bright. Choking but managing a smirk, Rephaim dangles above the ground. Rage pulses through Malach.

Raphaim hisses, “You are so close.”

Malach tosses the demon on the ground, and says through clenched teeth, “Give me a reason, demon. I would love to take you out of the equation.”

While sitting, coughing in the dirt, Raphaim spits some debris out of his mouth and laughs. “This is perfect! The mighty sit in judgment of those who have no choice. I am a circumstance of my birth. It was your choice that created us!” Standing in a rage his teeth elongate and he snarls, “I will enjoy watching you fall and seeing what you become when this is over. Do you really think you have a chance against him? He has already amassed an army and everyday more of you fall! You are so weak! You can’t even resist one human female!”

From inside the flame, Elina hears the argument the two are having and part of her feels sorry for them all. The flame waits for her as though it listens as well. Malach says “Demon, there is always a choice. Only humanity is innocent in this. Our Father created them in his image, and gave them choice. They could sit back not caring about the mistakes that we have made, but they fight, even in the face of destitute odds. They fight, holding onto faith and trusting in our God when we could not. It is that innocence you found in Varena, the compassion that you discovered that humbled you. It is why you fight for her and why I will help you free her.” Struck by the truth in his words, Raphaim walks away to rinse off in the water and think.

Elina looks at the flame and smiles, holding out the scroll. Instead of a gentle tug the flame grabs her, jerking her inside and spinning out of control. The normal comforting flame grows larger and Malach and Raphaim jump back when Elina flashes to solid form in front of them.

As the Ketuwah surrounds Elina, she has become light. It flares from her fingertips, eyes, ears, and mouth. With a finger, she points to the sky, and one by one, the Fallen that Raphaim released come screaming toward her. Drawn to the light, at breathtaking speed they scream and fight knowing that judgment day is once again upon them. Elina points at the earth creating a spinning portal. It draws them one, by, one back to Hell. As the last one falls the portal closes and Elina closes her eyes. Throwing back her head, the Ketuwah disconnects from her. She reaches out and snuffs the flame out with her hands. The angel and demon both stare at Elina and she smiles.


Deep inside Hell, Varena wishes for death. When Raphaim left, he betrayed her and crushed her soul. She did not see him again after being deposited in her new cell. The Mocker would visit her and pretend to care; demanding the utmost care for her during her pregnancy. No one could touch her, and he requires that she join him for dinner each evening to act like family.

On trembling legs, she enters the dining hall, praying for strength to get through another meal. Samiel provides food and drink for Varena, but he likes his food alive. The youngest are brought in first, and he laughs at her obvious disgust.

Faith be still and know that I am God, she hears in her heart.

She sits and tries to drink with trembling hands. He leans forward smelling the air. “Ahh, I love the taste of fear in the air.” The Mocker grabs the youngest child and lifts his hand to his mouth. With a flick of his nail, he slices the boy’s wrist and pours the rich blood into his glass. The child looks at Varena with no hope in his eyes and does not bother to cry.

“I tremble not in fear of you, demon, but in awe of my God who never abandons me!” she says slamming her glass onto the table.

Shoving the shocked child away, he slams the table, “Your usefulness will soon be at an end, Varena. I would be careful if I were you. You still have hope, after all this time?” He throws back his head and laughs aloud, “What if I told you that you were not Raphaim’s only human pet? Does that change your view of him?” He smirks at her horror, and continues saying, “It has become obvious that the Watchers are unable to create more demons. Bring them in!” he demands of his servants.

The Fallen angels quickly drag in four human women in their twenties, weeping they look around with panic. He steps in front of them, and smiles not bothering to wipe the blood off his lips. “Silence!” he orders and they fall into a trance. “It seems these humans have a use after all. It became apparent that your kind were not compatible and humanity has changed. Some of them long for power and pain.”

Walking around behind them, he sniffs while stroking and touching them. “They long for the misery that grows here. I give and they give,” he says. He jerks the hair back of one girl, and bites her neck, taking his fill while his hand traces over her chest. The girl reaches up, grabs the Mocker’s head in her hands, and pulls his mouth in harder to her neck with a moan of ecstasy as if experiencing a deep orgasm. Her arousal is visible by the hardness of her bare nipples.

Horrified by what she is seeing and what this means, Varena runs weeping from the room leaving his laughter behind her.

She reaches her room that is more of a cell; she closes the door and weeps holding the small, moving mound beneath her shirt. “Peace little one, soon we will be free. I promise you.” A knock on the door has her backing away as an angel

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