, and I knew what was coming next. Like with the mirror, it was always the same. "You're beautiful just the way you are, Kelis," she

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