way to six feet tall. The tan skin and silky black hair that are true to his American Indian heritage is not visible in Alex. He is tall, fair, and has brown hair and brown eyes. “Have you ever been in a cave that collapsed, Alex?” Elina asks glancing down the hole.

Sarcastically he answers saying, “Dad’s all about safety.”

“Dads are like that, Moms too,” Elsbeth responds with understanding.

Alex walks around to the other side of the entrance, and kicks a rock. “I wouldn’t know because I don’t remember my mom.”

“Oh, I thought, I’m sorry, Alex…” Elsbeth stammers shocked by the news,

Looking up at the sincerity in her voice, he replies “That’s okay, Elsbeth. It has always been Dad and me. I was adopted as a baby. My mom died when I was two years old. A drunk driver hit her car, head on.”

Gently she touches his hand, “That’s awful Alex, I am so sorry I didn’t know.”

“That’s okay. It not something we talk about, he hasn’t gotten over losing her. I am happy to see him find someone like you.”

Not wanting to mislead him, she starts to correct him when she is interrupted by Hunter yelling up, “All clear, send her down, Alex.”

As she is descending into the belly of the Black Hills, Elsbeth has third thoughts. She tries not to panic, breathing faster and faster, she finds her hands clutching the old ladder, and her feet not willing to move.

“You can do this, Elsbeth,” she whispers to herself. “Don’t panic, don’t panic…”

“Elsbeth, do you trust me?” Hunter’s deep voice asks.

Frozen on the steps, she shakes her head yes.

“Then come to me, keep moving. Listen to the sound of my voice.”

Slowly her feet begin to move and she finds his hands on her waist helping her to the ground. Hunter uncoils the rope from around her waist he tugs it and Alex pulls it back up to begin his descent.

She says as she turns around, “You must think I am such a coward?”

Hunter slowly moves close. Her heartbeat accelerates as he lowers his mouth to hers, “Nope, I was thinking what a great view I have.” He captures her shocked mouth, with his. He tastes her sweet mouth and his hot tongue teases the moist heat of her mouth, spearing and retreating, waiting for her to respond. Elsbeth feels the intensity of his desire and responds. She drags him closer and leans into his kiss

“Descending!” Alex yells down and he tosses the rope down to them.

Elsbeth blushes bright red. With a laugh, Hunter turns on his helmet light, and walks deeper into the tunnel. Alex drops to the ground and begins wrapping up the rope. Elsbeth looks around and notices the ground covered in gravel and rocks. The tunnel itself is cold and dusty. With a flip of the switch, her flashlight illuminates the space. Elsbeth follows Hunter, with Alex bringing up the rear. The crunch of Hunter's boots on the dirty tunnel floor floats back to Elsbeth. As they walk deeper into the mine, the smell of rotten eggs gets stronger with every step. Dust particles float in the yellow light cast from the flashlights and Elsbeth finds her heart beating faster.

Hunter turns to look at her, and begins to speak. “Overhead you will see the wires running along the roof of the curved ceiling. They provided electricity to the workers who worked twelve hours shifts, seven days a week. The vein of ore we are looking for curves deep underground, then shoots upward about seven hundred feet.” The sound of his deep voice calms Elsbeth’s nerves.

“The tracks on the ground, were they used for carts of some kind?” she asks looking down at the metal rails.

Alex answers her, “Yep. Most of them have been ripped out for scrap money. All the copper wiring was stripped as well. That’s why you see all the tools and equipment scattered around.”

“Why was the mine abandoned?” she asks, carefully making her way around some rusted equipment. The tunnels are supported with wooden beams up the walls and around the ceiling. Some have collapsed due to age or rock fall. Hunter continues at a vigilant pace, but not looking back as he carefully scrutinizes every step leading them deep into the earth.

“The owners of the mine were not interested in Blood Stones, they wanted only gold. They shut the mine down and moved on. Locals mined what they could of the stones, but age and collapsed tunnels forced them to look elsewhere,” Hunters replies.

Falling quiet, the small group continues walking, stopping later to rest and drink some water. Hunter checks the air quality with some equipment he brought and then urges them to move on once again.

“Slave driver,” Alex mumbles under his breath.

Elsbeth chuckles and follows Hunter. As they turn around a corner in the tunnel, they come to a stop at a three way intersection.

“Wow. This was a busy mine wasn’t it?” Elsbeth asks out of breath.

Alex steps forward, “I can check this one, if we each take one it will be faster.”

Elsbeth’s eyes are large as she slowly begins to back away. Her pale face glows in the murky depths of the tunnel. Hunter turns to look at his son, and gives a small nod in her direction.

“I think it will be better if you stay with Beth, while I check them out.” Hunter walks over to Elsbeth; he lifts her chin saying gently, “I am going to check the tunnels for safety.” He retrieves his compass from his backpack, he tells them, “I won’t go far. You are safe with Alex.” She gives him a small nod then watches him go, jumping at the sound of Alex’s voice.

“Here Beth, sit on this.” He has rolled a barrel over and flipped it on its end so she can sit.

“Thanks, Alex.” Panic is setting in and she is trying desperately not to think of the weight of the earth above them. Elsbeth sips her water and uses her flashlight to

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