“Hope was born, the day you left. My husband was killed in a blast at the mine, he was working in. The news sent me into labor early.” She glances at the baby, “She is small, but she will be mighty, Solomon. Hope is a picture of health, and I left to get her away from that town and those men.”
“Faith, I am so sorry,” Solomon says, glancing at the newborn thinking of how hard life without a father will be for her.
Her voice draws him back. “Billy was gone long before the explosion. It sounds bad, but in a way, it's almost a relief. I missed the companionship and protection he was supposed to offer, but he never offered either. I was a means to an end for him. Miners who are married get a bigger share of the profits. He never brought home a penny, and when I told him about the baby, he was more excited about his shares than her.” She hangs her head in shame, “I guess I wasn't a good enough wife to keep him home.”
“Now Faith, any man who can't see the value in the sun deserves to live in the darkness,” he replies gruffly. Tears fill her eyes and threaten to spill over.
“Thank you, Solomon. I don’t know why I’m telling you all of this.” She wipes her eyes.
“I just have that kind of face,” he responds with a grin. Faith smiles back, and it floors him, how beautiful she is. Not a classic beauty but something about her captivates him. Soft freckles and light blue eyes framed in red lashes.
“There is more,” she says changing the subject. “Sheriff Bower was killed. Willow and Jackson came with me, and they were staying here until this morning. They left on the train, she's going home to her family.”
“How was the sheriff killed?” he asks quietly.
“He rounded up a posse when you left, and they decided to confront Eustace Daniels while his son was away. Eustace shot the Sheriff before they killed him. When Willow offered me a ride, I decided to go with her. I couldn’t stand another visit from Aiden. My hope is that I will find work at the Western Union office, anywhere but San Francisco!”
“So that's why you were in the office. Any luck?” He asks ignoring the comment about Aiden. It’s not hard to imagine what she means.
“Not yet, the jobs are posted on the first of the month, so I have to check back in a few days. It's been weeks, I'm hoping my luck will change this week,” she says glancing at the squirming baby. An idea forms in the back of Solomon’s mind.
“Perfect. Will you let me show you around San Francisco while you are here?” he asks with a smile. “It’s the least I could do, Faith. Your note helped me a great deal.”
She blushes and rises to pick up the baby. Gently she kisses her cheek and the two small red heads pressed together makes Solomon long for things he's never longed for. A family.
“You already paid me Solomon, which you shouldn’t have done. What they did to Cassandra Wolfe was unforgivable. I wanted to help.”
He moves closer, and touches her face softly, sending shivers down her body. “You did great. Say yes, Faith? San Francisco isn’t all bad.”
Her face tingles from his touch, and it has been so long since someone looked at her the way he does. She shakes herself and turns away to settle in the rocker. “It would be nice to be with a friend, Solomon. I admit I was just going to hide out, until my train leaves. So, yes. I would love to see San Francisco with you.” Excitement flutters in her stomach when he smiles ear to ear.
“Perfect, I will pick you up at nine in the morning.” He leaves and calls out, “Be sure to lock the door behind me, Faith.”
“Yes, Solomon.” She laughs and follows him to the door. A quick wave of her hand and she locks the door tight and goes to nurse her baby feeling optimistic about the future. There's no way a handsome man like Solomon is attracted to her, she just had a baby for goodness sake, but she will take the friendship just the same. Maybe he can help her find the job she needs.
Solomon smiles and formulates his plan as he hurries down the street back to the Western Union office. “I'd like to leave a message for someone.” He quickly sends a telegram to his sister in Texas. She will handle everything. It might seem selfish and controlling, but Solomon is a man who gets what he wants, and he wants Faith.
The next morning Solomon is waiting for Faith outside at nine a.m. sharp. She smiles when she hears the wagon and hurries to gather the small bag of food she has waiting. She plans on bribing him with food so he will take her to the ocean.
“Good Morning, Mr. Abbott?” she calls out carrying a bag and Hope. The morning fog has covered everything in a gray mist. All the color is gone from the world until Faith steps out. Her red hair is pulled up with cascading curls over her shoulder and is a sharp contrast to the navy-blue dress she is wearing. The sight of her sends a sharp pain of lust through his body.
“Solomon. Please, call me Solomon,” he says, leaping down to help her. “Let me hold her while you climb up.” Gently she places the five-pound baby girl into his waiting arms, and her heart almost stops at the sight.
“Good morning, beautiful.” He whispers to Hope and tucks her into his large barrel chest and makes sure her blanket is thick enough.
“You aren’t afraid to hold her? Most men