at that power. I thought you were stronger than that. Let’s see how tough you are. You deserve each other” Samiel says and he leaves.

Tieran struggles to stay upright as he crawls back to the wall, leaving a trail of blood behind him. Raphaim struggles with the smell of the blood, so strong he can taste the metallic nectar with each breath he takes. Shaking, he turns away, intending to wait it out.

“Son of the Mocker, Free me!” Tieran begs. “You have the power to save me. Take what I freely offer you and send me home.”

Turning quickly towards the angel, he knows he is too weak to resist. “I need…” Raphaim says dropping to his knees beside Tieran.

“It’s okay; help me look at her one last time, Raphaim,” he asks as he struggles to rise against the wall. “She shines like the stars in heaven when she smiles. Did you know that?” he asks with a single tear sliding down his cheek.

Raphaim sits him up, supporting his weight and calls her “Varena, come to him, he needs you.”

She uncurls quickly and rushes to the wall. Watching the unlikely pair, she smiles. “Tieran,” she says like a whispered prayer. Wiping her tears away, she struggles to cover herself with the rags he left her.

“Varena, promise me you will not hold bitterness in your heart” Tieran begs struggling to breath, he takes a shallow breath. “I want you to have a heart that forgives. Find his peace and you find a refuge that no one can breach.”

“Give him peace, Varena,” Raphaim tells her in her mind.

“Tieran, I will try to have a heart that forgives. Go in peace.” His hand slides down and the wall goes dark. Screaming in her mind, she feels the moment he ceases to exist. It is the exact moment her heart breaks in two.


Raphaim clutches the dying angel in his arms and sinks his teeth deeply into his neck. The holy blood fills his starving organs and reforms him from the inside out. Taking every drop, he is startled when the angel explodes into stardust, showering down over Varena and himself with its essence. Illuminated from this gift, they look at each other and Rena finds her wounds healed and clothing mended.

Raphaim did not count on the images of heaven and hell filling his mind. As he clutches his head in his hands, he hears the music of heaven and the heavenly Father. Looking up he sees Varena, smiling and knows true joy for a moment. “She really does glow when she smiles” he thinks.

“Thank you, Raphaim,” she says, watching him with her hazel eyes. The pain that was a constant companion dulls. He stands fully formed once more. Gone is the charred, hairless demon. In its place stands a beautiful, muscular angel, with long black hair and midnight blue wings. His body has returned to its previous glory, no longer reddened by the holy fire, but porcelain and untouched. He blinks and holds his black eyes closed for a moment, thankful for the blessed relief. Tears run down his cheek as if to signal his thankfulness for the gift he has been given. Stepping close to the barrier separating him from Varena, catching his reflection, he spreads his lush wings behind him, enjoying the feeling. He smiles and flaps his wings, laughing out loud.

Varena watches him, unsure what she is seeing. She remembers how he looked before the attack in the village, but the demon she has been living with for years still haunts her. Smiling at his obvious joy, she waits, wondering how this is happening. Tieran gave his life for a demon? How does any of this make sense? Stepping closer to the wall, she squints up at him, looking for a change in his soul.

“It is not possible to change the circumstances of my birth, Varena. I would not even if I could” his deep rich voice tells her.

“I know that, Raphaim. I am tired of existing. I want to be free. Can you get us out of here?” she asks looking up at him.

Touching the barrier of the wall, he tries to push his hand through and, to his surprise, feels it begin to give way. Jumping back away from his hand, she watches in awe as he is able to move his fingers. A noise outside has them both jumping back. Raphaim dims the wall, no longer needing its light to see. Varena backs up as two females enter her cell.

“We were told to provide you with food and water. In a few days you will be checked for signs of pregnancy.”  The other woman leaves a pile of clothing and shoes, avoiding eye contact with Rena. Hand to her stomach, Rena feels sick. She can’t be pregnant, it had not happened before now. It was assumed she was infertile. Many of the women from her village could not carry to full term, or died during the pregnancies.

“No!” she screams out in horror, unaware that the women are gone. With her hand to her stomach, she stands in shock and jumps at the sound of his voice.

“He returns, Varena. No matter what happens, do not try to interfere. Something has changed.” Not sure how long the blood of the angel will reform him; he is not prepared for what happens next. Enraged his father blows though the wall followed by four of the Fallen.

“Your Keeper has killed your brother Asa!” he says attacking Raphaim with a long, electrified rod. The power of it sends hot searing pain through his body, dropping him to his knees.

Breathing hard, Raphaim tries to placate him, “She is not my Keeper, father. Release me and I will bring her to you!” he begs only to be laughed at.

Beyond reasoning, Samiel stabs him once more with the rod raging, “She would already be mine if it weren’t for your arrogance!”

“I am sorry Father, how many times must I say it!” he

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