Elsbeth feels herself falling and stops screaming, wishing she could have seen him one last time, her angel. “Simeon,” she sighs like a prayer and the rope snaps. The jerk causes her helmet to be thrown from her head and her neck to snap back. Dazed for a moment she holds her breath until she realizes she is no longer falling, but floating! Afraid to open her eyes, she keeps her eyelids snapped tightly closed until she feels her feet touch the earth. Slowly, Elsbeth opens her eyes against the brilliant sunshine. She realizes she is outside the opening to the tunnel! Simeon! He’s here! She thinks jumping up to her feet; she pivots around searching for him.
“Simeon!” she screams, “Not again!” she yells. She takes a step to go look for him, and trips over something on the ground. Elsbeth falls to her knees and finds a bag tied with a leather strip, and a golden feather sticking out of the top. Reverently she touches the feather with her fingertips. Simeon, her heart sighs.
They found her like that, kneeling on the ground holding a golden feather. Hunter and Alex panicked when the rope snapped. They could feel the outward explosion of air as the tunnel collapsed. Alex did the only thing he could think to do: he grabbed his father and ported them outside the tunnel. Standing outside in the brilliant sun, they wince against the glare of light. Hunter twists around, intending to run for help and stops when he sees Elsbeth kneeling on the ground.
“Beth!” Alex yells, running towards her. Elsbeth’s bright blue eyes are full of joy as she looks up at them. Hunter stops Alex before he reaches her.
“He saved me again. He came back for me Hunter.” The blood pooling on the ground beside her left leg is the only indication that she is injured.
“Who Elsbeth? Who saved you?” Hunter asks looking around.
With a smile as bright as the sun, she answers reverently, “Simeon. Look he even gave us the stones,” gesturing to the bag on the ground.
“Elsbeth you’re injured, can I help you?” Hunter asks her. Alex moves away, and drops his backpack, taking out a bottle of water and small first aid kit. Hunter helps her stretch out her legs, and notices a rip in her jeans. Probably from her fall, and inside is a small gash on the calf of her leg. Taking out his knife, Hunter cuts the bottom of her jeans off her injured leg. After rinsing the cut with fresh water, he pats it dry with a small cloth. With shaking hands, he applies butterfly bandages to the cut.
“I am okay, he caught me before the impact, Hunter,” she tells him as she tries to hold still.
Gently he clasps the back of her neck with his hand, and pulls her forward. Kissing her softly on the mouth he says, “Elsbeth you scared twenty years off my life today!”
Alex is intently looking at the feather she holds. “Can I see that, Elsbeth?” She offers him the golden feather then watches, as he looks shocked.
“I’ve seen this before,” he says to himself. “Why do I feel like I’ve seen this before?” With a glance in Elsbeth’s direction, he has a million questions but no answers. Confused he gives the feather back to her, and walks away quietly to look at the bag of stones. Hunter helps Elsbeth to her feet then begins to pack up.
“How did you two get out so quickly?” Elsbeth asks trying to keep her weight on one foot. Alex and Hunter look at each other and neither one answers her question.
“We should get you back now, that leg needs to be looked at.” Hunter replies. Elsbeth claps the feather tightly to her heart unable to stop smiling… “He came back,” she thinks.
Still in a state of shock because of all that happened, they travel back to Polly’s house, unaware they now carry a stowaway. Drawn to Elsbeth by the mark she carries, the small cave demon traveled underground and followed them on the slow journey back to the vehicle. The scent of her blood causes its mouth to salivate, but he is patient and he bides his time waiting for his chance at the girl. Elsbeth sleeps in the back of the jeep, so Hunter drops Alex off at home, not bothering to go inside.
“You will be careful right, Dad? I am staying at Caleb’s tonight for the camping trip,” Alex reminds him, “I will be back Sunday around lunchtime.”
Hunter smiles at him, “Thanks for your help today, son. That was some quick thinking in the caves. I will be careful. You go have fun tonight.” With a wave, Alex unloads his gear and says goodbye.
“You are a great father. He is an amazing kid.” Hunter hears Elsbeth say as they pull off in the jeep.
He meets her eyes in the mirror and says, “I am the lucky one. How are you feeling?”
“Just tired,” Elsbeth yawns smiling softly. As she looks at the stones in her lap, Elsbeth glances out the window at the scenery passing by and falls asleep again holding the golden feather in her hand.
Hunter pulls into Polly’s driveway and cuts the engine off. He turns and looks at Elsbeth. She looks so frail with her bandaged leg, pale, mud covered hands and knees. His eyes drift to the stones and the feather she clutches and he sighs it looks like he has some competition. Smiling, he remembers what his grandfather used to say.
“Certain things capture your eyes, but pursue only those that capture your heart.” Her bravery, courage and innocence intrigue him. He wonders if he can capture her heart, or if someone else already has. After climbing out of the jeep, he opens the door to the