not to scream as his tongue, strong, smooth and hot splits her in two. In his mind, he hears her screams, and smiles as she starts to whimper. Pleased, he hears her say his name in his mind and feels the spasms meant only for him.

Sinking deep inside, he sets a new pace, taking her mouth and shares the taste with her. Unable to resist the lure of her blood any more, he times his penetration with the explosion of their orgasm. Sinking his teeth deeply, she throws back her head and just feels. In that moment she finds heaven; in the arms of her enemy, she finds peace. Holding his head to her throat, she treasures the feel of him inside of her, around her, and on top of her.

“Mine,” he thinks “Mine!”

He felt the ripple and knew before the Mocker appeared what it meant. Quickly jumping up he moves back, ignoring her protest.

“Dress now! The Keeper must be giving him trouble again. He comes for me, Rena.” Shifting back to his weaker form, he slips through the wall and readies for the attack to come. Varena quickly pulls on her shift, dizzy from the lack of blood. She huddles in the corner of her cell.

This time he is ready, thanks to her gift. The stupid dogs that guard him fail to check the chains; they think he is too weak to cause trouble. He waits knowing he will only get a moment to attack. When the opening appears in the rocky wall, he quakes with his hands shielding his face. As Samiel prepares to strike, Raphaim launches his body towards him. He plunges his teeth through the flesh and into the muscular thigh. Wrapping his bony arms and legs around the limb, he drinks the powerful blood. He ignores the fists pummeling him as he quickly sucks the healing blood into his throat, only to be ripped away and pinned to the wall by his father. With a laugh, he licks the blood off his lips and waits for the usual abuse to begin.

The rich purity of the blood in his system is hypnotic, he snarls, scratching, and kicking like an animal fighting for its meal. His father calls for two of the guards to help hold him. They watch as the blood begins to work its magic, regrowing a single wing, with beautiful black feathers.

"You are evolving, awakening to your new form; I may have need of you soon." Turning to leave he seals the two fallen guards inside and watches through the glass wall. They wait a moment before they realize what is happening and the panic sets in.

One drops his hold on the prisoner and runs to the wall looking for the door that no longer exists. Seizing the moment; Raphaim attacks without a thought, going straight for the throat of the angel holding him. The blood so warm and rich pours into his system fueling his starving cells. Releasing his first victim, he launches an attack against the angel trying to get out hitting him from behind. Sinking his clawed nails into his eyes, he blinds him and bites straight into his throat ripping out his jugular, releasing a river of angelic blood. Covering the gash with his mouth, he drinks his fill, watching his father through the wall. Dropping his victim Raphaim stands at full strength once more and drops his victim to the floor. The injured angel turns and prepares to fight.

With a smile, he looks at his Father never blinking. Naked, his fully formed body is covered in grime and filth, but he has no shame. His wings are fully feathered once again, and he waits with the patience of a starved animal on the hunt.

“I am Shadow,” he says once more. Crossing the space in the blink of an eye, the injured angel tries to fly away but he has no chance. Sinking his fangs deep, he drinks him dry. Just before he feels his heart stop, he grabs the beautiful wings and tears them off the angel’s back. Laughing in glee at the scream of agony, he tosses the wings at the opening where his father once stood.

“Free me now!! FATHER! I am Shadow! I can catch the Keeper and return her to you!” With a sinking heart, he hears a sound from behind him. Turning to the wall, he sees his father holding Varena by the throat.

“Did you trust him, Watcher? Did you think he cared for you?” The mocker smells her inhaling the scent into his lungs, and then begins to laugh. “I can smell him all over you. Either way, the child you carry whether mine or his still belongs to me.” Dropping her on the ground, he kicks her as Raphaim watches, “I would have treated you better he is more animal than man now.”

Lifting her head up, Varena looks at Raphaim’s blank expression, and the blood covering him. She begins to weep dark, deep tears. She had traded one lion’s den for another.

“I offer you redemption, son. I will free you, and keep her safe as long as you bring me the Keeper. What do you say, Shadow?”

Raphaim smiles into his father’s eyes he is finally free.

“Come and claim your prize, son. We have much to discuss.”

Raphaim lifts Varena into his arms and follows his father out of hell. Varena does not fight, for she is truly broken now. Curling into his chest, she listens to the heart of the demon that holds her and knows she will never be free of him.


The beating of the drums wafts through the night air and Elina finds her heartbeat struggling to match the rhythm. As a teen she loved to visit her Aunt Pauline, Polly for short, here in the Badlands of South Dakota. It has such a rich history with its colorful landscape. There are formations found in the rock that she used to love to explore, imagining castles and towers

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