“I’m never going to let you go Cassandra Rivers. Today we start our life together. The question is will you be mine?”
Cassie ignores all the people pushing and shoving around them, and the noise fades away. She feels her family with her, and his hope is shining in his eyes. When she thinks about marrying him and having his children her heart pounds with excitement.
“I will.” She answers, and he whoops and swings her up into his arms, ignoring the stares of those around them. Her laughter rings out, and she kisses him deeply. ‘Mine’ her heart whispers and his answers back, ‘Mine!’
The Pacific Northwest train runs a large black and red steam engine. It has sixteen cars attached to the engine. Cassie has never seen anything like it. The train depot is crammed full of people all excited to be boarding the trains.
“Cassie, the train car we will be traveling in is a pilot program for the railroad. A few choice couples have been asked to travel, expense free in return for their opinions on the accommodations. It is called a Pullman car.” Dalton explains as they move towards the front of the train to load.
Two gentlemen porters wait and introduce themselves before stepping aside to allow them to board. One of the porters leads the way. “This way Mr. and Mrs. Rivers, I will be your porter during your stay. The young black man is dressed proudly in a black suit and white shirt. “Anything you need, anything at all and you let me know.”
He leads them inside a luxurious car. It is lavishly decorated with floral arrangements, seating for relaxation, a large piano is in one corner with couches and chairs are displayed in conversation areas. The interior is mahogany lined panels, and gleaming brass fixtures. Large glass windows for observation line both sides of the car.
“This is one of three lounge cars. Here you can have early hors d' oeuvres, drinks, and listen to music. There are two dining cars which are by reservation only. They are reserved for the guests that are traveling in the Pullman sleeping cars.”
Dalton and Cassie are stunned. The trains they are used to have stuffy, narrow, low ceilings while this one is just the opposite. It has extra space and is exquisitely designed. They stop for a moment to take in the beauty of the train. They continue to follow the porter through the lounge car and into the dining car.
“Welcome to the dining cars, these are designed for intimate luxury. Tables are for two or four people, you will find flowers at every table and waiters anxious to serve you. This is one of two dining cars, not all guests will have the privilege of dining here, and again, that is reserved for your company.”
“It’s lovely. It has the feel of a beautiful restaurant. When is dinner served?” Cassie asks.
“The dining room is open at seven for dinner by reservation. Should I make reservations for you tonight?” he asks Dalton.
“No, tell me do offer room service?” Dalton inquires. They have had a long day, and he finds he wants to be alone with his new bride.
“Of course. I will take your order, once you are settled. I was told to give you the grand tour, shall we continue?” he asks.
“Please do. This is amazing!” Cassie exclaims clutching Dalton’s hand.
“In the middle of the train are the passenger cars. These cars are for travelers who are taking day trips. Attached to those cars would be an observation car.” They step through the car and into the outside area, passing into the new car.
Dalton looks around, it is luxuriously decorated as they all are. Plush carpet and mahogany panels, which shine from the exceptional care taken to keep them clean. Everything has a new smell. He smiles and looks back at Cassie. She is glowing with excitement, and he can't help but share in it.
“This particular train has six private sleeping cars. All feature private windows, and each is staffed with care. They will turn down your bed and leave the next day's itinerary for you. You can also choose to have breakfast delivered to your suite, and pick coffee and or tea. Each suite has a private sink and water closet with a full bed. Two chairs and a table are provided for your convenience.
“The final remaining cars are mail cars and baggage cars. You can choose to pull some of your baggage for storage in your suite or leave it in the baggage car. The choice is yours.” He glances down at his watch and smiles.
“Time to get you settled. Our train will depart in one hour. Follow me, please.” They quickly pass through the passenger cars which are just as nice, large seats, framed by large glass windows and into the sleeping cars.”
“You are in the second sleeping car.” He slides open the door to their car and stands back so they can enter. They are instantly captivated by a two-level room. The downstairs has a couch, two chairs, a large picture window and table with two club chairs. To the right is the water closet and sink with a door for privacy. Wooden steps lead to a sleeping loft, with large velvet curtains that can be pulled to block the light.
“Oh, Dalton! This is magnificent! Have you ever seen anything like it?” Cassie beams.
He smiles and turns to the porter. “Truly amazing.”
“I'm glad you find it satisfying. Your bags have been stored in the closets, behind the couch here. If you need anything, day or night, you only have to pull the cord.” He gestures to a cord hanging in the corner.
Dalton walks to the door and offers his tickets and asks for a bottle of champagne and light snack to be brought once they are underway. He tips